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File: 316 KB, 512x512, ai-camwhore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53313810 No.53313810 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so fucking happy that AI will take the jobs of all OF camwhores and insta models.

These women were paid enormous amounts of money for doing literally nothing of value but showing off their nasty bodies.

It's over for them, in 5-10 years nobody will pay for real women, AI will satisfy all the simps fantasies for pennies.


>> No.53313845
File: 264 KB, 2422x407, Screenshot 2022-12-11 040343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The mently ill /r9k/ /pol/tard just made another thread
Jannies shouls range ban you.

>> No.53313846

>showing off their nasty bodies
wao, gay

>> No.53313877
File: 218 KB, 1024x1024, 18277BB4-0054-43A9-BB2C-CCF933D56047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sexual marketplace value of woman will be replaced by ai and sex robots

>> No.53313953

Yep it’s finally happening. We were calling it back in 2017 but in the next 5-10 years this shit will take off. They better start respecting there simps because I’m sure they will notice the numbers start to dry up. Pay roastie for a of sub or pay for a AI robot that cooks, cleans and fucks for a sub. They still have time to make bank. Who cares, im sure in the future some sumo will submit a pic of there gf to some whore finding algorithms and have the reality of there unicorn shattered. They will actually have to go to full time escort work to compete if this end up happening OP. Girls after onlyfans kek

>> No.53314255

Go outside incel

>> No.53314279

hedonism is destroying our country. The most lucrative careers now are being a virtual prostitute or making vaporware for FAGMAN. There's no way our economy keeps running like this

>> No.53314309

it's only going to get worse idiots, degeneration leads to more degeneration

if it were true, free porn should've put whores out of business but there's more than ever of them, the average girl is pretty much a whore now

simps want a soul to cater their desires and no this is not cope, at the deep depths of their sad lonely existence they just want to be loved, if it's twisted love, all the better because that's the only love they can believe anymore

once AI porn goes mainstream you will see real people pretending to be AI for exorbitant amounts. Just wait and see.

>> No.53314646

We will all be jobless indeed, huh
I didn't believe AI would be where it is now back in the day, but here we are

>> No.53314719

>it's only going to get worse idiots, degeneration leads to more degeneration

>> No.53314790
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Which is exactly why prostitution is getting pushed as "sex work"
Did you think the 2nd Sexual Revolution was a mistake?

It's all planned

>> No.53315185

By the time the AI thing is ready these women will be already hit the wall and retired. They get to win, you don't.

>> No.53315216

Which AI model generated that?

>> No.53315289

Idk, civit.ai has a lot of models, you can choose whatever you want

>> No.53315464

roasties will always be in demand, autistic incels won't be satisfied talking to a bot

women have it so easy it'd unreal, but whether they are happier than 60 years ago is another story

>> No.53315471
File: 68 KB, 1024x1024, 1670880832170788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anons words are based and true, ye faggots should heed his message as it will help you navigate and profit off of the shitty hellscape future we are in for.

>> No.53316481

Yes but at least the next generation instawhores will suck. They'll need to find a real job and wagecuck like men do

>> No.53316506

>AI will take the jobs of all OF camwhores and insta models.
delusional, people will pay premium to interact with a real girl, that's why they pay instead of using free porn

>> No.53317426

nah, what OP is talking about is a complete upgrade from regular women. perfectly obedient (or disobedient, depending on your preferences), exactly the way you want them to look, loyal, not lazy, and not ungrateful. also you know the autogripper 6 million they have installed in them will be better than anything a woman can offer. seriously, if it ever happens, sex androids will cause the apocalypse.

>> No.53317501

Yeh but they won't miss what they never had, will they?
Besides, none of this shit will happen in our lifetimes. The closest you'd get to it will be a human-sized garloid made out of latex with a fucking fleshlight between its legs. Not quite the same as the real thing though i'm sure there'll be some who love it. All this life-like robot crap is up there with going to Mars. It ain't ever happening for anyone but they need to sell you a dream you'll believe

>> No.53317596
File: 2.99 MB, 960x540, its over.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever comes out first with working customizable AI porn will become a billionaire in a short amount of time, unironically.
Today there already is working text prompt-to-video AI software which can create an entirely new video just from your text alone, webm related.

Now imagine that, but with porn. There will be porn sites where you can upload a pic of your whatever high school crush and then enter any text prompt to see her get fucked in any way you want. Fucked by you yourself even. Upload any recording of her voice to get the audio part as well.
It's inevitable

>> No.53317642

How is that any better than just watching porn? You still don't get the real deal. The novelty of it will wear off as fast as you can say 'VR Headsets are GO'.

