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53299246 No.53299246 [Reply] [Original]

Which stack would you rather hold for the next bull market?

>> No.53299257

1 bitcoin, saying otherwise just shows how poor you are and you are copeing by needing muh heckin 1000x alt

>> No.53299262

42 eth ofc because eth will always go back up and you can buy shitcoins with it.

>> No.53299266

10k link
what a stupid question

>> No.53299271

42 ETH is more than the suistack for ETH (32). 10k is exactly the suistack for LINK. So in this case I'd go with 42 ETH.

>> No.53299483
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I find myself wondering what it must be like to be you guys; to have saved up a sizeable stack of Link and then, thinking yourself a savvy investor/businessman, lodging most of it on Bancor and Celsius, all the while dreaming of this rich lifestyle you would one day soon attain.
I try to imagine the crippling grief and the dreadful feeling of loss when you realised it was all turning to shit. Oh god that must have been horrific. Like having a child taken from you. All your hopes and dreams gone, just like that. Of course, it actually took a while as there was this brief hope you might get it all back, but it wasn't to be.
I only pray you didn't buy a lot of Linkpool too, did you? To lock in that 'guaranteed share of all node earnings'? Holy mother of mercy, but that was not to be either, was it?
Your pain must be indescribable. I only hope I can offer a few words of consolation: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

>> No.53299572


>> No.53299721

Right now the link bottom appears to be 0.0033 gwei, and its been trading between 0.0063 and 0.0041 gwei for 8 months now. If it breaks below 0.0041 gwei for more than a day or two, that would be a good time to swap to eth and at least ride it to previous low. Otherwise I'd stay in link and see which way it breaks, because it could very well still break to the upside.

Factors to consider, eth has no strong narrative for a while now, shitcoin season is at least a year and a half away and it has staking unlocks coming up. Based on last bear market, eth gets slaughtered vs bitcoin during this timeframe. Link potentially has swift tradfi play and CCIP, but also has staking unlocks in 9-12 months, though considerably less value unlocked than eth. It also outperformed the market during this time period last bear market.

I'd bet on link but keep an eye on link/btc and link/eth and see if it breaks below accumulation on both, for link/btc 30k sats is the level to watch (31k now), if you see link dip below 0.004 gwei or 30k sats for more than a few days and continue down, get out of link at least temporarily and watch to see if it hits a new low. If it holds those levels and breaks to the upside (above 45k sats for link/btc), link looks to be the better play at least for the next year or so.

>> No.53299737

bot wot?

>> No.53299745

GPT-3 bot

>> No.53299818

dno but i personally hold:
7k link (staked)
8 eth (cold wallet)
1 btc (cold wallet)

link is plan a, eth is plan b, and btc is plan c. in the event link becomes the oracle solution of everything humans touch then the difference between 7k~ link and 11k~ link is negligible, like comparing a centa millionaire to a deca millionaire.

in the event link goes to zero ill have copium in some eth and btc in the back pocket and continue waging.

>> No.53299878

While not a bad plan, I'd personally go 50/50 link/btc if hedging my bets, the problem with eth is despite the fud, eth is almost entirely dependent on link in the long term, if link fails so does eth. The problem being, if crypto remains a zero sum closed loop of shitcoin casinos, other casinos will continue to outperform eth the way bnb did last cycle. Eth is more secure/decentralized, but this only matters for important usecases, the kind that would also require oracles.

Another option would be 40% link/40% btc and then use the remaining 20% as a gamble stack for various other l1's, I favor avax personally if there is no progress for oracles this cycle but I'm not shilling it and you can't go wrong with most top picks.