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File: 56 KB, 1000x541, fightclub_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53508921 No.53508921 [Reply] [Original]

>prioritze your other priorities
>we must have that report nobody reads in 2 days
>don't do that report anon, we have another server that needs an upgrade now
>don't forget to update mike about the latest SQL job

I just wanna go out after work and hang out with some dudes and do bad stuff, but not criminal stuff

>> No.53508961
File: 102 KB, 1070x1200, Du66V2wUYAA3eOz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember in the 90s when the worst thing ever was when you had an indoor office job in a private cubicle?

>> No.53508969

in a way yes, that's what the movie is about. you can have a on paper perfect life and live better and more safe than 99.99% of all humans ever yet be unhappy and long for adventure

>> No.53509805

Do it then.
What's keeping you?

>> No.53509877

That movie is a gay fantasy. Watch some interviews with the author. He just likes to write about dudes fighting shirtless. Be threw in the other stuff as a cover. Whenever someone brings up the muh subtext he just nods and agrees but its obvious he just likes dick. His newest book is about a balkanized us where fags have their own country.

>> No.53509882

nothing in particular.

but that's not my main point, more that this 30+ office life is quite bad

>> No.53509917

This movie is always in a top 10
No matter the category,drama, crime, mystery, comedy
Jews only do it because there is a close-up of a black dick kek
The movie is shit.

>> No.53509949

>I just wanna go out after work and hang out with some dudes and do bad stuff, but not criminal stuff
What the fuck kind of a conclusion is that?
So you want to get drunk? Go to a cigar bar? Go to a strip club? Go to a fight club? Fuck escorts?
I'll never understand degen behavior.
All degens complain about their lives, but their lives are terrible because of the terrible choices they make on the daily.

>> No.53510071

Also didnt even read the OP at first. So you saw a movie and now you know that work sucks and hangong out with the bros is fun? What is even the point of this post kek.

>> No.53510105

that people above 35 should answer if they feel the same

>> No.53510148

Yes office jobs are not fun hanging out and being free is better and we are all here to obtain freedom through finances. But that movie is gay and getting beat up wont make you feel better. Getting hit in the face hurts and you can easily die or become more retarded.

>> No.53510188

>I just wanna go out after work and hang out with some dudes and do bad stuff, but not criminal stuff
Fucking pansy ass faggot. If you wanna be a man, be one. Don't half ass it, you walking failure of a man.
You either go big, or you go home.

>> No.53510190
File: 701 KB, 2176x1812, Screenshot_20230110_214355_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prioritze your other priorities

I'm so tired bros.

>> No.53510242

why is biz like this? you can't just discuss things without getting insulted

>> No.53510253


>> No.53510258

if anyone else who worked for a long time feels the same, compared to watching this movie when you are like 22

>> No.53510267

>that people above 35 should answer if they feel the same
Better hobbies than getting drunk, fighting, etc.:
>Surfing, skiing/snowboarding, owning a boat
>Writing, drawing, painting, etc.
>Owning and shooting guns, gun competitions (Steel Wall, 3 Gun, etc.)
>Owning a business or rental properties

>> No.53510269

>I wanna hang out with other bicurious dudes
You know gyms and gay clubs do exist anon. You can just live out your fantasy, it's not hard.

>> No.53510293

>Owning things is a hobby
Kek are you implying you go hunting or fishing because simply owning a boat or gun isn't a hobby unless you're some kind of collector

>> No.53510378

No you's to that other retard who can't even read.
Yes, owning guns/boats/campers/etc. allows you to eventually do any number of things with those items.
Guns = get into competitions, go hunting, etc.
Boat = go fishing, take the family out, travel to different areas for the weekend in the summer, etc. Maybe even get into chartering and renting it out if it's big enough and you live in an area that supports that kind of thing.
The point is: there are any NUMBER of different hobbies you can get into, at ANY price point, that can make your life more satisfying.
The CHEAPEST hobby to get into is reading more books (/lit) and writing/drawing, since you can buy plenty of paper/pens/pencils for a few bucks.
If you can't afford an expensive hobby, then don't get into it.

>> No.53510442

i will never be contrarian enough to defend sitting in 2 hours of traffic a day so i can move some imaginary objects around on a computer screen for 45 years until i'm too decrepit to do anything else. if you defend that you've given up, there's more to life

>> No.53510462

gay as fuck hobby
I would rather kms
Waste of my fucking time as a hobby, you're not going to retain the majority of what you read anyways unless you re-read your books in which case you're not doing it for fun anymore

>> No.53510523

>you're not going to retain the majority of what you read anyways unless you re-read your books in which case you're not doing it for fun anymore
>Doesn't take notes while reading

>> No.53510585

I have a system of highlighting, folding the corners of important pages, and using asterisks. I have taken notes in the past, it's less efficient than highlighting, and then you still have to re-read the fucking notes. You don't know what you're talking about. You've been beat.

>> No.53510612

The author didn’t direct the movie. Not saying you’re completely off base but directors frequently completely change the meaning of their source material.

>> No.53510709
File: 34 KB, 260x322, What smart students know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't retain information after reading a book once, then you're either not going to make it, or you need to work on how you study. I'm being serious. Most people can retain information after they read something. Maybe something like pic related would help you be a better student at life.
Also check out "How to Read a Book" by Mortimer J. Adler.

>> No.53512759

>Also check out "How to Read a Book" by Mortimer J. Adler.
Skimmed it, faggot. No one can retain information from reading something once, you will only retain a loose outline or random facts.

>> No.53513812

No assembly required. Try 'em out

>> No.53513854

Okay then just sit on your couch and watch family guy then, I don't care.
Why NPCs ask these questions and then get pissed at the idea of having fun?

>> No.53513912

Your idea of "hobbies" are all demoralizing and gay. Have some fucking imagination.

>> No.53514197
File: 285 KB, 755x708, Pepe_big brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53514243

I go to the gym, but, actually getting anyone to go do these things with you is a nightmare.

>> No.53514365

If you actually read it then you'd know what the book says about how to actually retain the information. You take notes in the margins, and then after each section you summarize to yourself what you just read so that your brain cements the mental connections better.

Books, texbooks in particular, are the most effficient ways to learn anything you want to learn. You just hate reading because it presents a mental challenge and lack of overstimulation that the modern world has taught you to respectively avoid and embrace.

Also I don't know why the fuck so many people miss the point of Fight Club. There's a Tyler Durden inside of every single man, and modern society has become pozzed and cucked to the point that we aren't allowed to even acknowledge he exists. As a result, men don't learn how to channel this in a healthy way and when it does come out, it does so violently and leads to guys embracing these clownish hypermasculine ideologies that are inherently destructive and self-serving, while simultaneously being afraid of any healthy behaviors that might be perceived as faggy or feminine. This is how you get monumental retards who say shit like this and think they're being remotely profound


>> No.53514471

Drive your car off a cliff that should be exciting you fucking faggot

>> No.53514931

just quit your job and gamble it all on doggy coins, adrenaline good when numbas go up.
alternatively these are good too.
also shoplifting is fun, fuck carrefour.

>> No.53515451

those are quintessential masculine hobbies you ginormous faggot