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53549506 No.53549506 [Reply] [Original]

Working at Mcdonalds was infinitely more mentally harder than the 1500 hours I have poured into game development, programming, design and art.

Prove me wrong.

Hint, only mcdonalds workers can prove me wrong and all the people that were good at the job will agree with me. So many people only do 1/4 of the job at mcdonalds and thats why your order is always wrong.

pic related. Moron has no idea I make games.

>> No.53549527

honestly it is. You have to clock in when you really don't want to, and then look at a screen of 20 orders of big macs and then put them together. fucking tough and draining :( devs don't deserve to eat

>> No.53549532

How the fuck you’re able to code, design and art, yet you’re worked at McDonald’s? Are you retarted and you code in html?

>> No.53549576

Of course it's harder, you're basically being extorted to do something you don't want to do at all.

>game development
The way you talk about it makes it sound like a personal project. Now try turning that into a career with a company and shareholders / whatever and see how easy that is. It's really the same thing: work that you don't want to do, which is always harder than work that you actually feel like benefits you as a person and feels rewarding.

>> No.53549625

I can concur..
Back when i mc waged at the age of 16 I was in charge of the entire grill (hamburgers, chicken, bacon)
AND the entire fryer, save for french fries (mcnuggets, mchickens)
the fucking beeping..
and those lazy fucks who only had to put the sandwhich together and toss fries, don't get me started

>> No.53549766

any job paying $30 and under is infinitely harder than NOT making any money saying you're working on a project. kek. faggot. your game will never come out.

>> No.53549786

I bet his game sucks too lol
>Working at mcdonalds is harder than working on my game
Gee, I wonder why....

>> No.53549833


all of us faggots are in your board so you might as well make us unpaid beta teesters faggot OP.
im being serious. if you give me a discord link, I will not beta test your shitty game and give you constructive feedback.

>> No.53549848

There's a reason foodservice is poorly paid and populated by literal retards.
>t. former retard

>> No.53549850


Congrats, you've learned how the world works where there's little correlation between effort and earnings.

Being forced to shove cocaine up your ass and mule for a cartel for $0 is harder than a McWaging.

Being snatched off the street and enlisted in the Ukie army for like $100 per month and a 90% chance of a Russian drone dropping a grenade on your head while you're asleep is a lot harder than the shittiest minimum wage janitor position in the US.

Being a billionaire with multiple companies staffed by high-skilled minions running everything is pretty easy. You can lay in bed for a whole week and you will still earn vastly more than the guy breaking his back in winter to climb up 200 ft and repair a windmill.

>> No.53549905

there's a reason blacks and hispanics work at the non-franchised, corporate owned ones and fat whites and dindus work at the franchised ones.

>> No.53549951

But you made more money in McDonalds? Of course it'd be harder

>> No.53550012

Mindlessly filling orders is mentally draining because it is not stimulating.
However judging by your English skills I think you actually had a hard time taking down peoples orders or remembering them, so you're just some retarded jeet who makes shit games and has an overinflated self worth.

>> No.53550016
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It was 20x easier to l2code and get a bullshit degree to break into the industry then it was to go through nursing school. Nursing school is way easier, but way more draining and tedious, whereas l2code was so straight-forward it felt like a checklist. I knew x and y, which was relevant to the jobs I applied for and then I learned the rest on the job. With Nursing, you have no fucking clue what could happen. Every day is a gamble.

So I get the logic OP, I agree.

>> No.53550030

Mcdonalds is only "mentally hard" if you have free thought, because no matter what your are doing or how well you are doing you know in the back of your head not only are you too good to be working there, but you are also paid far to little for what you do. It isn't actually hard on any level. You take order, you make them, and you hand them out. It could only be considered "hard" if you are running a busy store all by your self.

Developing games isn't a real job either.

>> No.53550726

>working maccas night time drive through
>harder than consulting
if maccas paid me half as much as i make as a consultant i'd go back there in a heart beat.

OP, give game or be fake and gay

>> No.53550760

what do you consult? how do I convince OP to let us test his game, this faggot hasn't responded and I am afraid we got duped again anon but maybe there is hope. OP, don't be a fag. I'm not making any money right now and have time so I might as well autistically pick apart your game with some other similarly unemployable anons on this board that we're all on right now. REPLY BACK OP YOU FAG.


>> No.53550767

working is for immigrants. Education is for the white man

>> No.53550797

okay but how do I profit from this if I'm not educated, have no skills, don't want to work that hard and want to make money ($25/hr is a minimum for me to afford life in my shithole).

>> No.53550974

>the fucking beeping
I remember not being able to sleep because I'd be hearing that shit in my head. I know guys that have been working there for 5+ years, I don't know how the fuck they manage to do it.

>> No.53551021

It's physically more draining, hell maybe emotionally too, but it is really not mentally harder than coding. come on.

>> No.53551089

Not really, it’s just physically taxing, unless you think niggers flipping burgers or filling fry chutes is mentally straining. Also you aren’t a game dev, you’re a mediocre retard making mediocre shit filled middleware. Artist? Programmer? Game dev? Stfu lol.

>> No.53551106

Some people thrive off mentally challenging tasks espeically people with shit like ADHD whereas food service is actual hell because you are just doing the same monotonous task over and over while overweight inbreds ordering more food than you'd eat in 3 days for one meal yell at you for something a literal actual retard on makeline screwed up

>> No.53552071
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I work in a large brand hardware store and have to deal with both DIY scum and professional 'tradespeople' on a daily basis.
I pray every day for the sweet release of nuclear hellfire

>> No.53552447

it's basically fucking hell when they stick you on drive thru while the nogs work grill.

