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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53349470 No.53349470 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss this shit coin. It's been in the back of my mind for the past 2-3 years now. Seems promising, but I'm not sold on it. I want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly. Gentlemen. Discuss?

>> No.53349507

Spoonfeed yourself faggot. With or without you, Hedera shall rule this earth

>> No.53349557
File: 163 KB, 1082x1825, Hedera Scam VCCESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its an empty failed ghostchain with a history of elaborate scams on it like VCCESS and Leemonswap. HBAR token literally not needed.

>> No.53349579

I'm asking for a debate, not a spoon-feed session you incel cuck. Why would anyone want this shitcoin when Fantom has 25,000 TPS vs Hedera's shit 10,000 TPS. Thanks for the typical schizo comment, I'm rich, retired, and looking for a real debate among gentlemen, not children. I want a good crowd thinking session. Did I mention the absolutely insane supply of Hedera? 50 BILLION max circulating supply? What retard came up with that concept? Who is dumb enough to think it will break past even 8 cents?

>> No.53349666

Gold > shit > hbar

Gotta separate the tech/partnerships from the price of the token.

All the fundamental bros want use cases to correlate with price, and I understand it, but it's just not how the market works unfortunately.

>> No.53349667

It offers nothing to the ecosystem and it's tech used to seem top of the line, but it's falling so short on itself the past 1-2 years and has gained no traction by any means, neither in price, nor economical dominance. Seems it will always be a shitcoin. Fantom outperforms Hedera by far. It's EVM compatible, has an INSANE TPS, and FVM will be finished very soon. Did I mention L2's are in development and offer a lot to the ecosystem? Imagine once FVM is out? The max circulating supply of Fantom is but a fraction of Hedera's as well. Hedera is done for. Fantom is far superior in every aspect.

>> No.53349715

>tranny outs himself
Tldr I knew you were a faggot from the get go. Ftm is going nowhere without that roosh pump crew lmao not even Andre can help you

>> No.53349730
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All 3 will pump like it's peak 21 bullrun

>> No.53349744

Hedera wont pump it will just eternally keep rising until it is no longer used or useful... so maybe 100 years from now.

Other than that agreed

>> No.53349760
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Idk order book looks quite bullish

>> No.53349766

>muh leemonswap!
So fucking cringe and gay. Hbaggots are worse than poop on your shoes.

>> No.53349769

If it's good tech, price is irrelevant when you know a projects worth. Perhaps low IQ normies just don't see what we see? Maybe they don't understand why it's shit? I'll never know. And what's that about tx throttling? It's laughable that anyone sees any worth in such a project.

>> No.53349894

If you thought about it for YEARS and still haven’t bought the only abft, enterprise-governed, usd-pegged-fees, fastest, cleanest and most Christian of all «blockchains», NGMI
Buy bitcoin and wait in the corner

>> No.53349922
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It's about to happen, isn't it.

>> No.53349926

Clapping some bunda playing some jam music. Yep I've already made it

>> No.53349936
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>> No.53349986
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Don't buy!
Hedera network is a joke, fake tps. Not even one council member is building on it

>> No.53350031

See that's the thing: Fantom has Lachesis abft consensus protocol, it's governed by the people and not organizations, tx fees are under a penny, tx speed is fractions of a second making Hedera not the fastest by any means, Fantom consumes power to that of a SINGLE household making Hedera NOT the cleanest. Schizo religion has no place here so I'll excuse your mental retardation. Why are all the schizos so hyped about it? Are they the new xrpbros?

>> No.53350044

Hbar will be bullish for the next 5 generations, is what I meant.


>> No.53350132

Fantom governance is shit
Has nothing on the governing council of Hedera

>> No.53350191
File: 228 KB, 1125x825, 0C6AC4EF-B624-4B96-A426-E2A874712CD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ftm is faster
Lmaoing @ you. Your lies and tricks have no power here.

>> No.53350208

Baseless. Hbar performed like shit last bullrun, has a retarded circulating supply like xrp, offers nothing to the ecosystem whatsoever.

I've had absolutely no problem staking governance proposals and watching Fantom develop and grow over the years.

Can anyone offer anything substantial to the conversation or is it all just xrp cope hype?

