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53632188 No.53632188 [Reply] [Original]

For all of my life I have had awful eczema and no cream or medication stops it. I also have hemorrhoids which itches constantly.
How am I supposed to make it? I'm constantly tired as I sleep restlessly from the allergies, so my colleagues think I am underperforming as I'm working with a huge sleep deficit all of the time. It also affects my relationships as I'm less fun to be around.
When I was between jobs I could stay in bed for 10+ hours, and I was like a different person. Cracking great jokes all of the time and full of energy. I simply can't have a normal life under these conditions, and my colleagues all think I'm incompetent because I live constantly with a huge sleep deficit.

>> No.53632205

are you white?

>> No.53632226


>> No.53632259

Get CBD cream. If you live in a recreational cannabis state get 1:1 THC/CBD cream instead from a dispensary

>> No.53632279
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schedule an appointment with a derma

>> No.53632290

youre fat, arent you? be honest...

>> No.53632356

I will try to get some

They prescribe me steroid cream which makes it worse

No, I was even competing across Europe in sports during my teens and it was just as bad back then.

>> No.53632385

invest in a milkmare. horse milk unironically clears up eczema for some fucking reason
also horse pussy on demand

>> No.53632412
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>a huge sleep deficit all of the time
I felt like this for 20 years. In my case, fixing my diet was the first step.
Second was breaking a long term porn habit.
Third was fixing my body (WIP)
Good luck anon
fyi to weedheads, I still smoke weed daily but much less.

>> No.53632475

I recommend Zudaifu and getting some online. You'll find articles saying it doesn't work and shit like that but I took the risk and it does a good job at helping clear it up. Diet will help with hemorrhoids. I had to completely cut out caffeine, cut back on hot sauce and other foods that trigger it. Working out and drinking a lot of water helps. Using coconut oil really helps out eczema and Hyland's Calc. Fluor. 6X tablets really helped me out with the hemorrhoids as it'll help you not itch.

>> No.53632496

Checked. To be clear, the Zudaifu helps with eczema.

>> No.53632579
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try fasting. start with a 3 day water fast and see if it gets better.
i had similar problems and it really helped. after some time I did it 5 days and now its completely gone.
everytime I have the feeling that its coming back I fast for 2 days.
restricting your simple carbohydrate intake also helps.

>> No.53632615

Fasting and carnivore diet

>> No.53632620

Try and find the 500 tablet one at the best price you can find. I guess they discontinued it but you might be able to find that if you look around online.

>> No.53632657
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Medical doctor here. My advice is the following:
1. Drink more water
2. Exercise regularly (3x per week)
3. Stop eating meat and avoid industrial fats
4. Jerk off to tranny porn 1x per day, preferably after smoking weed
5. Buy 100k hbat

That's it. Your life will improve so much!

>> No.53632671

Put alcohol lotion on your face for eczema

>> No.53632672
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Hbar, goddamn

>> No.53632688
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Don't. It will dry out your skin and negatively impact your natural skin barrier

>> No.53632712

have you tried undecylenic acid? i went to 4 doctors for redness and large chunks of dry peeling skin on my face, that happened suddenly. 1 doctor thought it was eczema, 2 rosacea, 1 didn't know. i went to doctor internet, concluded it might be candida overgrowth, bought thorne sf722/undecylenic acid and after a month added now oregano oil softgels and 1tblspoon of black seed oil 2x a day, and also apple cider vinegar. skin improved drastically in 1 month, pooped out lots of weird stuff around the same time.

a strong prescription steroid cream also worked on eczema on my leg, but you can't use steroid cream everywhere, like your face.

>> No.53632780

btw, if you try undecylenic acid, start slow, start with 1 pill then increase slowly to the recommended dose of 5 pills 2-3 times a day. immediate standard dose makes some people sick due to herx reaction.

>> No.53632805

I'm not saying this is the single solution, but it's at least harmless and low-cost: get a footrest and squat when you shit. You legs should be far apart that you can lean your upper body forward between them. You might find that the shit comes out remarkably easy.

