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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53486999 No.53486999 [Reply] [Original]

just got me a library card because why the fuck not

post /biz/ approved books and essential reads on investing and finance
pic related

>> No.53487039

Libraries are socialist bullshit. Stop demanding I subsidize your reading.

>> No.53487041
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The above is an original "Stalag" edition from 1940.

new release and some info: https://ostarapublications.com/product/mein-kampf-the-stalag-edition-the-only-complete-and-officially-authorised-english-translation-ever-issued/

>> No.53487045

>hur durr I reamd boeak
sheat the feak up

>> No.53487057

capital by marx
state and revolution by lenin

>> No.53487084
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>> No.53487105

This one is pretty interesting. I also do recommend "The Wealth of Nations" because too many people don't actually read it, they just talk about what other people say Adam Smith actually said. I highly recommend that you read the parts where he talks about the deskilling of the labor force. He talks about that quite often, and the famous quote about the Invisible Hand is only made once in reference to the deskilling of the labor force.

>> No.53487111
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Whoops, forgot pic.

>> No.53487117

Human Action - Mises
Theory of Money and Credit - Mises
The Sovereign Individual - Davies & Rees-Moog
Common Stocks Uncommon Profits - Fisher
The Death of Money - Rickards
Debt: A 5,000 year history - Graeber

>> No.53487133
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Easy to understand, and great insight on how things work, Adam Smith got several of his ideas from this essay, this is a more recent translation so it's written in much more modern English than Wealth of Nations.

>> No.53488240

Can’t provide pics now, but I suppose merchants of doubt is insightful for how to hoodwink the socialists.

>> No.53489922
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>> No.53490103

reminiscences of a stock operator
market wizards
when genius failed

>> No.53490164

Low IQ list

>> No.53490173
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>> No.53490178

>I want my population to be illiterate and retarded.

>> No.53490312
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>> No.53490364
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>> No.53490526
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Based trips

>> No.53490535

>Sovereign Individual
That book actually brought me to /biz/ lol
changed my whole perspective on economics

>> No.53490542

Yeah and notice how it was the first response
These glowtards have lines saved for when any threads have self improvement
The goal is to keep everyone here from getting smarter

>> No.53490558

The book that says we should let the technocrat elite make our decisions?
I like some of the content but I’m surprised how many here love it even though it argues for the world so many here complain we’re turning into

>> No.53490571

>even though it argues for the world so many here complain we’re turning into
I don't think that's quite true. The world we're turning into sounds more similar to how they describe nation states will attempt to cling onto their power from the industrial age.

>> No.53490632

It seems more like we’re going towards a corporate controlled new order to me
The same people who love the sovereign individual also make the legitimate case that big tech and big pharma colluded to get Trump out of office

I see your argument often nation states vs corporations and which one should control us but that missed the point that these things are controlled by the same people

>> No.53490716
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everything is copy of a copy without an original

>> No.53490728
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>> No.53490868


Read any Jack Bogle book then delete your /biz/ bookmark, you'll be much wealthier decades from now

>> No.53491732
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Everyone who wrote in this book is undoubtedly a multi millionaire if not billionaire.

>> No.53491908

The Emerald Tablet of Thoth

>> No.53491972

Shit eating faggots who never read what they posted.

>> No.53491977
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checked, nerds still bumpin a book thread. don't gotta open thread to know richest man in babylon hasn't been mentioned.

>> No.53491987
File: 2.08 MB, 1316x2025, John Ringo Live Free Or Die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First Contact Was Friendly
>When aliens trundled a gate to other worlds into the solar system, the world reacted with awe, hope and fear. But the first aliens to come through, the Glatun, were peaceful traders and the world breathed a sigh of relief.

>Who Controls the Orbitals, Controls the World
>When the Horvath came through, they announced their ownership by dropping rocks on three cities and gutting them. Since then, they've held Terra as their own personal fiefdom. With their control of the orbitals, there's no way to win and earth's governments have accepted the status quo.

>Live Free or Die.
>To free the world from the grip of the Horvath is going to take an unlikely hero. A hero unwilling to back down to alien or human governments, unwilling to live in slavery and with enough hubris, if not stature, to think he can win. Fortunately, there's Tyler Vernon. And he has bigger plans than just getting rid of the Horvath.

