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File: 23 KB, 407x336, staking2-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53619474 No.53619474 [Reply] [Original]

This feels like mid 2018 doesn't it

>> No.53619505

>50 thousand dollars staked
>400 bucks of yield per 6 months
Sick dude

>> No.53619525

He gets a thousand dollars per day every day. It is pretty sick, I'm jelly

>> No.53619602

I don't know how to break this to you but I didn't spend $50,000 on my stack. I spent far less as I started buying in fall of 2017. I've actually already sold enough to have covered my initial buys. This is literally free money for me at this point. I'm sorry my images make you and the rest of the fudders so upset.

>> No.53620104

so wait. you also created a MASSIVE taxable event on top of only making 4% APY? LMAO

>> No.53620559

I sold my linkies when it was 40 bucks and never looked back Im not sweating it
But its cool to see OG anons making it thru staking as well

>> No.53620889

Wait so your free money is making more free money?
That sounds lovely anon!
Chainlink is the best asset on earth

>> No.53621091

I want to love LINK. I have 2k LINK. I don't care about my 2k LINK. I want to have 20k LINK.

Chainlink looks like it will be an integral part of crypto and all blockchains going forward. It's a very exciting prospect, and even more exciting knowing that most people don't get crypto and even fewer understand the potential for Chainlink.

BUT... can anyone tell me WHY the LINK token is needed? Genuine question. Is there any actual need for it inside the Chainlink ecosystem. Even a potential need is enough.

Right now, at best it's pure speculation that some need for the LINK token arises in the future. At worst it's a funding scam for an otherwise worthwhile venture.

Can anyone explain this?

>> No.53621212

You destroyed that faggot fudder. Same position fren. Got 50k Link (14k staked) with average buy of 50 fucking cents. I'm feeling the pump coming like I did on the pump to $20. This year should be fun.

>> No.53621214

Wait so your free money is making more free money?
That sounds lovely anon!
Chainlink is the best asset on earth

>> No.53621555
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based. fudders will be spending forever in a very hot place while staking chads will rule the world and bring peace to all

>> No.53622129
File: 105 KB, 1149x197, 5.31.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53622616

Oh, how sweet the taste of earning one link,
My stake is strong, and oh, what a thrill
It's the start of a journey, I'm still learning
As I stake more, my rewards will soon be spilling.

From staking, I'm gaining more than I had thought
The rewards keep coming, even when the pool's been closed off
The future's bright and I'm feeling quite content
Because I'm sure I'll be earning more than one link.

My stake is growing, now I'm feeling quite proud
The rewards I'm reaping, make me laugh out loud
My friends can't stake, because the pool's been shut
But I'm still earning links, so I can't complain a lot.

No matter what the future holds, I know I'll be fine
My stake is strong, and it's growing all the time
The rewards will come, no matter where I am
As I stake and earn more, I know I'm in the right hand.

>> No.53622639

The pools have closed and we have no control,
For those of us who failed to stake our Link;
We feel so mad, so angry and so cold,
That we missed the chance to join the flink.

The pool opened, we saw no warning sign,
We thought we had time, our minds were so sure;
But now the pool has closed, and we are left behind,
So many people, so much to endure.

The early holders, the ones who did stake,
Are now the chosen ones, the ones with the key;
We watch in envy, like a snake in a lake,
As they reap the rewards, while we remain in misery.

Maybe the pool will open once more,
But that doesn't mean we'll get in line;
We'll try our luck, and then take our score,
But still, we can't help but feel left behind.

>> No.53622657

The pools are closed and the spot is gone,
The early holders had their fun,
And now we're left behind in pain,
For the spot was taken, we can't complain.

We missed our chance to jump in the pool,
And now our dreams of fortune are a fool,
We should have staked our LINK and prayed,
That the pool would give us a way.

But now the pools are all gone,
We've missed out on our chance for a new dawn,
For those who held their LINK early on,
Have gotten the rewards, we are just gone.

We've been left out in the cold,
And all the LINK have been sold,
So now we must accept our fate,
As early holders bask in a great fate!

>> No.53623351

think about all the money you lost since 2020 while everyone was making x100 with SHIB, DOGE, and just about anything else. Enjoy your $5 a day.

>> No.53623388

Imagine if you new anything about charts and sold for ETH or BTC august 2020. Dumb fuck! Could have had 20 million by now.

Enjoy your $10 a day though, im sure its worth it!

>> No.53623431

>you hold chainlink and only chainlink
I hate this angle

>> No.53623486
File: 358 KB, 750x593, 1675817219565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less returns then a high interest savings acc with FDIC insurance

>> No.53623494
File: 109 KB, 213x257, bleak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3k link holder over here

>> No.53623507

I don’t know how to break this to you but yield is calculated based on the current market value of your assets stakes and not your cost basis.

>> No.53623562

nobody cares, leave the board pajeet. link is a faggot charity case for a fat russian neckbeard with a no-use-case product that read some whitepaper by some WEF cocksucker and thought it was cool and used his rich daddy to fund it.

But you're paid by the post and (yous) so here you go.

>> No.53623677
File: 132 KB, 843x837, ty5wo507u2v21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
