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53607233 No.53607233 [Reply] [Original]

I have to be up in 7 and a half hours for work but I can't stop drinking..
There is no way to profit from this.

>> No.53607396

At least your doing something to sooth the pain in your soul

>> No.53607527
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I wish it didn't take alcohol to make the pain to go away.

>> No.53607538

ask your dad to buy you a house so you don't have to wagecuck

>> No.53607702

I know that feel, fren. But, unironically, it goes away without the alcohol. Booze destabilizes your emotional state - and I don't mean while you're drunk. Actually especially when you aren't drunk. Cleaning yourself out for few weeks would help a lot. When you're drinking regularly, those hours between getting drunk are so dysregulated. You have bad thoughts, rage or despair in waves. It smooths out when you aren't drinking. I swear. I also spent the entirety of last year high-risk abusing alcohol. I only barely managed to make it through Dry January but I'm glad I did. It was my second time trying to take a month-long break and the first broke after 11 days. Dry out long enough to reset your baseline. At absolute worst, even if you don't feel better, you'll look way better. Plus when you're not drinking you get to pig out on anything you want without guilt. McDonald's was my anti-drink tonight.

>> No.53607732

I feel you I haven't even taken 2 weeks off from drinking in the past year. I do want to take an extended break though.

>> No.53607758
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Forgot my image. I'm not out of the woods yet really, but it really does get better.

>> No.53607847

If you don't have a reliable source of adderall you can buy Bronkaid ephedrine over the counter at most pharmacies, you just have to ask the pharmacist for it

>> No.53607870
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Thankyou Fren.
I know sobriety is the better way I had 3 years sober before but I'm 4 years back on the jew juice and it's at the point I'm getting worse and worse each week. I want to be sober again but OUCH.. ACK.. my soul..

>> No.53607887

I don't live in jeetland or Mexico

>> No.53607920
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It's good you at least know that. And you're right it is sickening to be beholden to the stuff, it's practically the definition of "right where (((they))) want you".
what's the pain you're trying to drink away, anyway?

>> No.53607948

I drink too fren, but manage to keep it in check. Exercising isnt a meme, it will help your brain out big time and lift up your mood. Just find something you like doing, it doesnt have to suck. I like to life weights but others like cycling or rock climbing or whatever

>> No.53608058
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> "right where (((they))) want you".
(((they))) got me again..
>what's the pain you're trying to drink away, anyway?
Sometimes I feel like it's all for nothing.. I don't want much, All I want is a cozy cabin far away from (((them))) a qt wife 2.4 children some chickens and a few goats but (((apparently))) that's too much for a white man to ask in 2023. So I just slave away for schlomo goldstein, I hate my life.

>> No.53608105

Proud of you man….keep it up. Qtr pounder with cheese or Big Mac?

>> No.53608110

Yea this sounds like good advice. Throw in a small trust with a few million in assets that throws off enough to maintain it and provide a comfy lifestyle and you should be good to go. It’s literally that easy.

>> No.53608126
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>Exercising isnt a meme.
1000% agree it's the only thing that kept me sober for 3 years but I just fell down and can't seem to get up again.. I really don't want to go to rehab again...

>> No.53608140

I didn't even make it all the way through dry January. Feels bad

>> No.53608153

I'm thinking of doing this with all of the family properties

>> No.53608164

please anon, for your own good, please stop.

>> No.53608505
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Honestly, I take it back to Adam and Eve. "Cursed is the ground because of you, and through painful toil you shall eat of it". It's the human condition. Now there are some """reasons""" for drinking that sobriety won't fix, but I genuinely think a fixation on this kind of demoralization narrative is something that abstaining would, genuinely, help. Lord knows the world doesn't need one more white man crippled by a chemical disease, crippled in body and mind. Some ubermensch. But again, I'm there with you.
I got a daily double (kino sandwich) a bacon mcdouble (also good - I ditched half the bun though) with a free large fry on the app and a medium coke. I ate it all in the car on the way home and parked on the street because honestly, silly as it is, it's a comfort-habit I picked up over the years. Fuckit, cue the Punisher "Because I liked it, hell I loved it!". Beats drinking.
Don't feel bad. I did the same in September. Said I wanted to walk into my 28th year (birthday in October) clear-headed. 11 days in I broke. Thought about doing October - didn't make it a day. But I made it through January, start to finish. Tried a newyear youtube yoga routine too, made it about 19 days but it was a MAJOR help during that time.

Like I said I'm not capital-S Sober but I feel good about this and anyone else fighting the stuff. It's hard but worth it.