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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53700711 No.53700711 [Reply] [Original]

>be poor 3rd worlder with 700 USD salary
>this is actually pretty high considering cost of living, can easily save half every month
>save for a couple of months until i have 1000 USD
>hear term deposit certificates are paying a lot now due to high interest rates
>see like 15% for 3 months
>be about to put the money in
>"akshully this 15% is yearly interest so you're just getting 3 month's worth of this"
>run the simulator, this is like 10 fucking bucks, barely keeping up with inflation
what do i do now? i know enough to at least acknowledge i don't know shit about finances so i just wanna invest in something relatively safe that doesn't require playing 4D chess with stocks just to earn 5%
I see trust funds may pay 20-25% or so in yearly interest which is better i guess but i find the "akshully we cannot guarantee that 20-25% return and also here's the commission" really spooky
I have a stable job and can save good money for now, I don't need to gamble the little net value I have on some Indian-shilled crypto hoping to be one of the few lucky ones to get in before the Ponzi scheme crashes.
What's /biz/'s advise on low-risk investments? I'm just asking for a few percentage points above inflation and no bullshit ways to get scammed and lose it all

>> No.53700729

unironically all in 45% BTC 45% ETH 10% whatever the fuck, do your own research. you will at least x3 within the next 2 years

>> No.53702098


Buy real estate

>> No.53702197

>what do i do now? i know enough to at least acknowledge i don't know shit about finances so i just wanna invest in something relatively safe that doesn't require playing 4D chess with stocks just to earn 5%

that is unfortunately what you are going to need to do. I don't have any idea what real estate is like in your country but I imagine it is going to be pretty much out of reach for you without some sort of long term savings.

Maybe consider opening a business of some sort? I don't know what the business climate is like but there may be a niche

>> No.53702912


>> No.53702987

TLX baby TrustLock.xyz

>> No.53703246

Dude 350usd a month is nothing. Invest in skills and move to the first world

>> No.53703253

2 years to get 2k usd, holy shit you're stupid as fuck

>> No.53703275

buy and stake AVAX

>> No.53703291

I think that’s exactly what OP is looking for… low risk low reward. What’s your idea then?

>> No.53703384


>> No.53703869

Let's be serious. Investing in Trust Lock will finally make it possible for you to get a girlfriend.

>> No.53704318

Arbitrum has just found its secret weapon. Goodbye BSC hello TRUSTLOCK

>> No.53704664

Don't miss out on this biz.... With Trust Lock you will make insane gains...

>> No.53705154

Check out Trust Lock token frens - guaranteed moon mission right here

>> No.53705581

come on, its trustlock boom, this gem is gonna fly

>> No.53705611

happy valentines day, kumar.

>> No.53705755

when I was growing up and had no money you could just put cash straight into savings at 6% no strings. since I've had any money you can't earn 1%. now my account firm is offering 4.56% on $1000 and I don't have any idea whether that is worth it, I feel like it means interest rates are going up and I'll miss out on making 7% on that money somewhere else. Thoughts?