>> No.53350239

Your argument is invalid. Pic is Hedera vs avalanche. Fantom is faster than both. Avalanche, however, is also a very good investment and has a lot to offer and a lot in the works.

>> No.53350278
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Ok I fucked up. Just found out that the tps are indeed real, generated a real world enterprise usecase, atma.io
Not sure what to think now. Could hbar be a hidden gem?

>> No.53350309

The fact that a retarded nigger such as yourself has any power to vote at all is proof that FTM governance is garbage

>> No.53350315

Hbar is the future
3-5 enterprise usecases going live in 2023
New coupon standard will run on hedera

>> No.53350321

Think hard about the post I wrote, don’t know if you are trolling but I can help you with those questions :
>who will bring the most transactions on «blockchain» in 5, 10 or more years ? People or Companies/Institutions ?
>what is the best governance, not from a persons point of view but from a company ? People or Companies/Institutions ?
>what is the best way to budget and predict prices for the «blockchain»use in the future ? A use-pegged fee or a fee based on the price (and ultimately, popularity) of a token ?

If you can’t answer these godspeed to you, if you can the choice will be made self evident

One thing : a lot of people hate on Hedera because «muh corporations». Please don’t make the error to believe that those that invest in Hedera are anti-crypto or globohomo supporters. Au contraire, we just realize what’s going to happen in the tokenization of our future and we bet on the better horse for the race, not the horse we «like the most»

>> No.53350327

Where the fuck do you think you are

>> No.53350336


>> No.53350347
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Omg you sold it to me. Buying a sui stack now. Is this guy one of the founders?

>> No.53350348


>> No.53350354

TPS is indeed real @10k/s. Fantom TPS is 25k/s. I do like the logistics tracking, but Fantom does that as well. Definitely worth talking about.

You're the retarded nigger who can't add anything substantial to the conversation and instead rely on petty insults and bullshit baseless hype rather than talk about how great your shitcoin is. why is that? Is it perhaps because your schizo nigger ass knows how useless your garbage shitcoin is?

>> No.53350364
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Good, you're gonna need them HAHAHAHA

>> No.53350375

Correct, UBI = Coupons
Non-citadel members will live off them

>> No.53350408

It's not an insult dumbass. Why would corpos want retards that shitpost here to have any voting power?

>> No.53350411

Holy fuck you are retarded. It was avax vs ftm vs Hedera vs Matic. Hedera was resoundingly 1, never losing a battle, avax was much slower but still consistently 2nd, while ftm and Matic were routinely failing trx. Ftm was 3, but that’s only because Matic is total dogshit. Hard to compare dogshit (ftm) with dogshit (Matic)

>> No.53350517

Nice word.
Almost as if I've seen it elsewhere before.

>> No.53350578

>who will bring the most transactions on «blockchain» in 5, 10 or more years ? People or Companies/Institutions ?
People. They bring in the money that corporations then utilize. If you're going to transact, why not do it on the much faster network? Why not transact on a network that offers transaction costs that are less than a penny and take under 1 second to process?

>what is the best governance, not from a persons point of view but from a company ? People or Companies/Institutions ?
Again people. That's why the people vote during the elections, not corporations. They tried creating laws classifying corporations and organizations as individuals, but the people again overruled such a stupid concept.

>what is the best way to budget and predict prices for the «blockchain»use in the future ? A use-pegged fee or a fee based on the price (and ultimately, popularity) of a token ?
Prices are not pegged on Hedera. Refer to Hedera's fees documentation for fee schedules based on API calls during smart contract transactions. As you can see, they can prove mighty hefty compared to Fantom, which again is under 1 cent no matter the transaction or smart contract API call.

>we bet on the better horse for the race, not the horse we «like the most»
Wrong. Quite the contrary you're betting on the horse you like the most. If you're betting on the horse you like. If you were betting on the better horse best fit for the race, you'd be betting on Fantom.

Answered. Keep going.

>> No.53350661

You're retarded if you think I can watch a picture first of all. And second of all you can perform tests yourself to prove sheer speed against tables providing TPS claims to see for yourself who is the fastest. Fantom came out the clear winner. Nice try though. Try harder.