>> No.53317648

Clock is ticking roasties, AI is here to drink your milkshake

>> No.53317700

The hatred of women itt is tangible. All because you lot never get GFs. Blaming it on this tiny number of women who make money online might be a release valve, but you should realise it's only going to decrease your chances of any relationship happiness even more. You'll alienate every woman you meet because you've objectified them and then grown to hate them as a group. That's should worry you.
t. married and loving it

>> No.53317711
File: 110 KB, 500x375, joker kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. married and loving it

>> No.53317722

holy shit thank you i forgot to grab audio from my hs crush.

>> No.53317743

((They)) don't want you having a loving family life. Remember that. If you get one, you beat the system.

>> No.53317830

>How is that any better than just watching porn?
Are you retarded?
Instead of watching some random dude fuck a whatever random pornstar you will be able to watch footage of yourself fucking Becky back from high school. Those actress obsessed simps having the option to see themselves fucking their favorite actress etc. If you don't see the difference between the two and the implied massive financial profit you're quite literally mentally challenged.

>> No.53317939

Maybe it appeals to you. Doesn't appeal much to me, and I'm sure many other guys feel the same. If anything, I think I prefer watching strangers desu. You're swept away by the technological magnificence of it all, without considering its long term appeal, or even mid-term.
Tell me this; how often do you use a VR headset? What!? Not every day? But the tech is awesome dude! How can you not want to use it like, all the time?
You think you've thought of this killer app and the reality is no one will really care. There's too much more interesting stuff going on thatn sitting wanking in front of a video of yourself fucking someone from your past. That's just sad and a bit creepy.

>> No.53317975

exactly this. People pay for OF for that 'connection' to the creator, as sad and pathetic as that connection is.

>> No.53318042

It's not about getting or not getting a gf. It's about the fucking unjust fact that there are thousands of women out there earning millions of dollars while they do absolutely fucking nothing just showing their bodies on the internet.
Try it as a man, nobody wants to look at your limp dick.
It's fucking unfair that some can have such an easy life just because they were born with a vagina.

>> No.53318056

How many people do you know would actually do this? It's not your average Joe, is it? I've never paid for porn, ever. There's too much of it for free. Nobody I know has either.

>> No.53318057

>Maybe it appeals to you. Doesn't appeal much to me
Paying whores online for feet pics doesn't appeal to me either, but millions of dollars are spent on that every day by people who do. Hell, a fuckload of them pay a lot of money just for an artist to draw a whatever character getting fucked.
Do you have any idea how much would those kinds of people spend on anything remotely similar to what I just described? Look how much money there is spent on OnlyFans and Patreon and multiply it by x100 at the very least. I probably said too low as well.
>a VR headset
You still don't get it, there is no headset or additional gear needed, it would be the same like visiting any other site on your phone/computer. You enter a text prompt and get back whatever you want in audio video form, you pay depending on how much rendering power is needed and that's it.

>> No.53318087

AI video will become indistinguishable from video of a real woman long before AI robots will become indistinguishable from a real woman. Prostitution will increase and so will marriage (long term prostitution to a single man), but divorce will remain common as the girl gets bitter because she doesn’t really love the guy. Prostitution will likely become legal soon.

>> No.53318091

Anon, there's about 4 billion women in the world. How many do you think are making millions, or even decent amounts doing that shit? Give me a rough estimate? Seriously, give me a figure you think might be even ballpark

>> No.53318096

How do I generate an si picture like that? Asking for a friend of course

>> No.53318110

Plug me into the matrix Morpheus I need to suck those virtual boobas

>> No.53318111

ai can't replace simping because the whole idea of simping is to satisfy the male instinct to provide for a woman. they don't pay all that money just for some pictures when porn is already free and widely available. they do it because no woman wants or needs them in real life so they can pretend to feel needed by throwing money at a roastie online in a desperate and ultimately failed attempt to fulfill their biological imperatives.

>> No.53318126

>AI robots will become indistinguishable from a real woman
Not in our lifetimes, if ever. I don't fancy fucking a creepy moving doll with a mobile phone for a brain, and that's all you;re likely to get

>> No.53318156
File: 76 KB, 777x1024, 1659045659586138m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your loss

>> No.53318158

You sound like a blind delusional grandpa. Do you thinks someone who pays for stuff like OnlyFans is publicly stating that every day?

OnlyFans users spend BILLLIONS of dollars in just one year for whores to upload pics and vids of them. It's undeniably a huge industry
Do the math

>> No.53318214

What if...
You use the AI picture for only fans
Chat GPT for the dialogue with the ethot part?
Anybody will be able to have an only fans now

>> No.53318248

now you've created a market for kyc on cam sites. the chicks who can verify their humanity and prove they're not ais will get ahead. that technology to verify humanity will exist because there will be incentive for it. i'm not sure how it will work though.

>> No.53318255

>AI picture
anon, it makes porn vids already

>> No.53318307

also it's not like there aren't already dudes pretending to be chicks on of using real pictures. chat gpt and ai pics not required. but i doubt they make much money. of chicks are often streamers or ecelebs of some kind or hookers.

