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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53492860 No.53492860 [Reply] [Original]

Verify thyself without doxxing.
< 1m mcap.

>> No.53492867
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>> No.53492878

ICP's Internet Identity and NFID already do this

>> No.53494205

lots of vc scams and big corpo projects claim to do this yes, but its good to have community driven project too

>> No.53494805

Interesting idea, been looking for something like it but where's the whitepaper? My guess is they use a centralized oracle for actually verifying the data from the accounts instead of a DON (for the publicly accessible data). If so, anyone know of a platform where they don't?

>> No.53495118

the dev:

"but I don't want to waste time explaining what I will do... instead I just want to show the world the mvp of what it does. my first efforts (which you can see on the coming soon) for actual identity utility is for:

- anonymous aggregate user stats
- anonymous trustless raffles (with conditional entry)
- sharing (optional e2e encryption, via link, qr or API)

once I have those out and a few other claim options then I'll pivot to community building, content writing, partnerships, roadmapping etc.
^^ when this launches the landing page will explain enough to get people understanding things. you can see it now at the staging server if you wish.

whitepapers are for projects building for tomorrow... we're building for now.
staging server - https://seal-app-3dbz6.ondigitalocean.app/
give me a month or two tops and you'll all have a wholesome view of the project and some ways to actually use it."

>> No.53495149


probably nice pnd. dont rly see it winning the game

>> No.53495195

Thanks. I saw this being shilled yesterday but that thread lacked info about the project itself. No one really understood wtf it was for. I’ve been checking out the Twitter and the dad seems pretty engaged. It’s nice to get in on some new projects that don’t scream pump and dump, at least on the face of it

>> No.53495295


At least it seems kinda genuine effort but its still too vague technically. Best case scenario is that it will have traction because its competing against the big orgs but I have hard time believing it will win them in the end. Could be just a scam project too lol

>> No.53496157

It looks like this was kickstarted in Nov, so it’s still very early. I think it’s considered to be in the “prototype” phase atm. The dev even states on his own site that this could fail which is a complete contrast to most jeet scams I’ve seen shilled here. Other anons who have shilled this over the last month have mentioned that the dev team is made up of people who are known in the field.

It -seems- legit, but anything can happen I suppose. It’s something I’ll keep on my watchlist

>> No.53496411

holy fucking ESL

>> No.53497424

I just impulse bought some then started reading about it lmao. If we make it to a top 1000 shitcoin I'll be up 20x. But yeah, the dev seems like a nice guy on the telegram but also a bit... "off" in some way.

>> No.53499226 [DELETED] 

If you actually look into this one it becomes obvious pretty quickly that it's most-likely legit. The problem is that it's early days, and we're still in crypto winter, so naturally it's getting hazed and faded like no other. All par for the course, really, but I do get a kick out of seeing how /biz/, of all communities, has taken to this one more than anywhere else I've seen so far.

>> No.53499373

If you actually look into this one it becomes obvious pretty quickly that it's probably legit. The problem is that it's early days, and we're still in crypto winter, so naturally it's getting hazed and faded like no other. All par for the course, really, but I do get a kick out of seeing how /biz/, of all communities, has taken to this one more than anywhere else I've seen so far.

>> No.53501225
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Apparently only 25% of the supply is in the dev's hands. Locked on a 4 year vesting. The other 75% were used for liquidity and the LP tokens burnt.

>> No.53501314

That’s interesting. I wonder if the dev is ok with this being shilled here seeing as to how he wants to keep things low key for now, although that thread from yesterday put it up +100% lol

>> No.53501411

> I wonder if the dev is ok with this being shilled here
Considering that he plans to fund the project entirely via bounties financed through selling SPARKS as it unlocks, he better be. Hopefully its not one of those "uhhh I work on crypto but I hate money ahhh ahhh look at me" type of guys.

>> No.53501863
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For a financial Institution to legally take or use KYC:
these 4 attributes MUST be adhered to by law.

1) The software entity is subject to the SAME obligations for data retention, customer due diligence, that the financial institution they are working with is. This would be according to the laws of each jurisdictional sector. i.e. The software provider must be licensed and regulated by the same laws that the Financial institutions they are working with are beholden to.

2) Contract of data sharing

3) Risk of transaction and customer due diligence still must be done by accepting financial institution

4) Ongoing monitoring still must be done by accepting financial institution


Everest empowers users, organizations, and projects to utilize True Identity, eKYC, and a full suite of financial services including on/off-ramps for fiat/crypto backed 1:1 by our legal and programmable stablecoin voucher.

>> No.53501892
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>Attestations form your identity
Wrong. God, I love seeing all these shit projects that think their glorified credential sharing is worth a damn. So fucking bullish for Everest.

>> No.53502366

Go on the discord and discuss it with him. He’s pretty active.

>> No.53502574
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What's there to discuss? This project is not viable. It's the same shit as ORE, CHEQD, KILT, etc

>> No.53502826


i'll spoon feed you cuz im in a good mood.

crypto has split into two areas.

1. decentralised and self sovereign community
2. institutional oversight and control

almost all identity solutions are targeted at no 2 (most use case and most money). kilt, ore, cheqd, Everest and many others fall into this category .

not many solutions are there for no1. there is some shitty cor solution - soulbound token experiment social layer such as lens etc. Spark aims to create a solution for no1 as a more uniform identity and reputation system.

crypto is all speculation and i havn't got a bag of this cuz i think markets will dump soon and protocols like this with no product yet and vague ideas will tank hard. BUT this is on my watchlist and im keen to see how they progress over the next year.

>> No.53503054

>what’s there to discuss

>> No.53503090
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Everest doesn't fall into that second category.

