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53313159 No.53313159 [Reply] [Original]

Anything that isnt PoW is a scam.

>> No.53313184
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>> No.53313398

pedophile spambot thread

>> No.53313522

Proof OF WORK, it's the only way... Can't hide the true knowledge, the code was executed long ago, you'll never stop it..... PoW, is the only way...
Can't wait till the nite of the long knives... Soon, very soon..
See the joo is putting in over-time... You kikeNiggerFaggots lost..... WE ALL KNOW... Best part you faggots that advocated for the joo are on a list... Operation humming bird was nothing to what is coming... CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!

time to shut-it-down.

>> No.53313540

Proof of work this, proof of work that, how about we make a proof of play coin? All work and no play makes Michael Saylor a dull boy.

>> No.53313641

>how to say I'm a commie without saying it
Good luck filling those ditches.
They'll need dug again soon and that's how we know we need ditches!

>> No.53313663

Doesn't the CCP have like 51% and can just do what they want?
Doesn't it hurt their citizens to "mine" fake bullshit that isn't a real resource?
How does this help people again?

Or are you simply an interested party that stands to gain?

>> No.53313926

This is correct but why bother explaining?

>> No.53313956

PoW is retarded. anything that isn't ETH or MATIC is a scam.

>> No.53313965

Proof of Waste is scam too, like everything else in crypto space.

>> No.53314017

PoS is just objectively better than PoW. The only advantage PoW has is that its very simple to mathematically prove its secure. While PoS relies on a complex game theory around incentive structures, and its easy to fuck up PoS. But after years PoS has been build out to be really stable, even ethereum is running PoS now and it works. Bitcoin can run PoW just to be safe but eventually it should switch to eth style PoS if eth has run for a decade or so with no issues.

>> No.53314105

FBA is the best and most efficient system.
No incentive is the best incentive.

>> No.53314252

Anything that isn't a privacy protocol is a waste of time.

>> No.53314335

FBA is kinda of a different thing than PoW vs PoS. And with FBA you have to trust nodes, so its not really comparable to fully trustless chains like btc/eth.

>> No.53314419
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What are the most viable alternatives to PoW and PoS?

>> No.53314471

Are we in war with identity management fags?

>> No.53314527

There is stupid shit like proof of capacity/storage, proof of time, identity/authority (centralized shit), but PoW/PoS are the most popular

And that is just how to pick who validates or produces transactions or blocks, there are a lot of other parts of a consensus mechanism, especially PoS which can be really complex. Two PoS systems can be totally different, and one can be designed wrong and be total shit, while PoW is simple and will just work and be secure if you fork bitcoin and change some params.

>> No.53314529

The honor system.

>> No.53314580

In PoS you have to trust the stakeholders to do what they say as on all chains the people with the most stake make all decisions.
Those are REAL people.
PoW mean you trust the miners.
Collusion is extremely easy.

Pretending humans aren't and won't always be the "weakness" doesn't make it not so.

>> No.53314600

Fucking imbecile, he deserved to be robbed.

>> No.53315587

Perfect, wallet users deserve more privacy where their funds are shielded into a public smart contract.

>> No.53315610

Nope. In PoS if a validator tries to do something funny like fork you just slash them and go on your way. Its actually more resistant to that than PoW is to a miner with a lot of hash power.

>> No.53315704

You literally PROVE your STAKE and then if you do that to (insert number) degree then you control it.
You will not escape it.

>> No.53315787

I don't think you get how a decentralized network works. The network runs on everyone's nodes, whether they stake or not. If a validator in a PoS system does something not allowed, then all nodes just ignore them. Same in PoW. You aren't trusting anyone.

The funny business you can do as a validator is to include transactions, then go back and try to fork the chain before that to double spend. You can do that in a PoW system if you have enough hash power (chain with most work is the chain). In eth you can't do that at all, because you are only allowed to validate one chain, and if a validate tries to fork then they get penalized and everyone ignores them anyway.

>> No.53315861

proof of sneed

>> No.53315960

>If a
But they can group up and change it. I know how the work faggot.
Stop pretending this is about a rogue actor.
ALGO foundation basically runs ALGO. THE HAVE THE MOST STAKE.
Their vote nearly overrides the entirety of all other holders.

You are a weasel and people should see that this is how PoS ETH shills behave.

>> No.53315982
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>btc bip gatekeeper

>> No.53316035

Even if a group does something invalid, all users would ignore them. This is no different from a PoW system, it has nothing to do with PoW/PoS. PoW is actually more vulnerable to that.

>> No.53316123

All users can't ignore changes the ALGO foundation makes to THEIR operation.
All PoS operations are OWNED and RUN by a small clique of major holders.
You have to trust these ACTUAL PEOPLE.

Same with ETH. Except with ETH, you don't even get to know who they are.
The coping is out of control.
You aren't decentralized. You are highly centralized.

>> No.53316222

Take your meds, nutbar.

>t. triggered vegan

>> No.53316286

All users run the same protocol. So yeah if the algo dev team makes a change to the protocol, then users make the decision to adopt that change or not. If algo is driving all development, then users are probably going to adopt the change. But if the algo team did something like mint themselves a billion tokens, users would probably push back and refuse or abandon algo.

Same with eth, although the development of the eth ecosystem is way more distributed than something like algo. We say that with the merge, people who didn't like PoS created forks like eth pow. If the majority of people wanted to stick to pow then one of those forks would have become dominate over eth.

This really has nothing to do with pos/pow. The same thing happens to bitcoin, with all the block size forks, bitcoin cash, bsv, bitcoin diamond, gold, etc. You have to trust wherever you define what the protocol is. That is a basis of trust that applies to both pos/pow chains. But once you know what the protocol is, a validator can't do invalid actions, then users will just ignore them. If its a very centralized chain where most of the validators start doing invalid actions that's just a completely broken chain, doesn't matter if its PoW or PoS, because no one is abiding by the protocol.

>> No.53316322

Based thread

>> No.53316439

C'mon dude, you are fucking retarded for this and there are projects that are highly interoperable among many of them.

>> No.53316516
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"Anything that isnt PoW is a scam"

>> No.53317031

Just as Ore ID management works across multiple chains.

>> No.53317070

>just build your own ETH
Sounds eerily like all of centralized big tech.

>> No.53317638

Hell no.

>> No.53317656

The horny system...

>> No.53317668

Avoid senseless gas fees and time wasting when you stake TORN in ppTORN vault with auto harvesting and re-staking.

>> No.53317726

It's quite amazing how easily a single password is used not only on multiple keys for authentication across chains but also with wallets.

>> No.53317755

Users only pay for deposit and don't need to pay for staking operation into tornado.cash contract, harvest and re-stake operation.

>> No.53317956
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>tfw sitting on a quite literal gigagem PoW sub 20m mc