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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 311 KB, 1160x689, 1513768121721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5342373 No.5342373 [Reply] [Original]

<7 Days and we battle.

>> No.5342681


Am I finally going to make it /biz/?

>> No.5342725

Source on the 7 days for battle

>> No.5342751
File: 540 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171220-194449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was waiting for this thread
The original Eekape is going to BTFO all competition

>> No.5342759

how will he secure the benefits exactly?

>> No.5342853
File: 22 KB, 643x91, bags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ETH sweaty, mons weak, Ponzi heavy
there's red on his wallet already, bags are heavy
he's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready

>> No.5342894
File: 365 KB, 1064x639, etheremon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catch number just added on the website, that thing is gonna make you a bundle, pic related.
No clue, he hasn't said anything yet

>> No.5342971
File: 484 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171222-100342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit
Lambos await

>> No.5342989
File: 60 KB, 1083x617, catchnumbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catch number just added on the website
Hey that's pretty neat.

>> No.5342992

Very nice

>> No.5343008
File: 583 KB, 963x1342, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love a source on the less than 7 days for battling.

>> No.5343009


>> No.5343052

geenee and vibe r the best

>> No.5343058
File: 9 KB, 859x64, Screenshot_95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5343064
File: 147 KB, 1083x617, god damn it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>World First Vibe
>neither world first nor vibe
That's what I get for cheating buying from the contract before they were up.

>> No.5343070 [DELETED] 
File: 1.95 MB, 360x202, 1509901457236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Etheremon increased my stack by 250%
>Turned it all into tether 3 days ago
>Watching everything crash from the sidelines
>Etheremon continues to produce ETH

It's been a good week, lads.

>> No.5343112

how did you do that

>> No.5343122

Vibe is gen 2 trash, have fun with your literal stock art bags.

>> No.5343145

MyEtherWallet. The MissingNo. youtube guide shows the technique, I just did it with the new mons instead of MissingNo.

I wouldn't be so sure. He clearly said that Gen 0 is "all current mons".

>> No.5343147

Have fun reselling with those retarded names

>> No.5343184
File: 120 KB, 437x423, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they aren't historical collector's edition mistakes that will go for 100 ETH

>> No.5343199

Still stock art, plus there's a lot more people holding bags from the three new mons because it was literally only /biz/ buying.

>> No.5343208

>crypto apacolypse no normie survivors
>play etheremon in the meantime until the fallout subsides
>emerge from the ashes as an ethermon master having 100x your initial ETH investment in dividends
>reinvest at rock bottom prices in every coin in the top 100 marketcap
life goes on

>> No.5343230

pangrass buyers still didn't make any money hahahhaahahhaahah
194 caught at 1eth each and you only get 0.005 eth per catch
that means the first person to catch pangrass is at 0.97 eth
which is 0.03eth at a loss
everyone else who bought pangrass lost even more
told you fools to buy vibe or lose money

>> No.5343237
File: 88 KB, 356x628, celty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stock art or no, if there's any good phantom types in the future he's going to be very valuable as the phantom Gason. Even right now he's Eekape's best friend and everyone seems to love Eekape.

>> No.5343238

Is it too late to get on this?

>> No.5343291

you won't know till the updates come
either risk it and buy or don't
i hope they get the in-game shop in asap
that should give some mad gains

>> No.5343311

Hidden mons aside, Pangrass is right now the most BP for your buck and the highest return/cost ratio. When battling is a thing he's going to be the cheapest strong mon you can buy, and will stay that way for a while thanks to the lower return from base than Quillster/Windora.

>> No.5343330

True I guess. But to be honest I don't know if the game can succeed if they keep releasing mons with these ugly ass artworks. They look so much worse than the originals. I bet Smiley Fakemon was asking too much to use his art going forward. They already lowered the ETH payout for new mons to 0.2 so they might be running low on funds or just jewing.

>> No.5343340

Buy some Eth, wait for them to announce new Etheremon. POUNCE on them when theyr'e cheap.
Otherwise, NO.

>> No.5343350
File: 188 KB, 1157x1648, IMG_4702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much will a 1st gen Geenee go for in a month? Will the fact that Geenee is the cutest count for anything?

>> No.5343372

Art of Smiley's quality takes more than a day to make. I think they were just capitalizing on the user submissions that were sent while everything was eggs. I really hope that Smiley becomes their primary or exclusive artist going forward, or at least after Smorple gets in.

