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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 285 KB, 720x1031, Screenshot_20230131-142931_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53510250 No.53510250 [Reply] [Original]

Interlinked >>>>>>>>53477060 #

news and updates:
>Terra Rebels is dead, they rugged the community for $150,000 worth of LUNC and gave it to Discord mods
>Joint L1 Task Force with Ed and Zaradar has lost Jacob & Notional Labs (due to Z+Ed's faggotry)

official /tlcg/ validator is finally launched, delegate with it so we can vote in our best interests on governance proposals:
>Nova: https://terrasco.pe/classic/validator/terravaloper16e75e62ztl6yzkulfck0p99d4cua9zjcdarnsz

official nova discord:
>discord (dot) gg (slash) SVqaGAPH

exchanges supporting offchain burns:
>binance, coininn

helpful links:
>Terra Rebels Website
>Terra Finder for Classic
>How to stake on Terra Station
>HCC LUNCPenguins
>Bridge Wormhole LUNA back to Terra

>Ed Kim
>alex forshaw

>LUNChads anthem (Listen 3 Times Daily to Sustain Pumps)

>> No.53510263
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Seriously, I think this would be actual utility that would get LUNC veing spend, not just acquired

>> No.53510398

Based poo in the loo raper

>> No.53510620
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Not even Indian myself

But if you want people spending LUNC and not sitting on bags, the question needs to be posed;

"How to make LUNC a better option to trade with than Fiat"

And when you have 500 million men who will hit on a painting, there is a huge untapped well of utility for "3rd party trades"

>> No.53510792

camaan runcha wen we ryeee

>> No.53510967
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None of these proposals matter since nobody is actually building anything significant on the chain. You can have the best proposal in the world and it still won't do anything because anyone who could actually implement it is a grifting faggot who wants to be paid $12K a month to do nothing. BTW even if some golden proposal somehow gets implemented it will just be taken down by subversive queers just a few weeks later.

>1.2% burn tax
>Requires a proposal for a proposal for a proposal for a proposal to implement, whole process takes months

>Reversing the burn tax
>Happens within weeks and, strangely, seems to require almost nothing

>> No.53510982

Here we go boys...

>> No.53510995

>makes entire thread around his ludicrous proposal
Just delete this you shitskin

>> No.53511143


> Implying that I don't recognise that shitskins are massive coomers and we should exploit that

I aint going to cry if Deepak's village doesn't eat curry for a month because he spent all his peas on getting a femboy with cat ears to give him a shoutout

So long as we get LUNC moving anyway

>> No.53511226

DNP bros, he was right all along. No leadership, no utility, no use case, no plan, no future. What once was, will never be. Lunc is officially a shit coin. Even meme coins have more potential.

>> No.53511385


Salvation lies in thirsty poojeets

The fact that Indian men will thirst and simp over girls is a consistent maxim. We are effectively using this, with all the suredness of a functioning stablecoin, to generate utility for the chain

The only people who are mad are Do Kwon, as this idea implemented would be tantamoubt to price gouging

>> No.53511439

Just build this shit yo self lunc will moon. Bitch ass lunc will moon side stepping this lit af shit >>53466992? WTF? sus af
Lunc will moon fr fr no cap.

>> No.53512325
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>acting like screenshots don't exist
and you still have him rent free making lies like that? Desperate fud, lmao.

>> No.53512373

friendly reminder...
luna was successful because of stablecoins
without them, it's just another shitcoin

>> No.53512854

>what once was, will never be
Read what I said retard. Everyone, including biz, was riding zaradars dick hard at that time. The nigger was putting out good mediums and ideas, and essentially showed signs of leadership. Nothing like that exists today. All the hype and momentum that lunc had is damn near extinguished. Anons go ape shit if they see a +.5% “pump”, that’s how bad it has become. How about you post some screen caps of what DNP said after he walked away? Nah, that would only prove my point.

>> No.53513092

>everyone dick rides zaradar
I personally never did, but then again I always keep a healthy dose of paranoia. And I didn't look that far into the guy. Sometimes I just know fairweather when I see it. Anyone can fizzle out, no matter how much promise they may show. Truly productive proposals can't take off so long as Allnodes has the stranglehold either way. Right now everybody else's vote is at best polite suggestion mumbled from across the aisle.

