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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53338564 No.53338564 [Reply] [Original]

I need a 10x now.

>> No.53338790

what makes you think i have a 10x!

>> No.53338833

invest in yourself

>> No.53339046

Left my welding job because it was a 90% aluminum shop and had zero ventilation. A haze of aluminum fumes just hanging in the air all day

>> No.53339080
File: 3.03 MB, 500x500, bfvd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO at tradies giving themselves lung cancer by age 40

Fucking retarded tradies

>> No.53339088

what do you do now?

>> No.53339104

There are 8 Forms of Capital!

>> No.53339196

Went back to school. Just had an interview today for a pretty easy managerial job. Hope it plays out

>> No.53339599


>> No.53341129

Ask to be intubated, simple. Hope that helps!

>> No.53341704
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Yup you're a welder aren't you?
Surrounded by angry retards and being paid 20 an hour too I bet?

>> No.53341733
File: 31 KB, 392x590, 77f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NO..... YOU'RE WRONG......
>/POL/ TO ME SO.....

>> No.53341752

Only if you're willing to work 60 hours a week and travel the rest of the time
I'm glad I know how to do it but my God tradies are delusional
You need a degree

>> No.53341787

waging (15 years so far out of 40/50 years) gave me extreme insomnia, extreme fatigue, unability to focus, unability to think clearly, unability to read long texts and understand, language starting to deteriorate, cannot have a normal conversation (forgetting too many basic words)

>> No.53341971

for what it matters a good aluminum welder makes fucking bank, especially in the aircraft industry. Steel welding is basically the goyslop of welding.
>seething about /pol/ in 2023
>77+ images of chudjak?
you do not belong here

>> No.53342023

Literally quit retard.

>> No.53342116

Call osha

>> No.53342505

Do you have ME/CFS?

>> No.53342524
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learn to code, CHUD

>> No.53342547

If you can't survive on 20 hour, you either need to move or get a better brain. Or you got like 5 kids to take care of, in which case, the first two option still apply.

>> No.53342568

i wouldnt even get out of bed for $20/hour. that's like $650 a week after taxes and health insurance. lmao.

>> No.53342629
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I am sorry anon but with the state of the market. It's going to be a while. DCA into bluechips like eth and matic. strap in and good luck.

>> No.53342640

Then you waste money like a true retard. Bet you eat out every other day, and buy shit you convinced yourself you need and pay multiple monthly subscriptions along with your dumbass crypto or stock gambling addiction, convinced you'll hit it big one day but end up relegated to lower middle class lifestyle years from now when you can't afford that $8 cocktail at that bar where the women you can't get with go to.

>> No.53342677

i'm reasonably frugal put close to $45k a year into savings and investments. you're making a straw man argument. your focus should be forcing employers to give you more money and better treatment, not degrading yourself as a subservient nigger cattle goycuck who always makes more with less (don't want to hurt mr. shekelgruber's profit margins, oy vey truly anuddah shoah that would be.)

>> No.53342710

i have to point this out a second time: you briefly felt a sense of superiority and pride over being a better poorfaggot than someone else. let that sink it -- really think about it, as much as your 85 IQ niggercattle brain allows for.

>> No.53342743

No one who speaks the way you do on earning money is frugal, you are 100% full of shit. I can smell it from here.

>> No.53342784

i make $99k/year pre-tax. all of my bills total $2800/month. do the math, retard.

>> No.53342790

no idea, I never go to a doctor

>> No.53343135

Sure sounds like you do. Look into BC 007, the “German miracle” drug. Currently about to undergo a phase ii clinical trial for long Covid induced ME/CFS. You can also look into immunoadsorption, but it’s $20k. You can get low dose naltrexone which may help, fairly cheap and non-patented. ME/CFS is an autoimmune disease. You symptoms are identical. Otherwise there’s no real treatment and it could get worse permanently if you keep pushing yourself.

>> No.53343398

only making it in crypto can set me free, then I will be able to sleep as much as I want, any time I want
anything except that will just damage me even more, and I think my body can heal if I make it
literally either I make it by next bullrun or I die

>> No.53343466
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>> No.53344249

monkey smoke token



>> No.53345343

ORE is a low cap, I'd buy more of it than these large caps.

>> No.53345464

I know how you feel. In the meantime get some LDN it may help you focus more and give you more energy

>> No.53345486

buy moSOLID, easy one

>> No.53345993

Good pick, a literal bluechip after Telos started using the ID solution.

>> No.53346009

Complain to worksafe and claim disability from workplace injury and make tons of money

>> No.53346521

This unironically.

>> No.53347804

I love the fact that being an employer is playing at being inhumane, imagine making people work for 8 in a row for a pittance, even miners who leave their whole neighborhood without power have more heart, or more money, idk that things like vinu start to allow this scares me

>> No.53347840

thanks for your advices, I hope you make it too