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53536762 No.53536762 [Reply] [Original]

White people will go extinct in our lifetime but no one cares

>> No.53536832
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You're an incel and have no children

>> No.53536840

that's thermodynamically impossible

>> No.53536841

Not enough white people care. It would be simple to take control back from kikes but whites refuse.
If it happens, they deserve it for their inaction.

>> No.53536854

eventually we'll be forced to fight back, probably won't be in our lifetime though

you're probably terrified to say the Nigger word, redditor. Post "nigger" or forever fuck off back to your work safe board you fucking faggot tranny

agree with this too

>> No.53536893

No, you see, they have decided that white people don't exist because races a social construct, but the white race should disappear because it's evil and colonizers and racist, and also destroying races and cultures is unspeakably evil, but white people should disappear.

All clear.

>> No.53536917

(((They))) have made it impossible to even discuss ((their))) repulsive actions. It's not even a secret that they dominate finance and media, you can see it simply by researching the CEOs and Presidents and Owners of the most powerful banks and media companies. Anyone can do it with a cellphone.
We don't do it because we've ben conditioned to think that even suggesting something like that is EVIL, that it makes us just like the nazis.

Can't fight an enemy if you're not even capable of seeing him.

>> No.53536923

I used to care but must of my "fellow white brothers" are assholes anyways on top of not caring about self preservation, so again, I don't care. Let the world become africa for all I care.

>> No.53536987

I used to care, until I realized that to save the white race, you have to save white women. White women are beyond repair at this point.

>> No.53536993

You will go extinct in your lifetime.

>> No.53537027

My boomer parents act all smug and say that they are happy about it because the immigrant folk do the jobs the whites don’t want to do and they say they are happy to see them get ahead of whites in our own country because they pull themselves up by the bootstraps.

Jews really fucked up the white races brain

>> No.53537114

Orania is doing well

>> No.53537121

I'm having white kids right now. Building an amazing shitcoin portfolio. Generational wealth will be built on Arbingus

>> No.53537140

pol9k incel thread

have sex, seriously

>> No.53537168

Very foolish thing to think. If the various stadial ages and other extinction events couldn't kill us, then nothing the jews do can.
White pill for you: right now there are more white people alive than at any other time in history.

>> No.53537177

I care

>> No.53537189

They're all old and past reproductive age

>> No.53537214

This is the finance and business board. Why are you shitting it up with this thread?

>> No.53537240

US, Canada, UK, Europe, Russia, Greenland, Iceland, Australia, Parts of Africa, New Zealand, Parts of south America, Antarctica, Japan[le honorary whites as designated by lord jesus hitler]
Wasn't enough. Over half the world just wasn't enough. I feel so bad whenever I look outside and see the volumetric black chimney smoke genocide gas chambers they're thrown in. Bird people.. I

>> No.53537269

White people especially white women are the biggest accelerationists goy cattle libtards who are enabling this.
Jews must be do proud of the work, their white goyims are doing. Probably for the good when they’re enabling shit like >>53537125

>> No.53537363
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>muh median age
Hey retard, check picrel. There's still more than twice as many of us than the next largest contingent at every age. That's the issue with Whites, we're just too industrious and powerful. (((They))) wouldn't spend the time and money to propagandist so hard against us if they didn't have to. The truth is, if they didn't, we'd have hanged them all by now. Amd even after spending all the money that they could print, it's still not working. It's only making the younger generation more bitter and ready for a fight.
You can whine if you want. You're just giving in to them. As for me and my household, we're just going to keep doing what my family has been doing for generations: Winning. Prkjyj

>> No.53537395

Nice fantasy you got there, kikel.

>> No.53537406


Et tu, incelus?

>> No.53537463

the wheat and the chaff
let the race traitors die/be murdered and allow the white race to be cleansed from their liberal stupidity. the remainder will live happy yet hard lives and will carry the generational torch to a new age and ages to come

>> No.53537521
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The sea is big and full of water but is tainted with salt, rendering any little salt unusable.
I'm glad crackers are going extinct hopefully their shitty ideas in making everything equal too women, gays, niggers, and the environment die too.The typical 3rd worlder is unironicaly more based than a pillow case wearing cousin fucking kkk bumpkin.

>> No.53537544
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>> No.53537555

don't worry i will be spreading my seed far and wide in the orient

>> No.53537570

You sure do sound insecure. I hope it doesn't have anything to do with your race's persistent inability to feed yourselves. Until Whitey came along, that is. You should really be slightly more appreciative to us for feeding your children and preventing infant mortality. But, pearls before swine, as they say.

>> No.53537747

you look very nearsighted in those glasses