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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53374782 No.53374782 [Reply] [Original]

Bros, I'm the first to admit that I'm kind of retarded. Worked in menial labor my whole life. It's taken me a year to save up just $5k and I just wanna use it to help me not have to fucking work so much. Is it even possible for the economically illiterate to invest such a meager amount and have it mean something in five years?

>> No.53374792

wtf. is this real???

>> No.53374819
File: 198 KB, 828x1792, 03C7B143-DB06-428E-AE2F-55B13846C5F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Safe boomer way, invest it all in a low cost eft. Like spy. Set up an account and every paycheck have it auto deposit as much as you can. Even 150 a check is better then nothing. If you can do more do it.

250 a check into spy in ten years will be over 100k. Obviously more money you can spare will equal higher yields

>> No.53374827

What the fuck is spy?

>> No.53374832

Why did it take a year to save 5k? Is it due to a low paying job, or silly expenses or a combination of both.
I only earn 1800-2000 euros a month and have managed to save 5000 euros in 6 months, would've saved more if not for all my fucking uni fees.
Is this 5k the only amount in savings you have?

>> No.53374845

Go watch a 5 minute YouTube video on sp500 investing. Open a brokerage at any of the available ones, set up auto deposit, and treat it like a bill for your future. The more you pay the sooner you will be free. Helps if you are young

>> No.53374859

It is an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). It is just a fund on the stock market that is basically a blend of stocks rather than just an individual company.

That is good advice though. Easy to sign up for a stock account and start auto-depositing. Just set it and forget it. You'll be shocked when you look at it a few gears down the road.

>> No.53374861

Invest in yourself. Buy some books about living with whatever condition you have that is making you retarded. The more you understand your learning disability, the better you'll be able to cope. Maybe hire a wrangler for a couple weeks who can keep you from eating glue.

>> No.53374877

After my bills I only have about $500 extra each month. I live pretty modestly and only really spend more than I should on food. I'm not buying Starbucks and avocado toast, but I love a good ribeye. I have a 200 mile radius of homogeneity in people's and won't surrender that for better work opportunities.

>> No.53374900

How safe are these? Is it like any other stock and you may as well have lit your money on fire if they crash?

>> No.53374910

What is your emergency fund?

Do you have any retirement account with your work?

Generally the rule of thumb for lower income folks is (I know /biz/tards will yell at me for this) max Roth IRA contributions then put leftover into a 401k if your job offers one.

>> No.53374925

Just Google SPY and look at the max chart. It has its dips like anything in the market, but generally over a long period of time it will grow.

>> No.53374983

You should ignore everyone in this thread trying to turn you into a lifelong slave. If you want to escape that situation with any youth left to enjoy then you absolutely need more risk. You need it. You need to buy a stock that could do a 2x in the short term. I recommend COIN, or just straight up buying ETH. If you ignore me you'll be not much better off than you are now in a year. But if you heed my words, you have potential to save yourself. Long term I'd say keep stacking ETH, but don't be afraid to sell it to trade other short term opportunities you spot on /biz/. Everyone else in this thread is a faggot that belongs on reddit.

>> No.53375033
File: 201 KB, 717x880, 1655714692587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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You should return to reddit and kill yourself. That's what you should do.

>> No.53375066

Omg you're right. After that 2x OP can retire with his $10k.

How could we be so silly.

OP, just get on dextools and check the Live New Pairs tab. Go All in on the first one that has a name you like.

>> No.53375073

cant believe i'm reading this fucking shit on /biz/ honestly. if he wanted your advice he could've just asked his great grandad lmao

>> No.53375085

you'll never make it, and neither will OP with you ruining lives with your garbage advice that every truck driver follows. get the FUCK back to plebbit