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File: 253 KB, 1332x2354, Hedera HBAR - hashgraph will transform the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53453071 No.53453071 [Reply] [Original]

Is hashgraph technology the future of crypto or is it just a meme?

>> No.53453080

It's just a meme.
The real future is Avax.

>> No.53453124
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>7 double spends
>hard coded blocks
>1.5 tps (lol lmao even)
Sure thing pal
Carmelle spoke recently about 2 cbdcs building on Hedera. You decide.

>> No.53453163
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>> No.53453278

It’s the future of crypto, but you’re a fool if you think it’s gonna make you rich.

>> No.53453335

>$1b is maximum value for the network
Cope dilate kys

>> No.53453365
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>> No.53453480


>> No.53453737

Market cap predictions for next bull run?
I’ll go first
>$40 billion

>> No.53454642
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>One, just one use case bringing the tps for 400+ consistently since a few days

>Already top of the game on realtps, so far away from other networks https://realtps.net/

>Already done more transactions than Ethereum https://blockchair.com/ethereum, en route for doing 2x more in a few weeks

>Presence at Davos, links with US army & governments, working across the world and being taught in some of the best universities in several continents

>Discovered by a christian schizophrenic computer science alien genius not motivated by greed

>Focus on building a 100 year old company hasn't changed since the first talks https://youtu.be/SF362xxcfdk?t=3490

I am not sure, but it is possible I came to this world to be able to witness the birth of the tokenized world. I can feel the crossroads of humanity, the humongous amount of data and control the one-world government is going to have on us all...
While I'll be collecting my UBI and my nodes rewards.

You'll trade stocks 24/7, with instant settlement (look up eftpos).
You will sharing a self-driving car, powered by Hashgraph (look up Neuron) and share it on the Hashgraph (look up smart cities), to use it only when you need.
You'll vote with tokens on what your favorite e-thot will be wearing, eating and inserting in her ass (look up calaxy).
You'll have your surplus solar energy you will be able to trade on the markets, and the sales will be recorded for your taxes events (look up EDF).
It will be glorious, it will be really sad, it will be the new human experience.

>Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded.
Hello Future.

Not selling one single Hbar before staking is live (DONE), sharding is live and stocks are tokenized.

>> No.53454673
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100% the future
Investing now in the premiere DEX and meme tokens will guarantee you maximum gains during the bull
1 million SAUCE
77'777 LUCKY
Otherwise NGMI

>> No.53454736
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Hashgraph is the most important invention since the web.

We needed a new way of communicating, we found a new way to make commerce.

Before, we had a tablet saying "I gave you two goats and you gave me one ox, so two goats are worth one ox". But who held the tablet ? You ? Me ? How could we be sure that the tablet would not be altered in the future ?

Then we had the central institutions saying "Hey, we can hold the tablet, we are neutral. Trust us". Look where that got us.

Now, """we""" have invented the blockchain, a way of saying "Hey, everyone AND no one holds the tablet, we can see in plain view everything that happened and so there is ZERO risk of fraud. You can do commerce from one person to another WITHOUT ANY CHANCE OF CHEATING EACH OTHER"

Accounting is done for.
Auditing is done for.
All platforms being "middlemen", providing "trust" like Airbnb, Uber, Ticketmaster...Done for.

You'll have one wallet, with a good goy social credit and I will be able to see in a few seconds if you are worthy of doing business with. As simple as.

Oh, and the people in charge of the best algorithm that solves this issue, the Hashgraph which blows the blockchain across the water ?
They chose to open source it, bind it with the largest companies on earth and make it a USD-pegged fee, which means that while the quantity is fixed, the price to use it will always be the same.
Excellent incentive from the business side AND the hodling side. Everyone fucking wins. Even if only 1 Hbar remains and that Hbar is worth trillions, you could go as low as tinybars to pay for fees.

They are the next Alphabet.
It's scary because price action doesn't reflect what I just wrote, but if you cut out the noise and just think, it becomes plain to see that they are the adults in the room. Just wait till ESG and traceability becomes a needed aspect of everyday life.

Blackrock Hbar wallets must be huge.

>> No.53454745

im allergic to cryptos with XRP-tier retards like that. i just stay tf away

>> No.53454842

She was on the OG hyperledger team and has stated that they started on ETH and after the CTO tested Hedera it only took a week for them to make the move from ETH to Hedera. Shes been getting the CBDC program started in the Carribean and some African countries.