>> No.53492123
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>> No.53492176

This, I buy all my books also to make sure I fully read them and can add them to my ego pile of knowledge. Nowadays they also put a load of woke shitty books in there and try to pass it off as real Information, such as how (diversity) improves a company, when it doesn’t unless diversity means different types of thinkers

>> No.53492288
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>> No.53492343
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Read this book regardless of what you think of NNT. Very simple ideas that help keep you from deceiving yourself. No math, high school level content, and all true and useful..

>> No.53492402
File: 22 KB, 277x340, index (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're in paycheck-to-paycheck Hell read this book. I paid off $16,500 in debt using Dave's plan.
It's the Red Pill for money

>> No.53492405

>The Big Three in Economics- Mark Skousen (Just a good econ intro)
>The Creature from Jekyll Island
>Empire of Silver- Jin Xu (About China and Silver)
>The Story of Silver- William Silber
Anything Rothbard.
>Man, Economy, and State with Power and Markets
>The Mystery of Banking
>History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colono Era to WWII

>The Sovereign Individual- James Davidson
>Lords of Easy Money- Christopher Leonard (A mix of excellent telling of Central Banking and shitty opinions)
>Democracy: The God that Failed - Hans Herman Hoppe (or just read anything of his)

>> No.53492425

You know just because you don't like something doesn't mean people haven't "read the things they post" That is just pathetic.

>> No.53492443

The Creature from Jekyll Island by G.Edward Griffin will tell you how the world's financial systems operate and why.

>> No.53492876

>The book that says we should let the technocrat elite make our decisions
That is not what the book promotes. It talks about how the digitally competent and highly skilled people are going to have a unique sovereignty to them, beyond the nations created and run by normies and jews.

>> No.53492956
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>> No.53493041
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Ascended list.
Checked. Also uberbased.
Aaaaaaand checked. Holy hell praxeobros, we're on a roll today aren't we?
Yellow and black pilled.

>> No.53493302
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Checked, here’s a 999 fine read

>> No.53493322


My favorite part of Human action is when Mises Fervently denies the existence of banking cartels.

I laughed audibly.

>> No.53493440

Once when I was high I got paranoia that maybe Hitler wasn't as bad as he's portrayed in the media, I mean "the history is written by the victors" and all. So I started reading this book and let me tell you, this guy was a real jerk.
Actually pretty good book, probably most misrepresented one too. It's just a ton of good observations about how markets form and work, he never endorsed any of that "everyone for himself" neoliberal bullshit.
Capital is pretty epic, haven't read Lenin though. I mean deep down I understand there is no other way apart from a real revolution, it's inevitable and the only way forward for societies, but this idea is so scary to me that I just push it down.

>> No.53493445

Midwit post of the day

>> No.53493811

>Fooled by randomness

Is this an efficient-market cope book that basically tries to tell you it's impossible to make money?

>> No.53493825

My favourites lately have been these two by Edward Chancellor:

>Devil Take the Hindmost

History of financial speculation, bubbles and manias. Required reading for anyone into crypto, for sure.

>The Price of Time

History of interest, and the effects of its rate.

>> No.53495547


>> No.53497329
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>> No.53497530

>is vehemently against gommunism
>refuses to learn about the subject matter
why are americans like this? I think communism is a flawed concept, but Das Kapital is The book on social relationships in industrial society

>> No.53497630

Adam Smith got dunked on multiple times over through the years and even in his own time
Don't listen to this idealistic Whig retard

>> No.53497656
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This unironically

>> No.53497702

Spare by Prince Harry

>> No.53497751
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And pic related

>> No.53497768

Postmodernists are kinda retarded. If I close my eyes and randomly make a drawing that no one has ever made before or likely even after me, since I burn it after drawing it, then I've made an original thing.

>> No.53497780
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>> No.53497952

he said there were no banking cartels therefore they do not exist
thats praxeology to you

>> No.53497969
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>> No.53498097

Why did some guy name his book after the EU4 DLC

>> No.53498983
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Given the fact that nu/biz/ is probably 75 iq on average, I recommend these

>> No.53499453
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>Human Action
>What Has Government Done to Our Money?
>The Road to Serfdom

>> No.53499880
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>> No.53500573
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>> No.53501771

No book will teach you to not be a retard.

>> No.53502019

Citation with context required.