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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.51 MB, 2455x1669, house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53293674 No.53293674 [Reply] [Original]

>bought for $192,000 9 months ago

>tried to rent out from $1900/m all the way down to $1500/m

>gave up and is now selling for $306,000 today

When will this shit crash and burn?

>> No.53293960

2 more weeks

>> No.53294086

florida isn't crashing anytime soon

>> No.53294218

>everyone on /biz/ has a magic remote 500k job with FANG

And yet everyone pisses and moans about how they can’t afford a house

>> No.53294244

>4 bedroom
>1350 square feet


>> No.53294253

lol its going to fall 30% probably
people said the exact same shit in 2006 and florida completely collapsed
cant wait to buy a house for 200k

>> No.53294263
File: 3 KB, 124x124, AFC522E7-F037-4836-9634-2A30A6CBA9AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look it’s another incel crying about how he can’t afford a house when he doesn’t have a second income and a family to fill up the house. I’m sure you’ll be much more fulfilled in life with a bunch of empty rooms Chud. Imagine thinking you need to own a house when you’re an incel with no family. Maybe get a wife and actually buy a house on a dual income like a normal person because a house isn’t meant for a single incel only well off single people get that privilege

>> No.53294269

If housing collapses 30% there’s a pretty good probability you won’t have a job. Every cuck always thinks he will come out on top in a recession. Dumbass faggot you had 10 years to buy a house, hell, even in 2020 houses were still cheap.

>> No.53294289

Florida is definitely going to crash soon. Same with all the other hot spots that came up during covid. Everything else will just go down a little though

>> No.53294290

Basement idiot

>> No.53294311

Why didn’t you buy it 9 months ago and make the gains yourself retard

>> No.53294313

>What do you mean your wife wants to be a stay at home mother raising your children??? That's what the state is for!!!

>> No.53294330


>basements in Florida

No one tell him.

>> No.53294337
File: 32 KB, 626x352, 99C98BDB-2EC4-4E3E-8AFF-6D9488A3A84D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want that you’ll have to work harder and beyond that you can still use the dual income to save a lump sum then cut back on expenses when the kids are around and she can work a part time job. Too bad you’re too stupid to figure it out, but none of it matters because you’re a loser Chud

>> No.53294342

never. we're in eternal clown world now

>> No.53294364

I'm going to start murdering people like you, very soon.

>> No.53294388

Slide thread by a kike trying to demoralize

>> No.53294394

>I deserve 100k because I bought a house then sold it less than a year later
Flippers are scum. I can tell this faggot didn't renovate anything.

>> No.53294446

>Buy for $300k
>wait a year
>sell for $400k

What’s the problem OP

>> No.53294495
File: 121 KB, 640x480, wertwert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy for the long term. Appreciation is the end game bonus but rent cash flow is the bread/butter.
Don't buy big, buy small and repeat.
15 condo owner here.

>> No.53294511

Surely this is all some bad joke and not a real listing. Surely boomers won't try to defend literally any of this.

>> No.53294512

holy shit what a disgustingly ugly building

>> No.53294516

Thanks for making the hoa rich.

>> No.53294519

Are you not raped by HOA and other such scams?

>> No.53294522

Actually did the same thing in Jacksonville. Bought mine for roughly the same price a few years ago. Sold it to opendoor for well over the z meme estimate into the 300s and they took a loss on my property when they went to resell it.

Opendoor is the dumbest organization ever.

>> No.53294561

Who did you think was going to rent yo cuckshacc anyway gtfo jogger

>> No.53294593
File: 235 KB, 599x540, Rickman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOA gets its cut, county (property tax) gets its cut, property manager and a little insurance ($30) gets its cut.

And I get the biggest cut. It's a team effort and everybody wins.

>> No.53294731

polcels stay losing

>> No.53294753

Based. Getting over disgust seems to be the ticket to actually making it. Thank you for contributing anon

>> No.53294854
File: 156 KB, 564x752, 9c970260e10c70f57721357165ea628a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, build it brick by brick. No more crypto-instant-millionaire bullshit.
1. cash flow
2. appreciation
3. tax benefits better with RE than anything else
4. leverage: borrow $ to make your 4
5. add value (rehab, add a carport or bathroom etc)

>> No.53295293

No one actually adds much value to /biz/ lately. Another bump because you're the exception to the retard standard of this board.

>> No.53295529

think politically for a moment, democrat areas are becoming more insane everyday

normies think the only 2 states to move to are texas and florida, I'm going to guess 250 but nah you ain't getting 210 for this

>> No.53296122

>those itty bitty baby cuts
Dumb shit is bleeding money every month and will eventually sell at a loss.

>> No.53296145

Why did you think you'd get 10% ROI on real estate?

>> No.53296411

I would secretly give a nod of approval if a story like this came up on minecraft news