Hedera 1000$ end of decade

>> No.53455023

If that Tweet doesn't convince you to not buy HBAR, I don't know what will.

>> No.53455060

HBAR is one of those to-be-failed fake "enterprise" products that show up during every market cycle. Their pitch is always "this innovation, but serious", and it always fails, because it's in the nature of innovation to be seen as "non-serious". These people are trying to not be what they are. Enterprises do not lead, they follow, and insofar as you're enamored with them because they're big, and even relish the prospect of your own enslavement, you're just revealing your neurosis. If they want to enslave you, they're not going to use your preferred technology to do it. If they don't enslave you, HBAR will just become irrelevant. The outcome is the same either way.

>> No.53455356
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>Today, even fewer people see how Bingus Token will transform the world

>> No.53455504
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HBAR will do numbers
But so will tokens, thousand times over

>> No.53455645

straightest hbar promotional material

>> No.53456485

Building information backbone as far as I know. Still don't know how secure their DAG is to handle actual payments. Also their system is highly closed. Not like any democracy will use them.

>> No.53456492

Yeah places that have no money.

>> No.53456568

ethereum itself is already divorced heavily from decentralization in order to achieve the relatively low performance increase it has from bitcoin. all of these attempts at creating a better ethereum fail the same reason all the attempts at creating a better bitcoin fail, nobody is willing to use them after their bull market disappears.

every bull run your attention is getting split into 20 different "hot" new platforms and all 20 fail for the exact same reason. even solana couldn't stay relevant with 10 billion in stolen money propping it up, as soon as that went away it failed.

if your alternative blockchain to bitcoin/ethereum is here trying to argue it's relevance with better technology, it's already failed. technology isn't a scarce good, only non-speculating users are, and they're all hyper concentrated into a handful of networks and aren't budging.

>> No.53456619

people asked this in 2017/18 run
its like a level above cardano if that helps

>> No.53456814

Sweet, so it's worth $16b
Easy 10x here boys, we're going to no7

>> No.53457919

The hashie is going to be used for the process and documentation of business acquisitions...globally

That's just one use case amongst hundreds of others. This is unironically going to be bigger than google. It will verify video game data in real time. Movement of money. Data of the logistics of goods through countless sectors on steriods

>> No.53458079
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Cant wait to be able to buy a house or use my hbar wallet as equity.

"Anon it says here you collect over 1.5k hbar in rewards per month, we can offer you this home at 0.5% interest If youd like"

>I'll think about it, thanks.

>> No.53458470

DAGs = O(n^2) complexity
untill this isn't true anything DAG based will be super promising to retards but will never work
this is why I am buying kaspa when I get more $$$ because it won't work (like ADA) so it will pump bigly

>> No.53458483
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>> No.53458944
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Sure here is 7 Lucky, keep the change

>> No.53459349
File: 70 KB, 829x535, Hbarcultist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never liked the claim of verifying video games in real time. The use case doesn't seem to be there. Either it's basically a keylogger for replays or it's supposed to somehow run the game's input through the hashgraph?
Videogames need to be responsive, and a 3 second (hbar finality being what it is) input delay just seems unplayable, where you need input delay in the miliseconds. Is the hashgraph just showing Koreadude0451 really did hit e and left click 1000 times over 2 seconds to spawn zerglings?
Pretty much every other usecase makes sense to me, except this one. I play a lot of videogames, so this claim (which always seems to be a last minute throw in) always made me confused. And worried that if there are holes I can punch into a thing I understand, then maybe someone with knowledge about other things hbar people talk about could punch similar holes in those things that I don't understand.

The only games I've been able to come up with where this would actually be worthwhile is gambling turn based games, where you need the algorithm to be fair and simple enough to run on a smart contract, with stakes high enough to warrant it.

Funnily enough, if you took jake paul's crypto zoo thing, turned it into a pokemon style turn based rpg battle thing, and used AI to create the art, you could probably make a mildly successful title on a budget. Set it up where you buy into getting your mons and set minimum bets on battling, and the house takes a cut from all winnings (something small, if you want it to grow, like 1%), and if it's successful that thing could print money for a while.

>> No.53459524

the only use case i can think of is in mmos to keep track of inventories and auction house stuff. everything else is bllshit to shoe horn NFTs into the game

>> No.53459526

Im not lucky but I lile Lucky. Im not hungry now but I have some Sauce in the freezer. Im not much of a drinker but Ive visited the Hbar more than enough to last me a lifetime.