>> No.53632817

you have colonies of bad bacteria/fungus/parasites in your gut. fast and then strict diet with no sugars, gluten and so on, only organic products vegies, fruits, rice, buckwheat and so on.

Considering hemoroid, I wiped blood of my ass for like a half a year while having a bad diet. In a week I fixed it by wipping my butt with herb brew after shitting, which mainly consisted of celandine, yarrow along with thymes and oregano, which I gathered myself last summer. I also drink tea out of that as well. Literally a week in and there's no more blood on my ass.

>> No.53632975
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I miss those days where I just did school and slept how much i wanted. i miss college. I would like to go back, but at this point the cost would be considerable. the opportunity cost of a salary, and the cost of tuition. college would be so easy if i went back. i've considered getting an RN since i've done all the prereqs for it. i don't want to be a nurse though, and theyd probably make me get vaxxed.

>> No.53633122

Dermaheu (spelling is exactly like that)
It’s from Thailand. Only thing that has ever worked. Steroid cream is expensive/useless.

>> No.53633323

Got rid of mine doing liver flushes. 1/2 cup fresh-squeezed warm lemon juice, 1/2 cup olive oil. Put into mason jar and shake until mixed. Drink with glass straw if needed. Lying on my right side or back. Took quite a few flushes for it to completely go away. I did them once every few weeks.

>> No.53633527

You probably don't want to admit it but cut out the caffeine from your diet completely. I did this a few weeks ago when I couldn't pin point why I was so beat all the time. I had the worst head ache ever after 24 hours. After that, I felt like a new person. Fell asleep easily and had better sleep over all. Pound more water on top of that and you will notice a difference. Not financial advice.

>> No.53633533

Flush niacin and water

>> No.53633862

Fellow eczema bro here (dermatologist told me a few years back i was one of the worst cases hed seen)

You need DUPIXENT. It took my eczema from 10/10 giga fucked to 5/10 kind of fucked still but way better. Im in canada though, if you are in the states good luck getting health insurance to cover it. Beyond that making it with crypto is your only chance. Us skin deformed lepers got dealt a shit hand and the game is rigged from the start

>> No.53633942

Try valerian tea before bed for higher sleep density

>> No.53634808

do you actually want to fix your shit?
like actually for real for real?

stop eating, i am dead serious, look up how much salt you need to consume with your water and stop eating untill you are cured. if you are fat you can go for months, my longest was 16 days when i was 18%BF

i would also take that opportunity to at the very least do home exercises if you dont wanna go to the gym so you dont use muscle during your fast.

if your a pussy all i can recommend you is sunbathing salons, the ones that have the blue rays. and remove all forms of sugar from your diet, i would go rice beans potatos plus green veggies and meat. (no fruit either)

but if you truly want your body to heal go to teh fasting general on /fit/

>> No.53634863


>> No.53634876

You could try doxycycline and Nicotinamide for a while, it's a less known remedy for some skin diseases. And even if you don't have issues, Nicotinamide is a good idea.

>> No.53634887

To elaborate, they've been tested as an alternative to steroids/immunosuppressants like prednisone, and are generally not as rough on your system

>> No.53634944

Get a bidet

>> No.53634955

Lmao this thread is going to be funny. Didn't you know 4chan even knows how to cure cancer?

>> No.53634980

>now its completely gone
>everytime I have the feeling that its coming back I fast for 2 days.

>> No.53634991

Buy some Calmoseptine to rub in your asshole and Aquaphor on the eczema. Thank me in 6 months.
>t. pharmacist

>> No.53635026

ANYONE, and I really mean ANYONE who is telling OP what to do is a retarded Jew nigger who should unironically jump off a building and kill himself.

Yes, doctors are morons but there is no way to tell where is eczema is coming from wihtout a full blood panel (including prohormones, hormones, rheumatoid factors, cytokine balance etc..). You all are like a bunch of fucking shamans.

>> No.53635042

do they ever train dumbasses like you to treat the root of the problem?