The game will definitely struggle if they keep using user submissions for most mons going forward though.

>> No.5343374


>> No.5343488

he is the most affordable one
is my best bet aswell

>> No.5343511

I just realized that Smiley never knew about Crypto and he received his payment just a couple days before ETH crashed 15-20%. I wonder if that's going to leave him feeling ripped off...

>> No.5343676

The dev said they'll announce new mons 2 hrs before addition. Holy shit I'm going to crank up the GAS so high for these things

>> No.5343943

Normie here. Does that make your transaction move further up on the block?

>> No.5343946
File: 120 KB, 255x234, 1430530909553.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When battling is a thing he's going to be the cheapest strong mon you can buy
>he doesn't know about free mon 21

>> No.5343974

You autistics moved buying magic internet money for speculation to buying fucking pokemon ripoff for speculation?

Funny thing is that the owner can take your fucking money and dissapear. There was a huge issue on reddit about it.

That for sure will go well.

Enjoy your bags

>> No.5343976

This is a business and finance channel. Take this gay shit somewhere else

>> No.5344017
File: 239 KB, 1445x1298, hiddenmons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hidden mons aside

>> No.5344025

You're an uninformed idiot, everyone has already cashed out dumbass

>> No.5344042
File: 75 KB, 782x623, smiley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really hope that Smiley becomes their primary or exclusive artist going forward, or at least after Smorple gets in.

We can only hope, I don't know if I trust the devs to see that though. Nakasatoshi is pretty dumb in certain regards as seen by the whole copyright debacle/smart contract issues.

Pic related is the only thing about ethermons I found on his social media recently, the thing about people having permission to use his work in the past probably has something to do with Windora having no art. And it looks like he may have deleted the tweet so there might be further issues. It shows up when you go to his page from google but not from address bar so I'm not sure if it was cached or something.

>> No.5344060

you guys missed all the free money

>> No.5344084

Ah, didn't read that.

>> No.5344086
File: 187 KB, 466x492, 1508883799347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>300% return in 2 days

Yeah, wow, what a retard I am.

>> No.5344146

>There was a huge issue on reddit about it.
I assure you that anyone playing this game is far more informed on that issue than you are. It's kind of hard to avoid that info even if you tried.

Just went from the address bar and it still showed up. You might be loading a cached version or missing the stuff below the stickied tweets. But yeah there's not exactly a strong indication that he IS in fact going to be working with them in the future. Given the rough start and the fact that there's nobody who knows fluent english on the Etheremon team it's something to worry about.

>> No.5344263
File: 36 KB, 766x271, fuck this guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing the stuff below the stickied tweets
It was this, I don't usually use twitter lol.

And pic related is probably why they are having issues, fucking soyboy.

>> No.5344614

What a piece of shit I hope all his heath shrivels and dies this winter.

>> No.5344842

I read that in vocal fry, I suspect that's how you speak.

>> No.5344853

The issue is sorted. FUD

>> No.5344961

>look at this yesterday
>they are offering 0.3Eth plus whatever the initial etheremon sale price to anyone who submits an etheremon they accept
>sit down and create 8 really decent designs.
>Go to submit them today
>now only offering 0.2 eth per accepted submission (just 0.2, no longer + initial price)

Fuck that. If anyone wants to make a Pokemon ripoff app for Lisk, UBQ, Aeternity or whatever now or in the near future I'd be happy to give my designs and create more (or all designs) for a share of the profits. I just need someone to do the code side.

>> No.5345102

Like everything in life you can negotiate with them. If your art is hot I am sure you will get a better price. Do you have other folks looking to buy your art for a higher offer, if so sell to them instead.

Btw, who is lisk?

>> No.5345128

this rate of transactions today is a very good sign. let the dividends the rest of the week flow nice and steady

>> No.5345210

Uh the catch rate slowed down considerably from the first hour these got released. There was maybe 10 swifties,20 vibes and maybe 10 pangrasses caught in the past 10 hours

>> No.5345243


>> No.5345248

and don't think this is gonna suddenly pick up.
There"ll be five in total sold tomorrow.
These are far too expensive for organic growth to occur.