>> No.53459537

>only 27 permission based nodes

Centralized shitcoin

>> No.53459687

>Hedera has the literal best security
Cope harder anon, you’re gonna need it

>> No.53459692

Here anon

>> No.53459705

>distributed across the world, across server infra, across governments, across time
As decentralized as it gets, chud

>> No.53459710
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Anything that doesn't require quick responses but has long term consequenses that need to be tracked. My main concern for that is glitches and things in the game code that could allow for item duplication, and then saving the glitched items immutably.

Fuck it. Make every tf2 hat an nft and let Hedera track em.

2.5 trillion

>> No.53459929

Reading now.
Thank u.

>> No.53460152
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Interesting ideas, thanks for sharing that. It solves some of the questions, but it implies that those kinds of games would work off a local host model, as there has to be a local host of the game, if all the dlt is tracking is the point values. Not a negative, just completely against the grain of how most games are operating now, with a dedicated server to hosting games. Could be sold as a cost cutting measure?

>> No.53460244

Think your initial assessment is fair. Video game live data that is and a big argument would be having development of major titles needing to be on hedera for it to gain traction, let alone increase in transactions. Think the big marketability is the network working as an anti-cheat. There is that circlejerk phrase "trust layer of the internet" but there is truth to it and utility within gaming. Know how many people have a hard on to stop cheating on their twitch streams and just people in general fed up with it? Now this is where I'm assuming heavily but I have an assumption that call of duty will eventually run on this network. Activision already has ties with the united states air force

>> No.53460248

Duplication glitches are exactly what hashgraph would solve, anon

>> No.53460403

Yes, I’m sure Coinman the Hbarbarian has a nuanced and accurate insight regarding future technology. I’m sure he wrote that tweet from his NYC penthouse thanks to his predictive prowess.

>> No.53460451

Video games are for children. People over the age of 14 shouldn’t sit at their computer pushing buttons at a screen.

Go out and play a sport or some other real game where you manipulate the material world, not a bunch of electrons flowing through transistors.

>> No.53460516

Hedera is the BWC token

>> No.53460620
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>HBAR is one of those to-be-failed fake
>it always fails

Show me a network doing more transactions (the function of a network) or with an ACTUAL higher TPS. I'll wait.

>Enterprises do not lead, they follow

The internet became what it is today because of enterprises. Seethe more.

> If they want to enslave you, they're not going to use your preferred technology to do it.

You don't understand what problem is solved by decentralised ledger.
So you don't understand why they would use the Hashgraph instead of starting from scratch.
Watch this if you are interested in learning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF362xxcfdk

>Still don't know how secure their DAG is to handle actual payments
Payment IS information. You think money is real ? It's just number on a database. Information. That's the endgame with CBDC.

>Yeah places that have no money.
because places that have money have the most to lose from decentralization. Of course the FED printing money and winning in the capitalistic ponzi scheme WILL NOT be the first to adopt this tool. Duh.

What's the logic of your post ? Better tech won't win ? What will then ? Better governance ? Better price ? Better security ? Ooops, Hedera has all these !

YES. Exactly.
Notary will not be necessary anymore.
Smart cities with extreme precision.
Your pacemaker data is linked to your insurance record which is linked to your employment info which is linked to your Tinder profile.
ALL digital worlds of your life interconnected, it is now possible to have it. In a secure way since "no one will own your own data"

And if you don't care about the tech ? Stake and enjoy the passive income.

Interesting point and follow up. I always thought it was a measure to fight against cheating a huge problem for gaming.

...he said on the Business & Finance thread about Hedera on 4chan. STFU, you are a nerd like the rest of us, at least own it, faggot.

>> No.53461016
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Help me math this out retards

1bil txns / 20 mins = 833,333 tps

Average txn price = $.001 (is this right?)

= $833/s spent on network fees
= $72M/day spent on network fees
= $26B yearly network revenue (and HBAR use-case buy pressure)

If we take Google's PE ratio of ~20 as an example and assume that Hedera operating cost is negligible, is a fair evaluation of Hedera then ~$500B, or ~$10/hbar at full dilution?

>> No.53461034

If we're evaluating networks like tech stocks on tps/earnings alone, obviously crypto market caps are much more inflated than the stock market