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53668862 No.53668862 [Reply] [Original]

"Why isn't this guy at work paying attention to me? It's NOT fair and it's making me uncomfortable!!!!"


You love to see it.

>> No.53668880
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im kinda like that just because i was fucked with so much by women including my mom

>> No.53668898
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>be working woman
>guy you and other hens think is hot joins office
>get ignored because lawsuit inevitable and also probably sub 5/10s
>duders get along well, lasses get proper cordiality and nothing else
>start to feel insecure about self
>elevates to massive insecurities about everything
>hen huddle commences
>plan to fire mystery man with power of vagina
>table it to ask room of supremely megafaggoted queers what to do


this will inevitably backfire when the rest of the team goes to bat for Dan and then it comes out in the wash that these women are shit workers and spend all day clucking around.

>> No.53669133

lmao at these double standards

literally sexual harassment

>> No.53669149

Probably has nothing to do with them being women and has everything to do with them being the type of weirdos who actively post on reddit. Who the fuck wants to talk to those people IRL?

>> No.53669179
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>> No.53669206

Reddit bait is so much better than this shit board. The trolls on that site are craftsmen. Le internet hate machine is falling behind. If I see one more retarded chudjak on this site I swear I will become a full time redditor because I’m tired off teen tier bait.

>> No.53669209

No one is stopping you from going back.

>> No.53669228

You’re a retard. Did you even read my post? Fucking teen

>> No.53669233

No I didn't. Didn't read the OP either. I don't read what Redditfags have to say, simple as that.

>> No.53669237

>I don't read

we have established this already

>> No.53669246
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>If I see one more retarded chudjak on this site I swear I will become a full time redditor

>> No.53669252

Ooo so edgy

Typical chantard virgin reply

>> No.53669261

I lost my first part-time job because of this same exact situation myself, it’s not a joke I would bet. I was about 19 back then and always generally pretty quiet and worked in the back warehouse area of a small company. The guy I lived with who set me up with the job got in arguments with me about me not going into the ladies personal offices when we walked in each morning to greet them even though I literally never talked to them throughout the day at any point besides that time. He got on my case about it so much I quit, still not sure why he got so pissy about it but he was scared I was going to assault him and threatened to call the police on me if I put my hands on him. Simps are the worst

>> No.53669265

Too long didn’t read

>> No.53669278
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Dont even know what to say

>> No.53669422

this has to be fake holy shid

>> No.53669457

Low-tier bait, I did it mysel, I ignored women at work and they do the same to you, they ignore you back. Maybe if ALL the men would ignore them at a workplace then they would worry, but as long as there is one simp, they do not care about one guy ignoring them. In fact, they prefer it if he is not a chad. Women hate when a non-chad approaches them.

>> No.53669458
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One time when I was starting highschool my first day in the class i started chatting to the guys on a short break and a girl sitting behind me tried to talk to me, I turned around and said "sorry I don't speak to women" in the most unironic way possible.
For years i used to think it was my autism making me do a cringe, but now it seems kinda based.
She was cute too.

>> No.53669463

of course it is fake. Been there, done that.

>> No.53669474

only chudcels don't talk to women
chudcel detected

>> No.53669480

I'm no different from the guy, keep all conversations strictly work-related and professional and don't go to social events. I know I'm seen as the weirdo in work, but I work hard so my male boss doesn't give a shit.

>> No.53669486


>> No.53669491

The autism generation will get it real rough and that's just between themselves

>> No.53669719
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>Accidentally make eye contact with woman in the gym
>Get 'tok'd
>Consciously avoid looking in the direction of any woman
>Reported to the gym management for being an incel
It's over bros.

>> No.53669731

This is an incel LARP.

I guarantee roasties spend zero time thinking about their quite male coworker.

>> No.53669805

My instinct was to upvote you, I'm an oldfag who uses reddit more now than 4chan this place has become a literal shithole of losers

>> No.53669828


>> No.53669977

projecting pedditor

>> No.53670019

well at least you got the “fag” part right

>> No.53670056

>"You know what reddit is don't you?"
>"It's that site you're not on"
>"It's that site you don't want to be on"
>"The one you tell people to go back to"
>"Yeah i figured you know what reddit is"
>"Anyway, i brought reddit to you since you didn't want it"
>"Read this TOTALLY REAL post from le ebin reddit"
>"Make sure to tell me how you feel"
>"I'm totally not going to plageurize it to make a reddit post"
You know what you are? A cunt.

>> No.53670092


>> No.53670129

I've worked in all female professional and none professional work environments. I can guarantee it's like being slightly mentally ill the amount of gossiping and hushed conversations that go on. Glancing up over desk dividers to see who's just walked in and if they can continue the conversation.

