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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53354625 No.53354625 [Reply] [Original]

>curtains closed
>vitamin d depleted
>feeling sad
>i’ll make a Chainlink thread
>”hahaha cope seethe and link incels, muhhhh bulgaria”
>nice that’ll get em
>checks replies
>dopium increases
>nice better make another post on a LINK thread
>”trust the plan,2 more weeks! sergey will dump on you retards kek”
>why isnt My thread getting responses like it used to..?
>i’ll post in another LINK thread
>”Sergey is a fatfuck and linkies are cucks”
>lets check the replies…

>> No.53354652

Yeah pretty much. Feel sorry for them now to be honest. I can't even fathom how low they have to be in their lives to spend their time this way. It's really very pathetic.

>> No.53354659

>must. not. fap.

>> No.53354664


Irony being 2.5 years ago this pasta was used to make fun of shillers but it is way more relevant to fudders now

>> No.53354666

Hey phimosis anon. Shouldn’t you be jerking off your weird dick?

>> No.53354676
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yeah, it really is that sad

>> No.53354684

They gave away their little bags to scammers for 3% APY LMAO. The midwits got eliminated by the natural selection of free markets. Thats why they are angry chuds seething forever. Even markets didnt want their participation let alone the women kek.

>> No.53354691

jesus that's either sad or hilarious, i don't even know

>> No.53354747

it is pretty funny that the chainlink team members lost money on bancor and celsius and then they hired jonny after he exit scammed lpl

>> No.53354763
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>T. pol chud

>> No.53354793

That's absolutely brutal
Even if they werent suicidal coomers they're basically the lowest form of life on biz

>> No.53354828

it's probably more like
>taking a shit
>post "sergey is already half a billionaire without his company being profitable, wonder where that money comes from"
>laugh at frantic conspiracy replies

>> No.53354880

So /pol/ tourists came over during the bull run, bought the top, lost their stacks, and now obsessively fud in order to feel better about themselves. 3 specific fudders have been identified, one is a porn addict, one is obsessed with whiteness and hates himself because he's mixed, and one is into blacked porn and trannies. Jesus christ.

>> No.53354906

Funny thing is that they were probably the OG linkers who bought below 1$. Just the dumb ones who were stupid enough to lend* their link bags.

>> No.53355265

Is the anyone on 4chin who isn't a porn addict? I blast rope to some shit I found on /gif/ at least once a week.

>> No.53355283

is anyone remotely surprised that the people who would dedicate half their day to farming (((yous))) on bear market /biz/ were social detritus? You think Chad was finishing a game of LaCrosse and then getting online and spending 4 hours saying blue cube bad?

>> No.53355287

>Tranny's trying to tie this to /pol/ for some reason

>> No.53355314

This guy was addicted to the point where it was ruining his life. Just look at >>53354763

>> No.53356257
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>> No.53356276

kind wish u guys didnt doxxed him. He was funny guy

>> No.53356491


>> No.53356504

>Just the dumb ones who were stupid enough to lend* their link bags.
you mean like how sergey lent* his funds to celsius and how rory took a haircut on bancor??? lmao

>> No.53356829

The Bulgarian fudders are unironically chads. Simeon made millions by FUDposting here.

>> No.53357665
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>> No.53357778
File: 566 KB, 428x692, 3265433287943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]