>> No.53635054

ah yes, a midwit

>> No.53635062

fasting and carnivore diet.
for break outs : rub pee on face. (fresh)

>> No.53635076

you don't need to know "where its coming from" you need to learn how to maintain a healthy body. he is consuming something that his body cant handle so he has "break outs"

>> No.53635102

Your niggerfucking mother who sucks 2 arab dicks a day is a midwit.
>you don't need to know "where its coming from"
Yes, conventional medicine ladies and gentlemen.
>he is consuming something that his body cant handle so he has "break outs"
That's not how it works. He should be able to detoxify it but obviously isn't. It's not what you eat, it's what you resorb.

>> No.53635116

Shut your broke ass up, bitch. You don't know anything.

>> No.53635157

Are you saying we are broke and you aren't?

>> No.53635187

Move to a tropical country. Unironically. My sister had the same level of it as you, if not worse, and when we moved to SEA, the 30c 80% RH weather cleared it up completely in two months.
Just try this out. Anon, book a 4 week trip to whichever tropical country is the closest to you, maybe Jamaica if you're a burger or the Philippines if you want to feel a bit safer. Just stay outside or in non air conditioned rooms for the entire time, take a shower once in the evening, and see if it gets any better. I know how you feel and wish the best for you.

>> No.53635191

>awful eczema
medical clay
t.niece had terrible eczema, screaming eczema

>> No.53635210

Eat nothing but beef and salt for 2 weeks, then eat nothing but meat salt , milk and eggs. I had terrible psoriasis and eczema and it fixed it and made me 10x more energized and slimmer.

>> No.53635216

get yourself some preperationH and use that from now on. Stop using regular toilet paper.

>> No.53635250

bro i have the same thing and i'm fine grow a pair jeesus

>> No.53635252

dermas are the worst. just glorified pharmacists

>> No.53635266

Don't give up Anon! You will find a solution.

>> No.53635698

I had it for 20years
I'm just so tired I can't kill myself cause I'm too pussy

>> No.53635758

I have cured 10 cases like you in the past. Read this book and you will be cured:

Mucusless Diet Healing System - Arnold Ehret

>> No.53635807

kike creams are worthless. change diet, remove all gluten, and try fasting a few days a week at least 18/6 and one day 22/2 or 24/0

>> No.53637570

I have the same problem, mostly on my shins but sometimes on my upper arm. Shit sucks. I never use the steroid cream. I sometimes moisturize the affected areas. I keep ice packs around to kinda numb the skin when it itches and that prevents it from flaring up at all.

>> No.53637761

medical clay"
medical clay!
medical CLAY!
you can get it prescribed btw
needs to be medical, not your backyard shit, though maybe that works idk i'd imagine risk of infection

>> No.53637788

Sir you need buy DIST to get to moon and stop anal!

>> No.53637801

checked and fr fr on God. or move to Japan

>> No.53638177
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1) Eat healthy. No oils, no carbs, mostly meat/fruit/veggies. Everything organic/grass fed. You'll know you're doing this right when there's only 10 sq ft in any given market that has edible shit.
2) Get pic related. Take 7-9 grams a day. Yes, I said grams.
3) Clean your house.
4) Take at least 4,000 iu of vitamin D a day and if you can, spend time in the sun. Morning and evening. Don't toast yourself. Make sure the sun hits your skin, otherwise it's pointless.
5) Most of all... make sure you're not black, jewish or gay. But really, manage stress by meditating. You have to counterbalance what made you unbalanced... or some shit. God speed!

>> No.53638214

coco butter for all skin, once after showering rub the brick all over, actually easier because it's a big solid brick
shea butter for the very dry skin, like lips, maybe face, scalp, arm pits, knees, groin, inner thighs
coconut oil for damaged skin and orifices like your pee pee hole and stinker

>> No.53638241


>> No.53638573

You could have an allergy or intolerance to some food ingredient. consider changing your diet and see if there's improvement. process of elimination.

I strongly suspect there's at least one thing agitating your condition. Dairy seems to be a common one, and people insist seed oils have nasty inflammatory effects