>> No.5345255

Honestly hadn't thought of that. But the fact they have drastically reduced the amount isn't a good sign
>Do you have other folks looking to buy your art for a higher offer
I literally just created these after seeing their ad after checking the site out from being shilled here. I'm very new to trying to freelance selling work online, didnt think their would be much of a demand for Pokemon clones

>> No.5345310

crypto markets dont have an explosing of trading volume every minute of the day either. the more active the devs are with the project, the more trust will be gained over time. dont be greedy, its a game first and slow growth investment vehicle next, not your personal pump and dump :^)

>> No.5345347

it will pick up as news is released. IMO the game is better off without the mania of the new etheremon hype train. shit is more likely to go wrong with transactions and all trust is lost

>> No.5345417


>> No.5345467
File: 93 KB, 359x644, hydra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my highest, though I think he's on the low side overall? What's yours?

Battle Power (I think). It's an indicator that calculates the overall strength of an Etheremon based on its 6 hidden stats.

>> No.5345609

Battle power, it's the left number on the mon cards in your my mons page. It was CP before they changed it.

>> No.5345667

> it will pick up as news is released
Not with these prices.
The ponzi scheme dried up and barely anyone is gonna cough up 300 dollars minimum just to battle some other overpriced mon

>> No.5345694

Yeah that's pretty low, I have a tier 1 Mizumi with 68 power (highest tier 1 I've seen was 70). My Keradon is only 69 though :(. I think different mons in the same tier may have different BP spreads though, I have noticed the average BP of Chulembers is really high in screencaps but it could just be a coincidence. For tier 1 mons numbers seem to range from 55~ to 70 max, tier 2 mons seem to be about 68~ to 80~, tier 3 I'm not too sure about, and 1 ETH mons seem to range from about 100 to 115. The 0.35 mon seemed to have up to 100ish BP as well. Not sure about the 3 new shitmons though.

>> No.5345719

You look to be in same boat as me anon.

>> No.5345883

Dona deal with them.

1. Do not make the first offer, show them what you have and ask them to offer. If you think this thing has legs ask for royalties and low up front payment. If you think it's bullshit and won't last ask for royalties. Make sure you have them offer first at a better price. If your art is hot you are in the driver's seat. Tell them you can offer exclusive rights etc as a sweetener and can make to order. You can make a lot of cash here doing what you love, don't write this off. They need a supply of good art it's critical. Make a pile cash and use the credits to get I to professional cartoon work of not already. This is a good opportunity don't write it off until you at least negotiate. Send your portfolio anon and tell them their offer isn't good enough and you can work with them if they do better. Good luck

>> No.5345918
File: 88 KB, 255x457, Nagee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

75 is my highest

>> No.5345927

>dont be greedy
as if anyone that bought thisbshit wasn't some greedy shit like you.
>game first
Ayy lmao. 10x the price of a real pokemon game for one knockoff monster.
No battle mechanics whatsoever yet

Who do you think you're fooling?

>> No.5345960

I mean do a deal. Fuck his phone.

>> No.5345998

Same logic can be applied to almost anything on this board.

>> No.5346053


Can someone find me the video of this girl please?

>> No.5346067

Cheers anon, it's nice to get some advice on how to do the business side of things.

I'll give it a shot over the next few days. I've hand drawn them all, just currently recreating them digitally, which is all new to me so taking frustratingly long.

>> No.5346228
File: 328 KB, 620x1146, Screen Shot 2017-12-22 at 10.12.38 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I've got a 68bp

btw thanks for the 0.03ETH each I lost it all buying fucking OST

>> No.5346271
File: 530 KB, 2084x1158, Screen Shot 2017-12-20 at 9.34.11 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.5346330

So I just looked up the smart contract and the average starting BP *should* be 68.5 for Dilloom.

I arrived at this the following way:
Dilloom was created in this transaction:

Which gave him the following base stats:
45, 49, 49, 65, 65, 45

Giving an average of 53.

The base stats when you catch a mon are determined by the starting stats + a random number (for each stat) between 0 and 31. You can think of these random numbers as the IVs of your mon. It may be possible to manipulate this randomness by waiting for a certain block to catch it -- I'm not 100% certain on that but that's how it looks at first glance.

So 53 + 15.5 = 68.5

The stat growth on level up is static for every mon and defined in a separate transaction from their initial creation.

I'll check Dynamouse and Nagee to see how they compare, as they were all the same tier and seem like they were meant to be the analogues of the 3 "starter" mons in Pokémon games.

>> No.5346340

RIP Camelumn :*(

>> No.5346360

its geenee and vibe all the way
rest is over expensive and not bought anymore

>> No.5346496

How did you locate the transaction for the creation of the mons?

