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File: 86 KB, 736x414, ezgif-1-354d2155f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53660601 No.53660601 [Reply] [Original]

how to profit off that?

>> No.53661617

That last fap must have been fire

>> No.53661639

What do you think he was thinking about for his last fap?

>> No.53661660

How did he die

>> No.53661677

its wrong to infer xim's gender like that. she could have been a woman.

>> No.53661691

I can't explain it to you. I can only show it.
If I succeed, you'll know. But it will pale in comparison to what another will do. That day is coming.

>> No.53661710

VR sex with random internet matchup?

>> No.53661716

Document history of coomers and throw ads on the website

>> No.53661779
File: 54 KB, 645x773, I+have+no+comment+_3d9fb85acd6f8893f1aa8f8a65ca25b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be laying around in Pompeii
>burning rock hits dick
>grab burnt dick in pain
>instantly get consumed by the volcano
>mfw everybody who sees my remains thinks I was jerking it

>> No.53661875
File: 2.16 MB, 326x250, url(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being hit by a 1000°C hot pyroclastic flow running at 500 km/h is not the most peaceful way to die.

>> No.53661887


>> No.53661903


>> No.53661920

imagine edging till the heat death of the universe (or at least till the sun blows up)

>> No.53661941

thanks for the info, I ever wondered (without wondering too much to google it) about how it worked out to preserve pompeiiians like that, but now it makes sense.

>> No.53661961

just cum faggot
what are you gonna do just neglect food and water? piss and shit all over yourself and let it just fester for decades?
goonfags need serious help

>> No.53661983

Being ejaculated on by Vulcan incarnate probably.

>> No.53662004

It didn't preserve them. They left voids in the ash when they decomposed and archeologists poured plaster in.

>> No.53662119

They were flash cooked within a second it's a pretty good way to go desu

>> No.53662149

hehe women don't have penises sorry sweaty not this time :)

>> No.53662176

Many of them lived for years you moran

>> No.53662203

If this guy didn't even have the time to realize something was going wrong and that he should put his dick away I'm sure his death was swift and near painless

>> No.53662533

Imagine jerking off to thoughts of Venus so hard that Vulcan gets reminded he's being cucked by Mars and flashcooks your entire city

>> No.53662588
File: 1.51 MB, 960x1408, 7EFE282E-5404-493F-BA95-371B93A9AF7B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53662629

oh, nice, thanks! so they just wholes in the ground?
Imagine to card that much

>> No.53662650

second replay was for >>53661961

>> No.53662732
File: 367 KB, 1619x2341, 1667525328042379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this reminds me when they found two men hugging each other and all the libshits were using that as evidence they were gay.

>literally enduring your world's apocalypse.
>Hell all around you, the reaper draws near.
>you desperately embrace those closest to you for a semblance of comfort and human contact in your final moments.
>those you embraced just so happen to arbitrarily be the same sex as you.
>your remains are fossilized
>thousands of years later they're discovered
>some pink haired troon uses it as evidence that you were gay.

>> No.53662858

I'd need a source on that senpai

>> No.53662902


>> No.53662919

>definition of woman: an adult female human
>definition of female: the sex that can produce eggs
even google is telling YWNBAW. wow im surprised trannies haven't redefined woman yet on google. im buying alphabet stocks.

>> No.53662929

Kek is this in a museum?

>> No.53663241
File: 217 KB, 2408x1996, f59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two volcanoes made eruption that day

>> No.53663297


>> No.53664124
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>> No.53664237

>oh, nice, thanks! so they just wholes in the ground?
Once they started digging they noticed the bodies created hollow voids ( filled with bones) where they body USED to be but decomposed . Once the plaster was filled in, even their clothes were imprinted on the plaster (some). They were like perfect molds.