>> No.53513414

allnodes will always be the biggest validator so essentially you’re saying there’s nothing that can be done and lunc has been successfully muted and killed?

>> No.53513522

Yes, lunc is fucking over. How many faggots have to come out to prove it? Everyone directly involved with lunc unironically don't want it to succeed. Until lunc gets under new ownership which it won't it's dead.

>> No.53513653

>LUNC is dead
Long live LUNC

>> No.53513687

just cause you say le funny meme phrase doesn’t change the fact that lunc has been destroyed by kikes.
the entire reason blackrock attacked Luna was to destroy the most successful independent stablecoin to make way for government CBDCs

>> No.53513948
File: 166 KB, 918x1497, 0F9FDA58-3C76-4686-8553-7F65336FAECE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just cause you say le funny meme phrase doesn’t change the fact that lunc has been destroyed by kikes.
>the entire reason blackrock attacked Luna was to destroy the most successful independent stablecoin to make way for government CBDCs

>> No.53513957

LUNC 100$ BABOONA. Le funny meme never dies.

>> No.53514064

Ex TR dev who left with zaradar is trying to setup a payments sdk, but nobody even cares or gives a shit about him. He got scammed 6million by cosmos helpline and nobody cares. nobody cares about adding utility to this shitcoin, just endless drama and grifting money.

>> No.53514112
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As above, so below, LUNC has a crash, LUNC has a rise. Normalgroid radically extremist radical extremists tongue Myanus.

>> No.53514135

This is a good idea. Someone needs to pump my bags

>> No.53514185 [DELETED] 
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Ok so what happened with Wraped luna?
When is Binance going to give us the new montly numbers?
will they count wluna numbers as burn numbers?

if so..I imagine we'll see a small pump due to burning like 500b lunc or something

>> No.53514480

Kek, peace on out hommie, these lunc will moon fudding fr fr no cap.
Bust a cap in their assets my lunc will moon. No cap.

>> No.53514671

of course this gets ignored

>> No.53514785

>i-it's just a gamble with my lunch money, fudder!!
>i-i don't care if LUNC goes anywhere or not! i s-swear!
>why is it rugging?!
kek, we warned you retards. you were the pathetic jeets the whole time.

>> No.53515167

>Read what I said retard
>1 post by this ID

You're using a computer and phoneposting to reply to yourself? rofl, the fud is so obvious.

>> No.53515300 [DELETED] 
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>>53510250 The daily reminder that POOlyjeet is a curry scam with bots and paid shills, also paid fake, gay and useless "partnerships"

sell while you still can

everybody hates jeets and your smelly scam

>> No.53515315
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>> No.53515328 [DELETED] 
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same is the case with the Queen

>> No.53515514
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The daily reminder that POOlyjeet is a curry scam coin with bots and paid shills, also paid fake and gay useless "partnerships"

sell while you still can

Instead, buy LUNC

everybody hates jeets and smelly jeet scams

>> No.53515533
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same is the case with the Queen

>> No.53515614
File: 96 KB, 1080x1080, LunaClassic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna Classic is the greatest cryptocurrency of all time. Expert AI predict to reach a price of $1 USD by the end of the year.

Luna Classic is developing a revolutionary decentralized ecosystem and social network. Currently, it has 6,900,000,000,000 tokens. It previously had an ATH of $119 so getting to $1 will be easy once the supply is burnt down to under a 1,000,000,000,000 tokens. Roughly 38,000,000,000 tokens have already been burned totaling 0.5% of the total supply.

One of the biggest advantages of cryptocurrency is the ability to reduce the total supply by burning a set amount of tokens. The more coins a particular coin has the larger the supply and the more likely it is to see a price collapse in the future. Cryptocurrencies are a fundamentally deflationary currency. Luna Classic will have approximately 1,000,000,000,000 tokens by the end of the year. It will burn tokens to offset the crash and other transaction costs. This leaves the remaining token supply at 1,000,000,000,000 tokens. At current burn rates, this should take under 1 year.