>> No.5346568
File: 402 KB, 1000x634, _004_dynamouse_v2_by_smiley_fakemon-d6m8ktx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


STATS: 39, 52, 43, 60, 60, 65

AVERAGE: 53.1(666)

So just very slightly above Dilloom with an average BP of 68.(666)

By looking at the transaction history of the address that created the smart contract.

>> No.5346581

Nvm saw that there's not that many tx's

>> No.5346699
File: 706 KB, 1383x1500, _____nagee_by_smiley_fakemon-d7kllu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


STATS: 44, 48, 65, 50, 64, 43
AVERAGE: 52.(333)
The lowest of the three with an average BP of: 67.8(333)

Rejoice! Those of us with 68+ BP Nagees are just barely above average after all!

>> No.5346768


Swiftly please?

>> No.5346900
File: 149 KB, 475x475, Swifty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


STATS: 70, 88, 80, 92, 81, 80
AVERAGE: 81.8(333)
AVERAGE BP: 97.(333)

>> No.5346918

Tfw over 100

>> No.5347107

I have 74 BP Nage, 78 BP Chulember and 75 BP Diloom. Am I lucky or something? Bought out of a random.

>> No.5347112

Vibe shill detected
Geenee is good buy though ;)

>> No.5347147

Also my Berrball and MIanari are 73 and 71 BP. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.5347232

I haven't checked the stats for for either but I have a decent amount of both mons and those are definitely above my average. You're gonna make it.

>> No.5347506
File: 75 KB, 846x534, I&#039;m not mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5347603

>still no smorple remaster
Literally free money for people skilled in computer illustration.

>> No.5347778
File: 3 KB, 254x135, humiliating returns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> catch price now visible

>> No.5348240
File: 310 KB, 793x1007, 1513782951945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So tired of people bitching about the price. Pool your ether fags and buy a bad-ass mon. This is a game for grown-ups with real money in it to win it. If I were you.. I would be out hustling in my ghetto for some Benjamin's to invest.

>> No.5348302

seriously this im just starting to realize its just poor desperate fags from reddit doing all the fud. the transactions are still rolling in no problem. they dont need to touch the price. supply will always meet demand, and as long as theres demand the devs have to reason to appease these plebs

>> No.5348308

Does anyone else think their catch prices are wrong? Some of mine say 0.2 when I can definitely remember I paid well over 0.3 as I was nowhere near the first in.

>> No.5348378
File: 11 KB, 225x250, wolfgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt have multiple missingnos

>> No.5348432

me and a friend have already written a script to generate high BP mons.

We're working on testing it now.

It still requires some luck though, because you need to pay tx fees out the ass to even have a CHANCE to get into the next block.

We're testing it with Weimon.

>> No.5348451
File: 485 KB, 1800x1800, smorple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted it to be a surprise if it popped up on the site, but it seems the devs won't be adding more for a while and I couldn't wait
To the original creator, I'm sorry I didn't ask your approval before submitting :^(
I might not get chosen anyway

>> No.5348462
File: 410 KB, 221x196, 34-05934-0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is on a level of autism I wasn't prepared for

>> No.5348487
File: 970 KB, 436x469, 1440431921544.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that looks amazing! Thank you so much.

>> No.5348547


>> No.5348560

What number did you get? If you overpaid the difference should end up in your balance.

>> No.5348565

Wish I wasn't a brainlet and could do this shit.

>> No.5348631

Do you have any tips for making it look so clean?

>> No.5348644

No this was on the very first release where you couldn't adjust the slider. Think it was like #134 geckno... Positive I paid 0.38 but it says catch price like 0.27

There are others as well that don't seem correct to me.

>> No.5348690

Before the slider it was "built in" so you'd get refunded immediately.

>> No.5348738

Ah, I think that might be because for a while the sale price didn't actually match the minimum needed to get the mon. I'm assuming the price shown is based on the contract requirement.

>> No.5348755

Does this mean we go all in on smorple when he gets added?

>> No.5348760

Holy crap that's perfect. Going all in Smorple as soon as it appears.

>> No.5348814

I used a vector line tool, bucket filled color groups on separate layers, then transparency/opacity locked them to make it easy to shade inside the lines.

>> No.5348867
File: 326 KB, 3388x3638, 1431725986602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just according to keikaku

>> No.5348893

Smorple is perfect, we need more /biz/ original etheremons so
Can get them added and we can go all in on them

>> No.5348966

Ah, that makes sense, thanks anons.

