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53652888 No.53652888 [Reply] [Original]

HRs and admins, receptionists have separate cabins at work. 90% of the time is wasted doing nothing

Engineers - have to be in cubicles, work 100 hours per week, get yelled on by managers.

Why fren?

I bought around 300 ETH and want to escape wageslaving. Is it possible soon?

>> No.53652905

hopefully chatgpt kills the hr and receptionist positions.

>> No.53652921

How will it kill? But seriously, these roasties have way too much power, no accountability, no work. They can pay they engineers more who do shit and bring in the money for the company

>> No.53653015

What kind of engineer are you Op?

>> No.53653205
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>meckanikal enjinear
>$63,000/year, 8 years experience minimum

>> No.53653215

because engineers are almost by definition lazy as fuck and on top of that let people walk all over them until they snap.

only way to stop this is to position yourself so you are indispensable

>> No.53653228

Study MBA and become become HR

>> No.53653315

Engineers just dont have the time to send the emails that hr roasties and management do. With chatgpt they just type some quick summary of a demand to another engineer and the jobs done. Also, the confidence. An engineer overthinks emails 99% of the time and probably rewrites and rewrites till the email is perfect. With chatgpt, you can delegate to ai with confidence your email doesnt sound autistic.

What else is left for these roastie hr types besides getting on knees and bringing in other diversity hires?

>> No.53653385

the reason you get yelled at is because your job matters, you are doing something necessary.
if the CEO goes to HR and they are all dead in a gas leak, nobody cares. It can wait.