>> No.53503158

Look at the chart faggots, there is no sign of recovery what so ever and everytime that king shitcoin (bitcoin) dumps $ID dumps and when it pumps this shitcoin does fucking nothing, absolutely nothing

>> No.53503273


getting regulatory approval from malta and working with the government of Australia does put them in that category.

>> No.53503374

Coin literally launched on Nomics the exact same day the Sparks twitter account made their first tweet.
Github also doesn't have anything from them earlier than their coin launch day.

>> No.53503461

Same boat I'm in, I can't dismiss this - but I'm still watching to see how it unfolds because I see potential.

>> No.53503510
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You guys do realize the next bullrun is self controlled identity right?

I know that because of the ability of ai to FAKE people.
We will need a way to prove ourselves in the face of ai identity theft.

SPARKS is on the right track.
So is Everest.

But SPARKS is open source and for the people while Everest is sucking the government's dick.

>> No.53503588

So another project that’s trying to copy icp cool

>> No.53503616

LMFAO, okay this was a pretty epic (and based) post.

>> No.53503626

t. working in silence until complete

>> No.53504165



i spoon fed these idiots already and this fucken retard >>53503090 had the audacity to say Everest wasn't sucking gov dick hahahaha

>> No.53504261

price prediction for everest please ? the chart is really hard to look at>>53501892

>> No.53505354

Checked, looks good.

>> No.53506242

Heh, nice.

>> No.53507071
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>caring about price action before regulation force everyone to adopt
>have a license with MFSA means they cant provide a decentralised, self sovereign identity or community
>what is Everest Foundation
Good luck with your non-compliant, credential sharing.

>> No.53507355
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You will never be a real identity provider. You have no biometrics, you have no regulatory approval, you have no ongoing monitoring. You are a credential sharing platform glorified by buzzwords about blockchain into a crude mockery of true identity.
All the “validation” you get is misunderstanding and non-compliant. Behind your back people mock you. Your peers are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “users” implement actual solutions behind closed doors.
Institutions are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of KYC and AML have allowed institutions to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even DIDs who “verify” through soul bound tokens and ZKP won’t be accepted. Your lack of biometry at the base level is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get green check mark NFT, any serious clients will turn tail and bolt the second they gets a whiff of your failure to acquire a license.
You will never be compliant. You wrench out a fake verification every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the regulation creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy $ID, run a VNO, stake your tokens, and comply with regulations. Your clients will find you, relieved that they no longer have to risk dealing with the authorities. They’ll delegate their tokens to a VNO with a better reputation than yours, and every Everchain observer for the rest of eternity will know a superior solution is used. Your project will decay and go back to the dust, or you will be sent to prison and get butt raped daily by Tyrone and his gang.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.53507384

nobody cares about your pedocoin. token not needed

>> No.53507471
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>> No.53507790
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>> No.53507859

>Two of the shittiest 'no-token-needed' coins in the world

>> No.53507886
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>> No.53507973


literally not understanding or choosing to ignore >>53502826 just proves to me you are here to shill or you're actually a retard

>> No.53507984

IDniggers are the most retarded of them all

>> No.53507998
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Sparks will not be around by 2025. Learn the difference between identification and identity. Identification is something you have ie credentials and identity is something you are ie biometry.

>> No.53508020
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>having an MFSA license and working with governments is fud

>> No.53508039
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Here is a list of categories all projects in our space fall into:

1. Projects that will exist in 2025
2. Projects that won't exist in 2025

Guess which one Sparks falls into. Hint: it's the second.

>> No.53508055

There are dozens of institutional DID projects that compete with Everest but they don't need a token because it doesn't make any sense. But keep on desperately pumping Sparks thread with your scam

>> No.53508059
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Everest has no competitors. You might as well be describing Mobius or Oraclize to Chainlink in 2018.

>> No.53508068



noone's going use this gay vaporware shit

>> No.53508169
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>Identities have two types of data, identifiers, and attributes. Using proof of ownership, you’ll be able to prove attributes about yourself without giving up your identifiers. The user will be able to build out one or many identities with one or many attributes and can choose to disclose or validate conditions upon those attributes.

>> No.53508186


>> No.53508189

This is fucking retarded, feels like 2017 ICOs. Most products don't need blockchain or decentralization. Normies (= mass adoption) don't care about privacy.

>> No.53508204
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Sparks is another flavor of the month shitcoin jumping on the identity bandwagon. Look at their website, Github and Medium for proof.

>> No.53508234


>> No.53508241
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>shitting on your project cus I'm bored is bullish
My shitposting won't change facts.

>> No.53508281

I mean does it really matter what the difference is. This is just another biz shitcoin buzzword salad pnd. We all know what the real utility of a shitcoin is.

>> No.53508532

Sparks will be 10m mcap before Everest.

>> No.53509316
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That won't matter when it won't exist in 2025 anyway.

>> No.53509410
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>won't exist in
Everest and your bags won't exist in 2025

>> No.53509437
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Do you even know what is happening with regulations at the moment? Go read about MICA or what the US are doing.

>> No.53509490
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>> No.53509520
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Listen, cupcake, I know you think you're smart because the price of ID is down, but you are in for a rude awakening when regulators force everyone to comply or go to prison.

>> No.53509810

this. (not goign to buy ofc). I work in hybrid trad/defi and there are major institutions that do onchain identity and none of them have a shitscoin.

>> No.53509856

yeah bro, all these financial institutions will buy that low volume low liquidity dead Uniswap shitcoin with the worst price chart in all of crypto and then use that barely working Everest wallet on the Everest chain on the Everest platform to scan your Everest identity to send this Everest stablecoin while using Everest ID coins to another Everest wallet, the future of finance bro two more weeks

>> No.53509873
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