>> No.5349018

m8 you haven't seen nothing yet. When battling is implemented this is going to be fucking insane, and you're going to be seeing a lot more posts digging into stats like the ones I made earlier.

Also be prepared for A LOT of complaining about balance. Like every other post is going to be about "X MON IS OP AND SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE" or "I INVESTED X IN Y MON BUT IT GETS DESTROYED BY THE CHEAPEST SHITMONS"

Finally, expect a little bit of Etheremon porn. /biz/ is going to basically become /vp/ for at least a month but with a fuckton of actual money at stake.

>> No.5349029
File: 1008 KB, 2861x1316, mon (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz, how fucked am I?

Also, Smorple would be the 3d ghost type among 24 pokkemons. That is overkill. We need steel, bug, dragon, dark types most

>> No.5349060

I got in late, invested 1.5 eth, and took out 2.5 eth on the same day, it's sitting literally in my wallet. And I still make the occasional 0.002eth every now and then that sits in the contract, which I'll take out whenever there's enough to bother with a 0.02 transaction price.

Not to mention, if the dev doesn't steal everything and puts more effort into his scheme (as it appears they are doing) I'll have 6 gen 0 ponzimons (rn worth >1 eth each) while you've got none hon

>> No.5349145

Update is about to go live.

>> No.5349168

>Finally, expect a little bit of Etheremon porn
It already exists

>> No.5349217

> enteps are on decline, crypto on the rise
> crypto overtakes biz

> crypto on decline, pokemons on the rise
> biz becomes a pokemon trainer board

Just imagine this being the ultimate money making opportunity
We gonna have pangrass marines, initial smorple offerings, ta on pokemon market fluctuation and a shitload trading pairs built around genees

>> No.5349242
File: 189 KB, 716x316, Kenshiro go fucking lift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody has bought a Palytid in a day but I'm still pretty comfy.

>> No.5349262
File: 77 KB, 962x1453, 14195298_699485120207439_6398028836106833171_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any new pokemons to expect or are we getting a market?

>> No.5349301

No new ones.
Not sure what will be new.

Hopefully more people will buy in since eth is so much cheaper now.

>> No.5349315

Apparently just some buff (or other special distinction) for existing mons.

>> No.5349321

I hope Vibe gets replaced by Smorple

>> No.5349384
File: 136 KB, 475x475, Lord Vibe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vibe is epic be quiet
pangrass is the shitty one

>> No.5349427

Vibe looks completely out of place. He has mickey mouse hands.

>> No.5349476
File: 16 KB, 147x138, make like a tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pangrass is the shitty one

>> No.5349488
File: 11 KB, 279x235, 1508705397766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is going on here? buy pokemon knockoffs with cryptocurrency?

i want in

>> No.5349555

Too late to get in unless you wait for new mons in a few days
t. thripled my ETH stack on these little shits

>> No.5349586

i would be able to retire off of dividends alone

>> No.5349843

Post below you is right. Basically this is a ponzi with the promise of future updates turning it into an actual game. As of now the only reason to buy a mon is because enough people might buy a mon after you that you make a profit off their purchases.

Because every holder gets a cut when a mon is purchased, every mon's price goes up slowly over time. Eventually it just won't be worth catching a mon and almost nobody will buy any, so your dividends are guaranteed to dry up eventually.

That's where the real game comes in: All of these mons have IVs, strengths, types, levels, and later will have evolutions and merging and other shit like that. They will battle against each other (battle mechanics not yet known) and almost certainly in such a way that the winner of each battle makes money and levels up their mons. That will probably be the main way to earn money with your mons: strengthening them up and winning lots of battles.

Finally, the most important part for us current holders: trading will be a feature where we can sell mons back to other users. We can either undercut the catch price and get some easy money back in addition to the returns we already earned, or if our mon is much stronger than other mons of the same species we can probably sell it for even more than the catch price, and then re-catch the same mon to keep earning returns (or do whatever you want with the profits).

I'm very confident that anyone who holds a mon right now will make a profit overall, but I'm not 100% confident that everyone holding a mon right now will make a profit purely in RETURNS. It remains to be seen just how valuable these things will be the open market, but what gives me the most optimism is that the catch feature enforces their scarcity. It will always get harder to make new mons, keeping the supply heavily in check and the value stable.