I've heard two other guys comment on it in two different work places without me even bring it up; I.e. a more recently assigned supervisor describing it as
>get the feeling this place is a bit of a snake pit
Indeed. Indeed.

I'd occasionally hear the other staff in there having full on rants about
>so and so

>> No.53670146

Oh.... and lest not forget the forced
I.e. playing secret santa when they've already all worked out who's buying what for who 5 minutes after drawing a name and then all end up just buying each other £10 generic Christmas bath soaps. And the continuous supply of sweets and cakes left on the side with them commenting about
>ooooo I shouldn't.... but I'm going to...
Generic sponge cake 3000

>> No.53670167

This desu.

>> No.53670450

probably first visit 2019 and considers himself an oldfag

>> No.53670490

>off topic /r9k/ turbo virgin fag bullshit
jannies clean this up now

>> No.53670565
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>> No.53670599
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>approach female coworkers
>get reported to HR
>avoid female coworkers
>get reported to HR

we just can win, bros.

>> No.53670623

not happy lol

>> No.53670636

lol that was such an obvious bait

>> No.53670696

Literal faggot, free pussy on a platter and he's not gonna try a sample

>> No.53670708

No please don't go we're nothing without you

>> No.53670736

>female coworker has a mental breakdown because I dont pay attention to her and dont talk to her much
>actually like her a lot and think shes very attractive but I know I have no chance with her anyway so dont see why I should bother trying (she even told me she has a boyfriend)
>out of a sudden she starts crying and stomping her feet and complaining to HR about me

>> No.53670780
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>wageslaving is so bad that you’d love to die by the hands of that guy just to be free from it

>> No.53670812

>letting mentally ill oversexualized demons from work in your life

>> No.53670846

-men love to overestimate their performance in bed
-men love to be praised by any woman
-men love to underestimate the lust of women
-men love to underestimate the boredom of women
-there is nothing more boring to a woman than to be fucked over and over by only one man
-men love to think that women love men like women love children
-men love women
-men love to service women
-women do not love men
-women are in heat all year long
-women see no reward for faithfulness
-women see the reward for sleeping around
-women see no reward for their virginity
-women do not desire to have only one provider for sex
-women do not desire to stay virgin
-women do not know how to stay virgin
-women do not desire to be prude
-women despise asexual Chads
-women fear of being asexual

>> No.53670864

I do this

>> No.53670874

I had a brain blast today when seeing all the chicks working at the store. In-person interviews/phone interviews are horribly slanted to women because if you get a woman interviewing you, she's instantly more sympathetic and with 50% of men being simps that means 50% of men won't give you a fair shake if a hot chick is applying to the same programming job or whatever. This is before factoring in all the actual discrimination written into law against men. Shit is so fucked from the getgo it's not even funny.

Based I also hate my mom.

>> No.53670887

ok bot

>> No.53670956

why do women think they have a right to social access to men?

Also HR is the female social enforcement department

>> No.53670974

Shit like this is why I just stick to industrial work. Get a certification or two and you'll never ever want for work, it's almost all men of varying degrees of competence, and nobody gives a fuck if you call them a name or make fun of their clothes.
I'm mid-functioning autistic, and I know I'm offputting to many women. Why would I EVER voluntarily put myself in a cage with a bunch of vicious, cruel, legally-advantaged psychopaths with an axe to grind?

>> No.53670978
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>one of the girls is considering go to HR about this
>Dan treats us like he treats clients we work with; cordial and strictly about business
Women entering the workforce was a mistake.

>> No.53671004

I am that timid quiet coworker and I'm pretty sure most people are barely even aware of my existence, let alone to spend their free time thinking about me and how to interact with me.

When you're the reserved quiet guy you just become a ghost to most people, which I actually prefer. Unless you're also extremely attractive of course, then you'll have attention on you no matter how you behave.

>> No.53671035

Stfu retard

>> No.53671056

Because society bends over to women demands. Short and ugly men are hated by society because women don't approve them while Chads are admired because women like them, despite the fact the "incel" could be much more useful for society than Chad. The western society is collapsing because stupid, useless vagina people are given importance while they are mostly dumb consumers of men's work and genius. Last based times were 50s were nobody took women seriously and gave no shit what they think.

>> No.53671079
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>> No.53671092

I've said this before, but God hates roasties. They will be sent to outer darkness when the second coming occurs.

>> No.53671099
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Image old good based times. Paradise destroyed by jews.

>> No.53671699

lol the gun misfed and is out of battery

>> No.53671795

Fake and gay.

