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53470071 No.53470071 [Reply] [Original]

My company announced layoffs and today my manager, who is concerned about being laid off after 20+ years at the company, closed out team building session with "it hasn't been good, but it's been real."

>> No.53470107

Sounds like an opportunity for a promotion
Good luck anon

>> No.53470125

What company?

>> No.53470153

Anyone who is loyal to a corporate employer is a fucking idiot.

>> No.53470220

Not if they lay off our entire team.

Micron, it's been completely taken over by foreigners and they're targeting americans for layoffs. It's not an american company anymore.

>> No.53470239
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>> No.53470245

You don’t have to be loyal to earn a living
Imagine being so cucked you think bettering yourself is about someone else

>> No.53470260

Is it the chinese

>> No.53470263

The CCP-loving jeet CEO shills ridiculously hard for ESG. He also refuses to work from the headquarters in Boise, Idaho and stays in San Jose instead. He replaced the entire C-suite with jeets and lets the overseas offices boss around all the US employees, so that now we're mandated to work according to their timezone and they're the ones making layoff decisions about american employees.

>> No.53470285

Yes, the company is being subverted so hard it's not even funny.

>> No.53470289

Who are the foreigners? Please don't say Chinese because it would be funny with what Biden did to them buy cutting off their semiconductor expert access.

>> No.53470328

On my immediate US-based team of 13 people, 5 are from mainland china, 4 are from Taiwan, 1 is from Malaysia and I'm 90% sure she's a corporate spy, 1 is an Indian who is relatively Americanized and studied in the US, and two of us are (white) US citizens. We are the only US team in our organization and the majority of our personnel are in Taiwan, Singapore, and India. So even on the US team, which is a tiny fraction of the larger organization, only two out of 13 employees are american. If only you knew how had things really are.

>> No.53470333

*how bad

>> No.53470347

jeets and chinks are cheap labor, nothing new

>> No.53470351

Except they're stealing IP.

>> No.53470365

They don't have to steal it. Americans are stupid enough to sell it.

Literally had to make a policy change to get it to stop.

>> No.53470385

i think anon should be more concerned bout diversifying risks from upcoming layoffs rather than who's stealing IP from company that he doesn't own

>> No.53470400

It pisses me off because they just received $40B from the government for US semiconductors.

>> No.53470449

Could have been worse
>There's no easy way to inform staff that they no longer have a job, but the layoff announcement email from PagerDuty CEO Jennifer Tejada is generating a lot of heat for its tone

>the icing on this cake is using a Martin Luther King Jr. quote at the end, which Tejada edited with brackets. "I am reminded in moments like this, of something Martin Luther King said, that 'the ultimate measure of a [leader] is not where [they] stand in the moments of comfort and convenience, but where [they] stand in times of challenge and controversy.'"

>> No.53470521

>i think anon should be more concerned bout diversifying risks from upcoming layoffs rather than who's stealing IP from company that he doesn't own
>chinky poo!

>> No.53470554

You are a retard or a Chinese shill. At this rate the US will lose its semiconductor edge to China then you'll be seriously fucked. OP should tip the FBI. Micron is one of the last semiconductor bastions of the US. If you lose this, you can forget about new jobs in tech, the software industry will also suffer. You retards don't know how bad it could get. Silicon Valley might vanish and become like Detroit.

>> No.53470618

>tip the FBI
the whole company is like this from top to bottom because of the jeet CEO

>> No.53470637
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I went off on my managers yesterday and told them I'll leave of they keep fucking with me.

>> No.53470815

Your career, your priority anon. There might no tech jobs left in the US of this keeps up.

>> No.53470822

Your ancestors stormed the beaches of Normandy and the woods around Balleau so that you could experience this. Enjoy and don't forget to donate to veterans charities

>> No.53472019


>> No.53472139

I see it two ways:
1. If you're actually optimistic the company is making the right decision and has the capability to excel again in the future, sticking around and tryharding is akin to buying the dip from a career perspective.

2. If you're pessimistic on the mission and stakeholders pushing the company's direction, and you think the the layoffs really don't need to happen then sticking around and sucking corporate dick is probably a retarded idea

>> No.53472165

From the sound of this thread, it's B.
Get the fuck out OP. Electronics/computer hardware in the US was a lost battle as of 15 years ago if not longer.

>> No.53472249

>He also refuses to work from the headquarters in Boise, Idaho and stays in San Jose instead

kek. i work at a fortune 50 megacorp and i noticed the same thing. execukikes are forcing the non-perm remote wagies back into the cagie 2 days a week... except for all of the senior leadership golem who joined the company a few years ago, who live all over the country in places where i know we sure as hell don't have a corporate office e.g. whitefish, montana.

>> No.53472278

>he fell for the US manufacturing meme

>> No.53473405

it is easy if you do it right and don't blind side them. Layoffs are retarded, the layoffs never would have happened if the management was giving direct developmental feedback with performance plans meant to actually improve performance.

The culture of the departments would have been improved and the people who were garbage or wrong fits would have already moved on to something they were good at if this had been done. Stemming the bleeding before the company got to the point that it needed to lay off.

>> No.53473555

A boy can dream..,

>> No.53473767

What makes you think the Malaysian, as opposed to any of the mainland Chinese, is a spy?

>> No.53473804

Always a blackpill that people fought world war so we could live in a cucked Jewish globohomo

>> No.53474622

Most likely they all are, but she's the most obvious. She keeps shilling ridiculously hard for us to send all of our proprietary data to this third party company for no good reason whatsoever. The only time I ever heard her talk about a technical subject, it was complete nonsensical gibberish.

>> No.53474694

Do you ever feel like your life is a sitcom?

>> No.53474735
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>team building

>> No.53474765

my company didn't announce layoffs(yet), they just said it's going to be a difficult year

>> No.53474846

Every fucking day. This shit goes completely unchecked because nobody wants to be accused of being racist.

>> No.53474986

>20+ years at the company

Holy fuck I wish I can make it this bullrun. Nothing is more pointless in this world than falling for the career meme. Cattle.

>> No.53475012

yep same my boss lives in LA, other boss in Colorado, other boss in NYC. None of them at an actual office

>> No.53476220

i get it

>> No.53476268

>Anyone who is loyal to a corporate employer is a fucking idiot.
>Why yes mommy and daddy pay my bills.

>> No.53476279

>Imagine being so cucked you think bettering yourself is about someone else
He's from the USA, probably mentally ill and addicted to celebrity culture.
He's full of ego for no reason.

>> No.53476284

>Your ancestors stormed the beaches of Normandy
Your ancestors.