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53632632 No.53632632 [Reply] [Original]

is there a bigger scam than a new construction development home? i'm more inclined to believe that modular homes are constructed to a higher standard.
>zoom in

>> No.53632653

>modular homes are constructed to a higher standard
I don't work in the industry so I can't say.

>> No.53632679

I don't mind that they're wood. I mind that they're 6 inches apart.

>> No.53632696

no idea where this is but i'm guessing they're $750k minimum judging by the small lot sized and implied land premium. now look at how poorly built the roof rafters are.

>> No.53632707

this, wtf... make them townhouses at that point...

>> No.53632722

at least you are not sharing a wall. Also the high price keeps the undesirables out.

>> No.53632748

a 4' gap is not much different, lol. maybe a little more sound proof, but you have no yard yet have to heat four sides, its like the worst of both worlds.

>> No.53632751

>at least you are not sharing a wall
>Blocks out all light
>See your neighbor on the shitter though their bathroom window
Good times

>> No.53632771

>now look at how poorly built the roof rafters are.
Why do you think every home needs to be able to survive an f5 tornado? You live there for a while and then you sell it. That's it. The roof isn't going to cave in on you while you're asleep.

>> No.53632772

also probably has an HOA to maintain common areas. jew developers love to suppress HOA fees at the beginning to get people to sign.

>> No.53632774
File: 1.80 MB, 720x1444, christian silver coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Christianity, Islam, Atheism, Capitalism, Communism, Democracy, just to name a few.

>> No.53632781

Depends what you pay I guess. In reality if I had the funds I would pay a japanese contractor to come over construct a home from mortise and tenon methods. Japs are still building homes to last 1000 years

>> No.53632813
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it's the principle of taking out a heavy 6 figure loan and buying the bank a second home in interest payments for what amounts to a pile of shit framed in a couple hundred man hours with absolutely no standards of craftsmanship

>> No.53632818

The japanese tear down their homes regularly and rebuild because they see buildings as depreciating assets lol, what are you even talking about?

>> No.53632974

Jap homes are built to be earthquake resistant, so lots of wood. Euro homes are built to last ages, Jap ones not so much.

>> No.53633079

I was upset at first but I think I might actually take the mobile/manufactured/modular home pill

>> No.53633106

what is the truth then, fren? Gnosticism?

>> No.53633177

maybe, do you think something good created this world or something bad?

>> No.53633209

the house is worth jack shit, you're paying for the land

>> No.53633248

>worth jack shit
yet you're still paying $200-300/square foot for construction, not including the land and land improvements.

>> No.53633254

I don't believe evil has the ability to create

>> No.53633338
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There are ways of having homes built that have their own names, for example a "passive home" is one that has proper wall thickness, insulation, thinking applied to angles of windows to maximize light in winter and minimize it in summer. A "fortified home" is one that has proper bracing to withstand severe storms. A "zero energy" home is one that incorporates some of advantages of 21st century advancements in energy. All of these together "I'll have one, please", it is possible and like most things the default is nowhere near at the level it should be, it's going to cost more, need architects, gc's, and specialists from distant lands who actually know what they are doing, etc.

>> No.53633416

waiting on 3d printed concrete homes to lower building costs and extend home lifespans and put drunk home depot mexicans out of jobs

>> No.53633474
File: 527 KB, 1400x916, Famous-filmmakers-early-short-films.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We don't have-a SPACE! We need-a space to LIVE and feel like we are part of the world, and not a kind of piece of object in a box!

>> No.53633493

Jewish construction, bricks are too good for americans

>> No.53633498

I prefer logs

>> No.53633791

>it's the principle of taking out a heavy 6 figure loan and buying the bank a second home in interest payments for what amounts to a pile of shit framed in a couple hundred man hours with absolutely no standards of craftsmanship

Exactly that. I wouldn't mind paying 500k for a home if it was made of stone and I thought that I could realistically pass it down to my descendants for multiple generations.

I'm interested to see how our shitty wood houses hold up, especially given that the wood used now grows at a faster rate, and is not as structurally sound as wood from trees felled 100+ years ago.

>> No.53635292


>> No.53635375

>i'm more inclined to believe that modular homes are constructed to a higher standard.
I don't think it's necessarily a higher standard, but it's a CONSISTENT standard.

