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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53516561 No.53516561 [Reply] [Original]

The curse of being Mr. Predictor is not being able to reap the gains of my prophecy.

I leave you with these powerhouse coins for the month of February:


>> No.53516901

seems like a miner's game, they've been chugging away for a year and have loads to sell

>> No.53517204

literally no volume + already at $4.5 m mcap

>bitttensor (TAO)
didn’t launch yet. legit project with utility, but reading the whitepaper I realized that it’s simply too tech-oriented for normies to catch on to it. low memability imo - hope I’m proven wrong though

this on the other hand has everything going for it. first mover, ease of access for retards, high memability, competent team so far, and the perfect storm to take down onlyfans

>> No.53517263

the tech buzzwords are a strength imo, it makes the project seem more legitimate despite both the neural network and token not really having a clearly defined purpose. the tokenomics make it an easy sell - it's bitcoin, but with AI. but as with bitcoin it all depends on what the money behind the project wants to do. people historically have bought bitcoin because bitcoin whales have been masterful in their use of capital to make their narratives appear legitimate

>> No.53517289

4.5M marketcap... like that's a bad thing?

>> No.53517322

Eh I guess I was a little hard on it. I’m just doubtful about where it’s gonna go from here. A lot of memecoins die in that range

>> No.53517347

yeah but the difference is that it isn't a meme coin? actual development, usage and customers. Anyway I'll stop because then I'll be accused of being born in india lol.. but for sure a 10 is still very realistic IMO

>> No.53517923

I'm about to load up on IMGNAI now that it's dipped again. Easy money.

>> No.53520030

That dip was delicious.

>> No.53520051

Ah so the three shitcoins that have been relentlessly shilled here for the last couple of weeks. How convenient

>> No.53520058

Fuck off faggot

>> No.53520833

We're about to send IMGNAI to a new ATH. Get in while you can.

>> No.53521424

unfortunately i do not have the funds
(erc-20s.eth if you're feeling generous)

from my personal analysis,
200M is imminent, billion dollar market cap expected by the summer; wishing wealth and prosperity to all

>> No.53521499

If I make it from this coin, I will send you $2k in eth

>> No.53523252


>> No.53523604
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>> No.53523630

Fuck off begging foreign nigger post your face and hand with a timestamp proving you aren't another ESL scammer cause I guarantee you don't.

>> No.53523664

I got to 100k in the dip yesterday. What's your plan? Wait for normie FOMO or sell soon?

>> No.53523739

Normie FOMO, this is the OnlyFans of crypto :D

>> No.53524262
File: 50 KB, 646x566, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wagmi imgnai bros

>> No.53526067
File: 74 KB, 512x512, B96407CB-82DA-486E-8381-800CD14955DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imgnai is fucking insane. Wish I had more $$ to throw at it

>> No.53526223

It's complete and utter shit. I asked for 3 things now, and the 3 times it was unable to make what I asked for. What's with all the hype over this literal piece of fucking shit?
Is it only good at making anime? Here's an example of what I asked for, and it sucked.

>"Abraham Lincoln being killed with a chainsaw by George Washington"

It just gave me Lincoln sitting on a chair, holding a Chainsaw in the left hand. Complete and utter failure.

>> No.53526296

Nigga. It's V1 and a month old. Look how far the project has come since it's started (they have comparisons in the TG). There's been an exponential increase in quality and they are expanding operations even more now. There are whale wallets dropping 50-100 ETH in this.

Also, you can use an image to train it before making that command. That's all you had to do lol

>> No.53526482

Meh, from a Norman perspective, that's not at all engaging. I tried it, it sucked, I don't want to try again. Elevel Labs and the voice thing was fucking amazing, and worked amazingly from my first try. I burnt an entire day fooling around with it.
I'm guessing this ImgnAi shit is the cryptocars, cryptogods, or whatever the fuck for this run. Lame af. Good luck though, hope you make money. No cap

>> No.53527031

Damn. I almost aped in $5K yesterday on imgnAI...those images I saw in their telegram groups were crazy.

I can see this blowing up big. Literally just saw someone drop over $10K into it....fuuuuck me.

>> No.53527446

Am I finally gonna make it anon?

>> No.53527531

Yeah, I say Axie Infintiy of this cycle. It most certainly can grow and has a lot of room to improve, but it’s first to the market and is building a following and awareness. And if I’m right and the bull is on, then this coin is headed to 1b plus. Plus it’s Eth and not jeety Bsc.

>> No.53528211

How high will imgnAI go? 1$ possible?

>> No.53528427

Only retarded niggers and 5 dollar jeets living in their slum shitholes cant see the potential of IMGNAI. their community growth like pimpels on fats incels and the meme game will catch up easily.

>> No.53528594
File: 58 KB, 512x512, DF51AB0D-93B9-44B9-921F-6362BD74FAAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ImgnAI and the K coin both did really well for me. I expect great things

>> No.53528758

Is IMGNAI really a sloot slayer? I want to tap into the simp market