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53681091 No.53681091 [Reply] [Original]

Hi biz
I've been working on a little something to learn how chainlink VRF works.
It's basically a 100% on chain magic 8 ball, powered by chainlink, hence the chainlink theme.
You ask the oracle a question, it responds with an answer, then you can mint the result as an NFT (100% on chain, no IPFS or image link nonsense, so you will keep it forever)

It's currently deployed to goerli for testing, but the final deployment is planned for polygon.

I'm looking for a little feedback before I finalize everything:
1. Any better way of monetizing this? My plan is 1 MATIC to ask the question (chainlink costs money to use) and 1 MATIC to mint the result (you don't have to mint if you don't want to). I know this isn't a big money maker, but if anyone has any ideas how to introduce scarcity to these NFTs or a reason for people to trade them on opensea, I'd like to hear your ideas.
2. Anyone know anything about marketing an NFT project? I'm not a good shill, and just the thought of marketing eats away at my soul.
3. Any other feedback? Anything would be greatly appreciated

You can try it out at https://magicoracle.link/
If you need goerli ETH to try it out, you can get some for free here: https://goerlifaucet.com/
Or let me know and I'll send some

Also, now that I'm wrapping this up, I'm looking for something else to work on. If you're a solidity/web dev or artist and wanna work on a little project, let me know.

>> No.53681723


>> No.53681819

Cool stuff bro

>> No.53681827

Nobody needs chainlink anymore dumb retard.

>> No.53681931

>chainlink costs money to use
token needed?

Any way good work. As for marketing an NFT project, know that 99% of people are interested in NFTs solely if you can convince them that they can possibly make money from it, this seems more like a fun little niche activity site.

>> No.53682012
File: 5 KB, 263x263, tokenneeded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fren, it's a nice little side project to get into web3. I have no specific feedback without looking at source code, but I guess it seems to work, so nice job.
>1. Any better way of monetizing this
Use the experience you got by building this to build something more complex, cool and innovative during next Chainlink hackathon. Or add it to your resume and apply for some web3 jobs. Otherwise - I don't see how you could monetize it.

>> No.53682336

Noice, I'll try it later tonight. There's only one question I want to ask it

>> No.53682378

if your aim is to cover the VRF cost you could, if you wanted, use price feeds to determine the cost of a query, instead of charging a flat 1 MATIC fee

>> No.53682398

Wow, I would definitely buy a pay-per-use magic 8 ball. What a brilliant idea. I’m always amazed at the incredible use cases that Web3 unlocks.

>> No.53682436

how else would you know the 8ball isn't rigged? check and mate

>> No.53682438

Brilliant 4d reverse FUD

>> No.53682465

>A test engineer walks into a bar and orders 1 beer. Orders -1 beers. Orders 65536 beers
>A customer walks into a bar, asks the bartender what's up man and the bar burns down
I'll run some tests later, just a few basics, fren

>> No.53682500

Exactly. Imagine putting this software on an IoT device with a microcontroller and you can enter your credit card information and shake it and it gives you a trustlessly random response! If this magic 8 ball captures just 10% of the IoT market (which is a very conservative estimate), OP stands to make billions of dollars.

>> No.53682549

crypto buzzwords in a nutshell

>> No.53682552
File: 44 KB, 423x615, 1518586072139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah unfortunately I don't think there's gonna be any resale value on these things. I was thinking about doing something like fetching another random number in the request that would be used to change the appearance of the NFTs (make 1/100 a shadowfork theme or something), but then if you're just spamming it for that rare RNG roll it kinda takes the fun out of it.
thanks for trying it fren
I guess I'll have to finally join a chainlink hackathon. Have you done one in the past? What kind of stuff are people building for those?
sounds good. it will still be on goerli tonight, so it will be free to try
no noLINKers
based and definitive truth pilled
thanks, let me know if you can break it lol

>> No.53682558

I'll add that the problem with "NFT projects", and why I don't do them, is their inherent bagholder syndrome. For every "successful" NFT project you've heard of there are dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people who bought something inherently worthless and who now expect you to do something to make it valuable. You can see now why many "NFT devs" (many of whom just copy-pasted a contract) either ghost their creation or string it along forever because they feel bad. Some people can rationalize this but I really can't. The most interesting NFT projects are those that legitimately have a well thought-out plan

>> No.53682897

dude your web page looks fantastic. Teach me your ways, React anon.

>> No.53683117
File: 913 KB, 480x620, oraclecube4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be said for all of crypto lol, but yeah the only NFT I can think of with any use would be ENS
is this you? congrats if so

I basically just ripped off the curve.fi style lol. I like the older, simpler look. Then I went for a color scheme that looked good with chainlink + reminded me of my first computer that ran mac os 8
I have no eye for art or aesthetic, so I'm glad you like it if you're not memeing

If you have any specific questions about the front end stuff let me know. I'm still learning react too, so it's nothing too fancy

>> No.53683607

meant for >>53682558

>> No.53683640

>is this you? congrats if so
perhaps... Yes. I'll definitely take a look at Curve.fi's setup. That's a good point, to look at what other sites are doing and rip their stuff.

>> No.53683806

put it on arbitrum instead

>> No.53683882

I wish I could but there's no chainlink VRF on arbitrum yet for some reason

>> No.53684567

neat, you can use a commit reveal scheme to avoid using an oracle.
ebin bot

>> No.53684612

>I guess I'll have to finally join a chainlink hackathon. Have you done one in the past? What kind of stuff are people building for those?
Actually took part in 3, won some consolation prizes ("top quality" and some sponsor prizes) which was nice considering I only did it to basically learn something. Unfortunately Patrick Collins who used to run those events has left Chainlink Labs so I dunno if the upcoming ones are gonna be as cool, but my experience has been really positive. Great content and workshops, really cool prizes, awesome projects. I highly recommend going through the winner list from previous events

>> No.53684913
File: 84 KB, 658x878, 80s link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great project anon! I recently got fed up with being a neet and taught myself javascript and react. This is exactly the kind of thing I needed to see for building inspiration. I'm currently finishing up Patrick Collins' 32hr solidity course. Any advice on where an aspiring programmer should direct their efforts next? Ultimately, I'd like to land a web3 job at some point. Regardless, thanks for sharing your project with us.

>> No.53685058

>I highly recommend going through the winner list from previous events
will do, thanks
Very nice. Patrick is the best. One of the very few solidity youtubers that isn't full of shit. This project is basically a combination of his SVG NFT project and his VRF tutorial, so I owe a lot to him too.
>Any advice on where an aspiring programmer should direct their efforts next?
I would say take one of your tutorial projects and put your own spin on it, like I've done here. Use what you know, but don't get too comfortable. Make sure you learn something new with each project.
Good luck anon, maybe I'll see you at the next hackathon too!

>> No.53685236

I doubt anyone would be willing to pay to use a magic 8 ball, you'd probably profit more by making it free and running ads.