>> No.53318326

browsing through escort ads now a lot of them have onlyfans. so a lot of irl prostitution running through there

>> No.53318339

I'll guess if they implement the digital ID it will be some sort of token that can be verified over a blockchain. However, I can see in the future a new Psyop against the population being pro-trans(human). So it will not matter of you have an id or not because "what is a human anyways, if you identify as human you are a human"

>> No.53318464

Do you pay for it? I don't and none of my friends do. I know this for a fact. They're all in relationships anyway. What's delusional or Grandpa-ish about pointing this out?
Are you saying that the majority of guys on this site are paying women on onlyfans? Funny none of them ever talk about it, which you'd think they might on an anonymous forum. Besides, this thread seems to be about HATING it, not celebrating it.
If you really have a hardon for the idea of watching a CG video of ((you)) having sex, then i really don't know what to say to you. I think you're pretty sad.
PS The average earning on onlyfans is about $180/month. woop de doo https://increditools.com/how-much-do-people-make-on-onlyfans/

>> No.53318501

And how much do insta model iNflUeNCeRs get paid for shilling shitty products?

>> No.53318518

Also, i'd question that 48 billion figure. If the average earning is $180/month = $2160/year then for onlyfans to be turning over $48 Billion would mean that 22 million women are selling their asses on Onlyfans -kek no way that's happening

>> No.53318545

And how much do insta model iNflUeNCeRs get paid for shilling shitty products?
I have no idea. Are we changing the subject?

>> No.53318552

I don't go to prostitutes and none of my friends do either, but it would absolutely retarded of me to say no one goes to prostitutes because me and my friends don't do it. In fact there's a massive amount of money there, same with stuff like OnlyFans.

You're that retard in this situation. Like a delusional Facebook grandpa still in denial not believing that people actually pay thousands of dollars for one Bitcoin because none of his peer do that

>> No.53318594

Paying a prostitute means you get sex. I refuse to believe there's these hordes of men who want to collectively throw forty eight billion dollars a year at some tart on a screen. The maths doesn't stack, either. See >>53318158

>> No.53318611


Absolute bullshit. Until AI can sell me a pair of panties soaked in pussy stink to strap on my face, it ain't king shit of fuck mountain.

>> No.53318613

And do you use onlyfans? How much do you spend a year?

>> No.53318615

4.8 billion you blind grandpa.
Also learn the difference between median and average, it isn't distributed the same across every user. One user pays tens of thousands, other pays 50 bucks.

>> No.53318629

Blind grandpa >>53318615
No, I have never used onlyfans ever. Nor did I got to a prostitute ever, would be quite dumb of me to now pretend no one else goes to prostitutes

>> No.53318633

Tell that to the simp-lovers itt. They have this twisted utopian vision of seeing themselves on screen with their mothers or something.

>> No.53318634

The last job taken over by AI will be supermarket wagies

>> No.53318720

I know the difference, bucko. I got the 48B from the weblink you posted. I don't open Guardian links as i don't want to give those cunts the clicks.
Even at 4.8 billion, that means 2.2 million women must be doing onlyfans? 2.2 million? really? come on.Also, you never told me how much YOU spend on it. Will you answer?

>> No.53318749

Does anyone reading this pay to use Onlyfans? Lets see how many we have. And if you do, how much do you spend?

>> No.53318826

>that means 2.2 million women must be doing onlyfans? 2.2 million? really?
Yup, really. Factually. https://www.statista.com/topics/10083/onlyfans/#topicHeader__wrapper
Of course there are males who post on OnlyFans as well and not all content is sexual, but the vast majority is women doing sexual content yes.
>Also, you never told me how much YOU spend on it.
I literally told you I never used it, never made an account nothing. But you can make a lot of money from such concepts

>> No.53318880

Bruh. I’ve been with over a hundred women and they are all retarded whores. Spare me simp faggot

>> No.53318994

>I’ve been with over a hundred women and they are all retarded whores
Perhaps you should try to be more selective. You don't sound like much of a catch yourself, mind you..

>> No.53319096

Fair enough, though i don't think this means that suddenly people will want to pay to see themselves fucking, or some character. I think it more likely that they would become attached to an AI generated 'woman' on screen like in ex-machina. i think the idea of having sex with it is something we won't see in our lifetimes though

>> No.53319255

>some kind of hookers
That makes the most sense to me. Like someone has to buy their pics or however it works to fuck and the price is the same. It's just a way to launder money.

>> No.53319298
File: 7 KB, 179x282, 37D1D752-1D99-41E7-B002-BBFBE02DF131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks an AI woman would talk to him

>> No.53319708
File: 48 KB, 512x512, niko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: retard incels and """men""" with dogshit taste

>> No.53319997

The future will be: type text prompt into text box -> see realistic AI creation. It will be as commonplace as googling. Impossible to contain. Unlimited, bespoke pornography. No pornstars, but non-consensual clones of real women.

Will society reject this or accept it? How can it be contained??