The entire Luna project is focused on decentralization and its founder, Do Kwon, is no longer involved or anybody employed. It has a team of multiple development groups working on various L1 & L2 aspects of the blockchain.

>> No.53515960

May OG here. All I do is ignore fud, compoond daily, and use the USTC rewards to buy other crypto. Don't care if I don't make it, the passive income is worth it.

>> No.53516181


>> No.53516258

You know what? Fuck this. I can't take this anymore, torturing myself by checking LUNC threads daily. Things just look too legitimately dire, while delusional anons try to write it all off as just being fud
All we needed to do was to find a way to burn goddamn 99% of the supply in less than a few years, and yet we're further away from that now than ever before. All we've had so far is pointless drama, infighting and grifting to set us back
So I only have one question at this fucking point:
My LUNC stack is on Terra station, and my password and seed phrase are secure.
For one year, I just want to get the FUCK away not only from everything LUNC-related (including these general threads), but also from crypto altogether
Do you guys recommend that I still check on LUNC once a month for the sole purpose of seeing if anything has changed in regards to my LUNC stack still being safely stored on terra station? Or do you believe it should be secure enough where I don't have to check monthly and I can completely ignore this LUNC shit for a year, after which hopefully things look much more promising?

>> No.53516337

Just compoond every now and again.

>> No.53516462

unironically not a bad proposal. If only to begin to drive some development and use on chain. The longer term flow on effect would be though LUNC may attract attention then for having a functional and used payment system for subscription based services. This attracts the right type of attention as it doesn't matter what the service is currently used for, it's the proof it woks seamlessly/flawlessly.

>> No.53516590

Holy shit the lack of comprehension being displayed here is embarrassing. I bet you felt good after posting that too

>> No.53516717

Duude, just turn on notifications on your phone in case of a giga pump, thats all, those threads are just for fun and to shit on jeets and kikes, go chill, and also compound from time to time

>> No.53516955

That's not how you do it you fucking retard

>> No.53517140

Yo sneedeo, tú sneedeas, él sneedea, nosotros sneedeamos, ellos sneedean

>> No.53517277
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Reminder this cum guzzling onions faggot lurks here. Say something nice to him.

Fuck off back to Iran retard.

>> No.53517441

Damn was hoping shit would be more postive since that Duncan proposal (even if its dumb) was supposed to start voting today. But its just as negative as ever. Honestly thinking this is probably over.

>> No.53517520

Dubs confirm.

LLL69 eats outta Do Kwon's 2nd hand Southern Korean ass.

>> No.53517659

Just a reminder that this tard sperged out in DMs and thinks we don't have any link to NOVA. kek.

>> No.53517838

Thanks for the free publicity, dipshit
This isn't a team sport
Allnodes is an existential threat to the chain and all this fucking imbecile can think about is tonguing zaradar arsehole because he doesn't like the other flag

>> No.53517848
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(((They))) are saying porn will save le chain, wow just love to see (((them)))
>every single time

>> No.53518022
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Bullish as fuc on Lunc

>> No.53518178

Word of advice, if you have a shit stack, take it off TS and spread it across multiple CEXs and set up sell ladders. If you're in the tens of millions, keep some on TS for staking, and some on exchanges with sell ladders. This way you got your bases covered and you can go fuck off away from this tranny shit. If you decide to keep everything stacked on TS, well, if some clown world shit causes a giga pump to happen, you have to wait 3 whole weeks before you can do anything. In that time, all the sers would have redeemed by then. If the opposite happens and lunc goes down the drain, you're lunc is going down with it.

As for me, I'm not going anywhere. I will be fudding my bags for as long as it takes. These faggots make it too easy for me not to. Good luck anon and try not to kys

>> No.53518204
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>> No.53519716
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So wtf is going on with WLUNA? I think the classic shuttle is supposed to be shut down now but I don't see any major happenings with the price for LUNC or WLUNA.