>> No.53671804

Imagine being this much of a low T retard

>> No.53671811

no I won't do it

>> No.53671827

>founding of israel

>> No.53671853
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i think the problem is cities are basically big daycares for women. women today dont understand they literally could not survive without men, a medium sized dog could kill a woman. imagine if every woman were living on their own home with 1 acre instead of an apartment, they would realize they would need men to do just about everything and would start appreciating men more. but in the city men plough their roads, take out their garbage, do everything for them, so they beleive that they are independant. explainning to a woman how dependant they are is like explainning to a fish that they are wet

>> No.53671887

Only would a deep M individual risk 25 years for $200

>> No.53671888

I know of multiple cases where women were flirting with men at work (mutually, both sides were flirting), then the bitches went and filed a complaint because things went south and it destroyed the man's career with zero repercussions for the woman. When I say know of I mean that I know these people irl and can confirm that it happened. I don't know why women have brought things to this point and are surprised that some men treat them like they're radioactive at work.

>> No.53672004

What is a deep M individual?

>> No.53672285

Funny but something similar has happened to me
I'm not a Chad 10 but I do go to the gym before work every day so I like to think that keeps my attractive levels higher.
Anyway, when I first got this job I didn't give a fuck about it, I was flirting with any girl I thought was cute and they never even complained because of the idgaf levels. I hooked up with a few and everything and it was all going great.
However, there was this one girl I never talked to, because the day before I was going to, rumor got to me that she went to HR about a guy being creep (he kinda was). So I said I may not give a fuck but I'm not gonna outright just get fired for that so I swore her off and ignored her presence.

I'm sure you can all imagine that was also the wrong decision.
Turns out yeah, just like others have said, she had no qualms going to HR when a sweaty bald guy asked her out, but when it came to me, apparently she was deeply offended that I banged every other willing girl in the place before her. So she fucking goes to HR, and I swear to fucking christ anons this is real, you can't make this shit up, she literally tells them about how I'm fucking the other girls and that I created a hostile work environment because she did not feel included and that I was targeting her to ignore specifically.


>> No.53673101

They really should’ve blurred out the perpetrators face. Shit like this actually pisses me off, then people start ranting about race and shit.

We know what youre doing and you’re trying to incite shit. Take it over here >>>/pol/ and leave /biz/. Fucking child.

>> No.53673119
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>> No.53673289

Never stick your dick in crazy, retard

>> No.53673409
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>Fucking child
Get a load of this faggot

>> No.53673438
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>cities are basically big daycares for women
I wrote a paper back in high school like this for my female history teacher. I outlined how cities, government, and civilization in general stemmed from women needing collective protection and services from men.
She nearly got me expelled for it, but our principal held a meeting to talk things out. Things got very heated, but I kept a cool head and asked her to point out any flaws I had in my paper and where exactly I was irrationally "belittling females". Eventually I got it worked out to where I would be transferred to a different class, but she was furious when I ran circles around her logically and she couldn't create any reasonable counterargument. I was the king of the world that day.
I also got banned from the debate team for that, which kinda sucked, but it only goes to show they feared me imo

>> No.53673596

What a FUCKING chad.

>> No.53673688

We got a nigger over here.

>> No.53673697

>literally too well spoken to be allowed in society
Based Socrates anon.

>> No.53673741


>> No.53673748

It’s really pretty simple
>attractive plus flirting
>unattractive plus flirting
Sexual harassment

>> No.53673787
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kek those fucking holes wanted the me too movement.
innocent men have lost their careers on women's claims of SA. this usually happens when women are rejected (they can't handle it) and start making shit up.
now men want nothing to do with them and are not comfortable being alone with a woman at work

>> No.53673822

Looks like a poor version of female Trump

>> No.53673833

this is what you say when you sit at home and touch your dick all day
it's different when you have options

>> No.53673835

>trying to understand women

>> No.53673857


you are 100% correct. they're mad that they're not getting attention. they want guys to kiss their ass and act like they're their work wives. I guarantee you 100% they're all fat or at least unattractive. The guy in OP's post doesnt even have to be hot. Women just want attention and will play games to get it
>hostile work environment
>he said good morning to me!
jesus fucking christ...

>> No.53673861

>I'm not a dog that needs to be walked
Are you sure about that?

>> No.53673862

I can't even come up with a counterargument tbqh
Aside from some select autists, men only do more than tan their balls and jerk off in order to get women, hence civilization
Anyone who's seen moid planning could not disagree

>> No.53673941
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cry more nigger lmao

>> No.53674405

You mean the victim's face?