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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53428008 No.53428008 [Reply] [Original]

I want to move out of my parent's basement but this costs $2,500 a month where I live. How do they expect people to afford this shit?

>> No.53428018

only worth it if you have a kid, also houses are only meant for families, not incels.

>> No.53428026

Go to abroad. it’s a quarter of the price if you go to the cheaper countries

>> No.53428039
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I live in LA and it's not that expensive where are you anon?

>> No.53428303

Lower your standards.

>> No.53428444

There are plenty of cozy spots in the Appalachia region that are cheap af. The only downside is that they're very vehicle dependent to get around but this also means no wandering gibs and BLM rioters everywhere. The spread out nature of neighborhoods in these cities means less noise and property crime. For roughly $2k a month you can live in total luxury. Most people are too NPC brained or politically zealous one way or another to see this though.

>> No.53428547

move somewhere you can afford or kys you entitled snowflake

>> No.53428557

Theres also probably no jobs, not everyone can work remote

For those who can its great

>> No.53428628

where the fuck do you live it's that expensive?

>> No.53428630
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anon should try building credit as soon as possible so he can find a decent place without having to resort to the social welfare system

>> No.53428730

You want to move out? You're saving so much money by living at home.

>> No.53428773

Why is there always some bot telling people to go live in the 3rd world in rent threads. Is this a glowop?

>> No.53428777

Probably NYC/Toronto/Vancouver.