>> No.53519902

I'm genuinely not unstaking until we get to 0.003. By then, the momentum in the next 3 weeks would hit 0.01 to 0.10 and I'll take profits. If the USTC repeg burns LUNC faster than swaps could, then I'd shit myself because we'd be at $3+ in less than a month.

>> No.53520318

yeah, keep dreaming, fuccboi.

>> No.53520325

you have to have at least 100m for staking to even be worth it

>> No.53520344

how come nobody gave a shit about allnodes having 40% of all staking and therefore a ton of voting power before like 2 days ago?
why is everyone so mad all of a sudden?
something smells fishy about this sudden outrage…

>> No.53520393

they don't even have 40. they'd barely get 30.

>> No.53520423

so why is everyone so mad all of a sudden?
it’s not like it was a secret before this.
it just feels like more
bullshit drama. is every crypto community like lunc? where there is nothing but nonstop squabbles and drama?

>> No.53520517

why did everyone suddenly start talking about the merge?
the same usual suspects are behind this.
luna shills and jewish saboteurs as usual. there's a huge contingent of luna baggies who want to destroy lunc, and what better way to to use "security" concerns as a way to discourage people from building on lunc, chains interfacing with lunc on ibc, or 2una dapps to launch on lunc?

>> No.53520540
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so this whole saga is just 2una niggers trying to undermine lunc by pretending to be helping?
how subversive.

>> No.53520645

Keep changing IDs, nigger. I got more LUNC than you at the start of the fall, bitchass nigger.

>> No.53520703

This allnodes shit needs to be fixed ASAP. All it takes is them getting hacked, “hacked” or already having been hacked at some point and it comes out and destroys everything. In the mean time like you said, nobody will want to work with lunc because of the contagion risk it would introduce to their protocols, dapps, etc.

>> No.53520842

So, that was the 31th and nothing happend...

>> No.53520869

bro the 1.2% burn will be enabled and this shit is going to SKYROCKET . two more weeks

>> No.53520903
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>> No.53520912
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lunc is a scam and cz is a scammer

>> No.53520976

everyone knew they were the dominant validator at around 20% VP but the scandal is that theyre hosting double that, with access to the seedphrases of every validator on their list

the issue is that if allnodes is compromised for whatever reason then the entire blockchain is fucked

its a centralized vulnerability that threatens your bags and mine

>> No.53520986


>> No.53521239

WLuna is locked out forever. Gotta wait a bit before the sentient living market picks up on the new circulating supply and recalibrates. 300 billion coins are gone, baby.

>> No.53521295

When is binance giving this month burn numbers?

>> No.53521347

usually the end of the first week or the 2nd monday of the month, i forget which one

>> No.53522514

they arent gone, though?

>> No.53522525

That's the ultimate copium, but I have a bag so I'll go with it. I don't know how much attention you've been paying, but things really are looking like shit, so you have to consider the worst case scenario as well. Even the frens don't have a backup plan for everything going on atm. One of them shilled a top secret paper they were working on, but that was 2 weeks ago and we haven't heard back about it since, unironically.

The only hopium is that Jacob and/or another group of devs overthrow zaradar.

>> No.53522537

nigger that wasn't me

>> No.53522569

To double down on this, It's not just a terra issue
which is why Jacob is making it a big deal.

>> No.53522720
File: 40 KB, 1296x361, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shilled this on /biz/ 3 days ago @ $.003 and got called a jeet scammer
I shilled this 2 days ago on /tlgc/ @ $.006 and got called a jeet scammer
I'm shilling this today, again on /tlgc/, @ $.013.

A legit project, with a legit dev who funds his own work as well as all the contract work that gets done, all from his own pocket. In stark contrast to the shit show lunc has going for it. Don't sleep on this. I'll be back again to remind you guys after we drop another 0.

>> No.53522921

You will shill the 20 days from now on /tlgc/ @ 0.000000001 and you will be called a jeet scamming faggot. Now go kys.

>> No.53523008

>they have to make and pump new scams and post about it here to try and fud
Just bought another million lunc because that's so undeniably bullish I couldn't not do so.

>> No.53524050

fuck off with your eth scam coins. I'm not paying $50 in gas fees to swing eth shitcoins in 2023