>> No.53552478

lmao you got so butthurt you made a new thread?

Must suck being sub 100 IQ

>> No.53553789

McDonald's was the hardest/worst job I ever had
Glad my parents forced me to work there when I turned 16 though because it unironically looks good on your resume
The Jew wants to know that you can put up with having a miserable job

>> No.53553846

>more harder
>1500 hours
>nothing to show for it

>> No.53554027

> game "development"

>> No.53554043

Game devving is dead board games are where it’s at just launched my 3rd successfull kickstarter git gud noob

>> No.53554047

I have done game dev and I disagree that shit is way harder than wagie jobs. Only time in my life where I got actual headaches.

>> No.53554131

Yup agreed, if your not working with like minded people you feel like gonna lose it.

Also I hated working with women, they are lazy, do the bare minimum, and keep talking non-stop.

>> No.53554305


>i'm mad somebody told me I'm too stupid to be a dev
>guys, agree with me pls
People on the internet have no idea what they're talking about. You should ignore their arguments most of the time as they're separated from context at all times.
This includes you, you have no idea what you're talking about, "mentally hard" is not an objective metric and you should consider that just once maybe you'd said something stupid
This includes me, and my argument is invalid, you're probably steven hawking's younger brother jeoph

>> No.53554365

yes, but only because it is like being tortured in a white cell for 8 hours, literal mind melting work. The lack of mental stimulation made me want to hurt people

>> No.53554404

i used to work behind a fryer and theres a 99.9%+ chance im significanly wealthier than you are now. some people just aren't born into money and connections and have to work that kind of job to get money initially.

>> No.53554471

Did you hate it? I worked a fryer for a summer in a hot brick outside venue, I wanted to pass out a few times but I got to hang out with guys and girls my age who were cool at least. It was an alright experience overall

>> No.53554483

I turned it into a pleasant experience waging by trying to see how much of the store I could take over and getting my numbers good. I liked being able to take an order and have the entire process finished by only me in 3 minutes while the other dude cleaned. I also liked figuring out flaws in the system to steal money. Easiest way I figured out was taking a cash order and not ringing in the receipt, then saving it to run later when a slightly lower value ticket came through that was paying card. Do this a couple times and you would have a $50 cash order worked down to only a $4 order that you could cancel without suspicion, and the amounts people were paying were only about $3-4 away from their actual order price

Incorrect, education is for women. 6/10 graduates are women and 90% of scholarships go to women. Education is not for white men

>> No.53554547

1500 hours = ~35 weeks of full time work so OP is barely out of the honeymoon phase of working on his game. brainlet take for him to decide what's easier at this point, both tasks have their own challenges anyway

>> No.53555304
File: 50 KB, 750x734, 1514939807062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude flipping burgers sounds so fucking fun for a summer job opportunity and i'm feeling it. you feel it?
>Kitchen Staff Summer
>Choose your fast food franchise!

>> No.53555676

Why are people conflating emotionally draining work with cognitively draining work? I'm a dev, it's a fairly cushy job but it is difficult. Flipping burgers is simple but you are basically a human robot.

>> No.53555702

If you think flipping burgers is hard try working in a fucking warehouse you limp wristed little worm.

>> No.53555713

dev work is honestly the biggest fucking grift and I can't wait for real AI to blow your asshole open

>> No.53555810

you cant even fucking write english properly yet you think intelligence is innate and not learned
OP, I 100% agree. It is harder. I often think about how ungodly easy my job is. I was a software engineer for two years and after getting two consecutive promotions at leBigCorp TM, i am essentially a manager. Like other anons have said, its not about work. Honestly its barely about intelligence, at least in the midtwit book/skillsmart ways retards like the one quoted above think. Its almost entirely positioning yourself to succeed in the future (Always progress, Always look for likely/consistent wins, and ALWAYS only take risks that you are okag with losing) and a little bit of luck ties into how fast that success snowball starts.
Anyone saying otherwise is midtwit ego.
This doesnt invalidate grinding either, grinding lets you essentially roll more so you have more opportunities to succeed if you continue to put yourself in good positions

>> No.53555934

>Unity assetflipper calls himself a game dev

>> No.53556233

its not because its "not stimulating", that is nonsense

>> No.53556346

Yes low wage jobs are hard and exhausting.
Higher tier ones generally take a lot of time and organising.
Some people are just not smart enough for those though. Like I give clear step by step instructions for months on how to do things (semi semi tech) and they manage to fuck up. I show it with images, they fuck up. I talk to them in person, they fuck up then forget everything. I correct them, and guess what happens next. Then there are people who don't need any instructions or need it ONCE. There are both men and women in these two categories.
Idk if it's an IQ issue or something but people are very obviously not equal and a Mcjob is the best some can do.

>> No.53556404

>Try being a manual labour slave
Uhhhhhhh wagiebros

>> No.53556425

It depends on what the work is. There's a massive number of fake companies which do nothing and the devs just churn out crap day in and out because that's what is asked of them.
There are also companies who are pushing technology in some useful way, and the dev work there can be impossibly complicated.

Neither of these can be replaced by AI. In the former, the ones who tell devs what to do can't even operate Excel half the time. You think they're going to manage prompting and testing? lol
The latter is genuinely at the forefront of civilization, and if AI could do it then humanity would become redundant.