A modular home is cheaper to build "right" than "wrong." If someone in the factory fucks up part of it, it won't fit together correctly. So it's cheaper for the manufacturer to hold their employees to a consistent standard to make sure it all fits together right.

A custom home relies on the people to want to build it to a high standard. Due to pride, craftsmanship, or a good GC who doesn't put up with inferior work from any individual (because he knows it'll cost him in the long run).
But for everyone willing to do a good job and do it right, there's someone else who just wants to do the minimum to get the money and not get caught.

>> No.53635632
File: 61 KB, 193x182, 1651426434881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the living fuck


>> No.53635681
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Nice, free head start on the rot as well

>> No.53635783

kek America is a 3rd world country larping as a 1st world with the ever dwindling resources

>> No.53635926

do you need a loicense to build a house by yourself from bricks in america?
Why is everyone buying those cardboard sheds made from partice borad that will rot for years before a tornado wipes them finally out

>> No.53636118

wow check out those joints. just another scam.

>> No.53636130

>just hear your neighbours arguing every night bro

>> No.53636148

I'm getting heart palpitations just looking at that.

>> No.53636189
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Bricks are not stones. I will fucking kill you britbong reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.53637914

It's not even *not* beveled, just beveled the wrong fucking way?

>> No.53637933

You need a license to erect a new building, but you don't need to be a licensed builder. You won't be able to get home insurance though, which means you won't be able to get a construction loan.

>> No.53638062

The lumber is folded 100x before framing.

>> No.53638065

you vill live in ze tinder boxes!!!

>> No.53638464

forced diversity hires?

>> No.53638479

yes and i bet they also had to get rid of all the wood for budget purposes

>> No.53638589
File: 321 KB, 1220x554, spring valley seething cityfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53638682
File: 2.42 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230209_121443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck America? Beams that hold up roofs are meant to look like this

>> No.53638727

All this and more for the low low price of $750k plus monthly HOA fees.

>> No.53638738

That's a column you fucking retard

>> No.53638829
File: 2.91 MB, 1816x770, fowlerville housing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could be surrounded by farmland for miles and builders would still choose to stack two-story homes on a 3000 square foot lot next to each other.

And don't expect any new recreation centers, schools, parks, trails, libraries, hospitals, grocery stores to be built with them. The additional tax revenue isn't making it out of government salaries.

>> No.53638860

Thats not how HOAs work

>> No.53638893

Japanese homes have a notoriois reputarion of being cheaply built

>> No.53638896

Ah yes the famous columns that run horizontally under my roof

>> No.53638917

America has homes like that too

>> No.53638934

American education in action

>> No.53639053

Nothing about this pile of scrap wood in the foreground makes sense. If a building inspector saw this he'd have a fucking legit pant-shitting seizure.

>> No.53639079

>Japs are still building homes to last 1000 years
Nigger please.
Not even their shrines, castles, and temples are built to last that long. Even those have to get rebuilt occasionally.
And as for small Japanese apartment buildings and houses? They are fucking flimsy. They are made cheaply with the knowledge that they will need to get rebuilt someday.
Only the huge, earthquake resistant commie-block homes are all that resilient.

>> No.53639093

>they're 6 inches apart.
this is why society is sick today

>> No.53639222

Well the oldest wooden building in the world is in Japan. It's been there without being rebuilt since 700AD (Horyuji temple main building)
But since WWII they've built their houses just as shit as America, maybe even worse

>> No.53639223


A house near me just sold for 515k. Utter piece of shit, but in a nice area. It had 1 br, no finished basement and 1 bathroom. The realtor tried to say it was 2br, but my gf and I saw it and it was barely a study (approx 200 sq ft). The house was around 1000 sqft, but they included the basement in that calculation (which wasn't finished). To make it even more shocking... a house two doors down from that sold for $380k in November AND had 200 more sq ft...

No garage, no lawn, no yard, no space, no finished basement, 1 BR and 1 Bath, 1000 sq feet... sold for $515k. Either someone got royally fleeced or there are serious shenangians going on in the housing market.

Im not even in the weird places like california either (im just outside of philly). I don't know anymore. I've been saying housing is a giant scam for a while, but its been 10 years now and maybe i've just been wrong this entire time.