>> No.53350673


Was not sure if you were slow or a troll, but saying
>Prices are not pegged on Hedera.
where you can see for yourself on HEDERA homepage the price of a transaction, written in USD is just dishonest. Again, you have 9 posts in a thread for a tech that you supposedly hate. How big is your bag, hbrother?

Lurkers : Hedera is a discernment and IQ test. You'll have to come to your own conclusions on your own because some actors like
are actively trying to poison the well. With Fantom none the less, which is the network known for lying about partnerships with *checks notes* Tajikistan..? Could you even put this country on a map ?


Beware of those people. Learn for yourself :

I fucking wish, I'd be a billionaire right now instead of a millionaire in 5 years.

>> No.53350730

>Fantom consumes power to that of a SINGLE household
Kek he's just using Hedera talking points and replacing Hedera with Fantom. For the newfags and retarded lurkers don't pay attention to this FUD.

>> No.53350846

the most heavy of bags

>> No.53350896

I can see for myself on Hedera's network fee schedule. Care to see for yourself since you're too retarded to find it?

You have to cater to the audience and not the discussion because you have nothing to prove your case. You have failed the IQ test and are spreading lies yourself. Who gives a flying fuck about third world Tajikistan first of all, and second of all that was their Central Bank digital currency (CBDC) initiative where they tried getting banks and governments to get involved in digital currency. They got banks in on CBDC but only 1 or 2 governments. Again, nice try. If you're looking for boomer gains then look no further. A lot of people here are trying to make real money utilizing networks with sheer power. Hedera is not a bad investment. Hedera is a dogshit investment compared to the other 3 stated.

>> No.53351263

Tldr. Ftm won’t pump without roosh, turns out all Andre did was dump on you.

>> No.53351400

Tldr; you can't have an honest discussion on /biz/ without a bunch of incels trying their best to shill a shitcoin while shitting on every other good project out there. Invest in what you want and don't take these retards seriously. Mind you Andre only went on haitus because of retards like you. He's spoke about this and he's now the Director at Fantom with huge things in the works.

>> No.53351462

Tldr if you were genuine you wouldn’t spout so much obvious bullshit. If you weren’t too busy shilling ftm and actually researched Hedera this entire thread could’ve been avoided. But alas, you’re here to shill like a faggot

Remember: without roosh, ftm won’t pump.

>> No.53351598

I honestly have no idea why the flying fuck it's turning into a Fantom thread. I like Fantom. I like avax. I like poly. Hedera from all the research I've done up until now I have come with no real reason to invest big into such a shit project. I only have 2m hbar ($120k) and that's all I'm willing to put into such a shit project. Anyone that knows their shit in this sector knows what absolute bullshit hbar is. Scroll up faggot. I have done nothing but post facts. God you are beneath shit you absolute retard scum of the earth piece of shit. Go die in a dumpster fire like your mother intended you inbred fuck.

>> No.53352085

>>Incel cuck.
How does that work? I'm a boomer so I don't understand tranny speak.

>> No.53352906

> I only have 2m hbar ($120k)
So I was right there >>53350673, you have the heaviest bags out of all of us. 2m Hbar put you well in the mega whale territory, and you argue that Hedera is useless? We will meet on the citadel Hbrother

>> No.53353203

its shit if you compared it to polygon that's working with the biggest companies and brands in the world, powering over 50k dapps, bringing the world to web3, developing innovative technologies and scaling solutions...

>> No.53353452
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JUICE will mint leemonaires before HBAR. LeemonSwap is a Curve-style DEX, launchpad, aggregator, lending protocol, and derivative market that has partnered with SushiSwap. NFT pre-sale 7 begins next week (alpha). Read the litepaper for 500 IQ tokenomics that use advanced game theory mechanics to create infinite emissions via sell tax of JUICE. Easy 100x

>> No.53353528
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if you werent a complete retard you would know its throttled at 10k, can scale into the hundreds of thousands with no slowdown on the ~5 second finality

>> No.53354386
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>> No.53356140

The only reason I ever got into this was because of their partnership with Allianceblock. Hope it doesn't disappoint, kek

>> No.53356384

ESL shitskin faggot