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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53334884 No.53334884 [Reply] [Original]

Learn to...?

>> No.53334894

Dig ditches

>> No.53334906

knee pads

>> No.53334917

...suck dicks, it's the only thing they can do for wearing gay socks.

>> No.53334924
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>> No.53334939


>> No.53334940

uhm obviously they're extremely intelligent and skilled geniuses who deserved to get 3x more salary than everyone because they got an Adderall prescription and learned a very niche set of skills and experience with one specific set of frontend frameworks

>> No.53334941

tell them to hello world deez nuts

>> No.53334957


>> No.53334960

Learn Mandarin is the only correct answer.

>> No.53335024

sucking dicks in a smart way with 3x the swallowing capacity

>> No.53335044
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learn to cope

>> No.53335056


>> No.53335066


>> No.53335108
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Learn to chode

>> No.53335112

use a wrench

>> No.53335125


>> No.53335137

I know somebody that did exactly this. He learned Python in 7 days, 18 hours a day.

>> No.53335146

I'm fucked aren't I?
Just graduated CS and there are no fucking jobs.
Fuck my life.

>> No.53335294

It's hard to read this without imagining you as a very angry and upset person. What skills do you have?

>> No.53335336

>people who can code getting fired
Uhm sweetie it's basically all diversity teams and gender equality hires.
Product owners, Agile coaches, Scrum Master those kind of bullcrap jobs.
People who actually code have nothing to fear.

>> No.53335382

Not my problem

>> No.53335440

Build houses. DA TRADES are the next meme, but they can't really push it hard until white dudes are in the most lucrative (or hiring decision-focused) positions. Publicize it too early and your boss could be a black dude or a woman one day.

>> No.53335457

Uh I don’t speak paneet bro so I’m not telling them nothing

>> No.53335968


>> No.53336143

I'm at AWS. It was literally all Indians and the people you described. Well, and like all of Alexa including the developers there.

>> No.53336161

Learn to blow

>> No.53336186

Nice du.bs 61's

>> No.53336203

Learn to code your own OpenAI or get fucked

>> No.53336254
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>What skills do you have?
years international electrical engineering experience working in regulated manufacturing environments making products that are essential for daily lives, masters degree, speak two languages

half my coworkers quit to just do swe for more money lol

>> No.53336269

based. EEs are chads.

>> No.53336287

No that not a lie, after some time our brains get tired and any new info we learn is almost useless, so is the best to take sleep. Also to learn any language takes more than that, passing boot camp dosnt mean you learn anything unless you make your own project by yourself and no hand holding and you wont get job just knowing python only there is much more to learn, programming isnt easy.

>> No.53336307

algotrade until the next tech bubble starts

>> No.53336315

as a former ditch digger I kek

>> No.53336317

You feel for the meme that programmers are the most searched for, while in fact factory workers are ×10 times more searched for. You will kow have to wait until some small company dosnt open door for juniors and that takes like 1 or 2 days for 1 job

>> No.53336344

microsoft engineers specifically deserve less, and part of their salaries should go to the users as compensation for their wasted time and frustrations

>> No.53336383

>People who actually code have nothing to fear
Wrong, fear the pajeet that will replace you for 1 usd dollar an hour.

>> No.53336404

>t. pajeet

>> No.53336448
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We probably just tell them to clean up their resume and to start applying to jobs
Since coding is a useful in demand skill/field

>> No.53336463

actual good response. my brother took the mechanic-pill and has never looked back

>> No.53336479
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Unironically I hate code fags but if this happened I'm 99.9999% sure society would collapse, If businesses pay programmers ~$20/hr, no one would code. It's way too hard to program for that pay. Nothing would work, blackhat hackers will run rampant and software will be exploited, there will be no maintenance, shit will just stop working. At most SWEs will see a 20% cut on the average salary which will still put them in 6 figs. One autistic high IQ fag with a passion for hacking could single highhandedly ruin or change the world if programmers get mostly automated. Something as fucking retarded as Mr.Robot could happen IRL. Programmers will be fine, if you start seeing this to not be true and programming jobs disappearing, say goodbye to everything. The world will move into 1984 without a doubt at that point. Anyone pro-automation out of spite of one profession because they're too stupid to program is pro-globalist. Unironically die. Automation won't actually take over though, all the high IQ fags know this. My father works at a port where they're trying to automate the docks and he's positive that workers are sabotaging the automated cranes. This is actually creating more jobs. The world will change drastically, but there will still be high paying jobs. Get good or stay poor. Artists are fucked though, art is actually dead. Art was never a job anyway. The people fudding coding are just autistic zoomers who are scared while pursuing their CS degree because they suck at programming.

>> No.53336485

this p much what I hear from most my SWE friends (in more PC wording). should be obvious, I get why ppl think programmers are overpaid but there is a fucking ocean of waste to address in these tech corps before you can even glance at programmers

big tech already went through this phase for the past decade, the poo (tech debt) piled up so high that corps went back to hiring more full-timers to clean it up or even restart entirely and the jeets started asking for more comp anyway despite a job shittily done

>> No.53336506

Become a career transition counselor for laid-off coders

>> No.53336523

>t. guy that never learned how to learn
npc response every skill is in demand some way more some way less, fact is programming is way less in demand compared to blue collar work skills, and with every day there is more pajeets that are ready so it become even more competitive.

>> No.53336532
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>If businesses pay programmers ~$20/hr, no one would code. It's way too hard to program for that pay. Nothing would work, blackhat hackers will run rampant and software will be exploited, there will be no maintenance, shit will just stop working


>> No.53336539

literally none of that would happen

>> No.53336551

I love how "adjust" never means equalize. It means everyone will be paid shit wages.
Until they roll out UBI that barely covers your bill and insect sustenance pills while kikes ride out the population collapse in their fifth beach view mansion.

>> No.53336591

this is normal for a junior, the only problem is none wants them, and software engineer is a meme most people don't mind hiring software developers

>> No.53336604

the answer is to abduct jewish and indian CEOs and film their dismemberment, torture, execution, and desecration in 4K 60 fps. but no one wants to hear that.

>> No.53336605

>Artists are fucked though, art is actually dead.
Not "art for art's sake". That benefits from the fact that being human is part of its appeal. But art for commercial purposes is dead. And "art for art's sake" is already a bourgeois luxury that's pretty much dead already. Apart from that, fully agreed.

>> No.53336673
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this. take that shill retards lol

>> No.53336692

If only.

>But art for commercial purposes is dead.
Delusional. AI is a tool like any other and a lot of commercial artists are already incorporating AI into their workflow. Cars didn't stop olympic runners from existing, they still them to get around. It's just that 4chan's virginal understanding of commercial art is nothing but coom. It'll take another ~3-5 years but 3d artists will benefit most from this after all the hype settles down.