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53660868 No.53660868 [Reply] [Original]

>Every Ethereum Esl focused on “zk rollups” “starks” “layer 2s”
>ICP comes in and steals their lunch

Nothing personal kid

>> No.53660989

They're different. Smart contracts on ETH are immutable; they exist forever, but on ICP they aren't; they only exist as long as cycles are spent to maintain them. As such, ETH and ICP are for different purposes and which is why you should buy both.

>> No.53661041
File: 31 KB, 642x548, 1639105748943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you or somebody else needs to pay for your pregnantsonicspongebobtrump69420_inu smart contract if you want it to persist, otherwise it gets wiped out
yes I think that's a good feature

>> No.53661084

Kill yourself nigger

>> No.53661124 [DELETED] 

Actually a good question whether or not cycles apply to tokens like they do to canisters.
Not before I rape your sister/wife/mother and define your bloodline with my shitstained lineage, cuck.

>> No.53661146

Actually a good question whether or not cycles apply to tokens like they do to canisters.
Not before I rape your sister/wife/mother and defile your bloodline with my shitstained lineage, cuck.

>> No.53661192

ICP bros, is this true?

>> No.53661333

of course it's true. check the fucking dfinity website fucking drooling retard holder. All Tech is trading off scalability for persistence/security/sustainable and vice versa. This theoretical fact will always be true, as it's in the nature of disyributed systems themselves.

>> No.53661372

>tripple 3s
you seem to know what you are talking about

>> No.53662254

kinda sounds like a feature and not a bug

>> No.53662363

Eth better because it more popular right now. ICP only better if it get more popular. Simple as

>> No.53662480

How does ICP plan on solving the oracle problem?

>> No.53662567

>bezos deletes your frontend
heh nothing personal kiddo

>> No.53662649

last 2 digits is how many icp i slurp today

>> No.53662750

The internet computer puts the internet in the computer. That's why it's called internet computer. This fact is irrefutable.

>> No.53662816
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>upload cheese pizza
>ethereum is illegal

>> No.53662898
File: 353 KB, 863x862, bikemart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.53662930

Finally a funny post from you.
Only took you like 5000 attempts

>> No.53663067
File: 10 KB, 145x157, 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ban only ended today thanks to you bongwolke you fat turd.

Stay the fuck outta my way.