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File: 86 KB, 1024x683, adderall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53287934 No.53287934 [Reply] [Original]

fuck all doood just eat lions mane and get a good night sleep fags. No wonder those Jane Street kikes ate this shit like candy it fucking actually works
inb4 oh no goy it's bad for you, that's why my whole bloodline is on it goy

>> No.53287940

Why do Americans take so many drugs

>> No.53287948
File: 25 KB, 326x251, 1673641432271443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indonesia even understand this thread
Are you saying it's good or bad? What the fuck is your problem

>> No.53287949

>I'm a schizo with narcicistic thoughts about how I'm always right because I'm taking meth pills therefore I am always right WINNING WINNING WINNING
the absolute state of meth heads

>> No.53287961

okay have fun perma-frying your niggerbrain so you can lose money 10x faster than sober

>> No.53287965

The fact that people exist on this drug in their day-to-day lives is scary desu. I've taken those 30mg pills and you don't feel normal for weeks afterwards. It's legal meth.

>> No.53287972

Define trading "better"

>> No.53287974

>I rely on exogen chemicals to function properly becuse my brain is not good enough due to my shitty genetics that I inherited from my dark skinned dad that left my mother when I was a 3 yo crybaby.

>> No.53287977

Adderall is fucking trash
t.on concerta for first 7 years of school plus stimulant abuser

>> No.53287980

gotta get shit done homey
then you gotta smoke a blunt to unwind from getting shit done

>> No.53287992

>meth salts are good
lol, lmao even.

>> No.53288010

My whole life, in school and in college I had all I could do to focus on anything. If you want to call it adhd or say thats fake and I'm just lazy or that I was just born retard fine, but as a sober good goy in a competitive world were its next to impossible to make a living without being a fucking rocket sciences I need this shit to function in clown world. I was fucking either way, at least one day I now have a chance to make it and ween off it. I wasted most of my life not taking anything and never learning or doing shit about fuck, I am reformed now.

>> No.53288035

I can spend more time plugging and chugging data into excel to reach trading conclusions faster.

>> No.53288061

I am an adult, I never took anything for 22 years of my life, I only use it when I need to which is like 3 times out of the week for like 5 hours

>> No.53288079

>just take legal meth

>> No.53288094

everyone around you knows you’re a meth head lmao

>> No.53288104

They haven't shoa'd the jews yet.

>> No.53288105

Because we're not alcoholics like every other country

>> No.53288112

>does permanent damage to tour brain

>> No.53288130

Speak for yourself

>> No.53288142

Problem with lions mane is most anons will buy the shitty chink version that doesn’t work. They’ll just type in lons mane on amazon and click the first one they see lol

>> No.53288143

>barely comprehensible rambling
>yah man they make me like trade better

>> No.53288170

Imagine poisoning yourself with drugs to stare screen for 12h/day and not trading with bot. +80% of stock markets are already botted.

>> No.53288212


The insomnia for Adderall makes you depend on weed to sleep. Self deafening prophecy of drugs that lead to more drugs.

And the binge eating too after the appetite suppressant side effects wear off, my god.

> t. Ate all my calories after the hours of 8pm because of appetite suppression of stimulants and still hit a surplus of calories from the munchies

>> No.53288216

Jews get the CIA to flood the streets with crack when they're not pushing adderall on kids

>> No.53288225

smoke meth like a real man

>> No.53288232

Can't say it isn't true. Latin America and Europe are filled with alcoholism. He'll even Asians are alcoholics. The only continent that isn't is Africa, unfortunately they're niggers so it doesn't count

>> No.53288266

What's the good stuff then, I read somewhere you need like full fruiting body or something like that.
This isen't a spelling bee nerd, it's the numbers i can about being correct, non of which i would ever provide to meanie pies like yourself.

Yeah because the ones at two sig, rentech and the addadin developers weren't on addy when they programed those.

>> No.53288287

its part of the reason we destroy everyone else. every single executive is on modafinil. u could give a fucking sicilian modafinil and theyd get a job

>> No.53288291

Only trailer trash niggers use adderall
Vyvanse is the white man’s drug of choice

>> No.53288310
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>> No.53288378

At the end of the day it will just make you masturbate like a maniac.

>> No.53288380

they were more generous with the scripts

>> No.53288393

iwish they were more generous with the scripts

>> No.53288423
File: 97 KB, 1182x1182, D03649333-p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get on testosterone.
This shit will improve your mood, focus and confidence. Much better option than taking fucking amphetamines. Also your dick will actually work better

>> No.53288539

Why are Americans so successful?

>> No.53288577
File: 124 KB, 1080x864, ARAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just invest in some Ai token called MOD.AI() and call it a night.

>> No.53288614

Yea but they 200 euro a tiny bottle here, street Amp (sulfate) in Holland is <10e a gram

>> No.53288620

>No wonder those Jane Street kikes ate this shit like candy it fucking actually works
>it fucking actually works
But FTX is bankrupt. How is that 'actually works'?

>> No.53288642

how to buy testosterone lol
eveything i take is to raise t. might as well jus take t too

>> No.53288653

I used to feel that way whenever I was gaming under the influence, but it actually decreases your preformance compared to when you're sober
Having a sober 3rd party observer shoot down your dillusions of grandeur before they take root really helps

>> No.53288665

There was a redditor who bought multiple bags of all the popular brands and obscure brands and took them to get third party tested and recorded his findings. If you can control yourself when confronted with a reddit link I will post it. Also if the company doesn’t post third party test results on the website then that’s already suspicious and chinky. Even (((GNC))) gets third party tested

>> No.53288678
File: 26 KB, 222x224, 1663215925343187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I just started taking 30mg vyvanse a few months ago. The meds are incredibly powerful, but you still need discipline to use your newfound dopamine levels in your brain effectively. The first month, I just fucking shitposted on here at 5000% typing speed and fapped. Listening to music felt like my headphones were having sex with my ears, so that shit was definitely dangerous and I stopped it quickly. This vid set me straight:

Also inb4 that one autist who aggressively reports ADHD threads shows up and begs jannoids to delet

>> No.53288701

I like the other version of that pic better. That chud is disgusting.

>> No.53288729

Cringe. Drugs got me a 100k tech job. Stay mad, Mormon faggot.

>> No.53288743

Uganda has some shocking rates of alcoholism if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.53288817

All they see is a once on the verge of failing loser, to a now top of his class honours student. Seethe and cope

>> No.53288946

reddit moment

>> No.53288958

enjoy the infertility

>> No.53289107

It is bad for you. You just need coffee and faith

>> No.53289115

it doesn't make a you a better trader, it makes you think you are tho

>> No.53289563

Adderall everyday in college gave me a psychossis that lasted for years. Never again.

>> No.53290042

i got my girl pregnant while taking 200mg/wk of the gay euro version of test. wasn’t on hcg at the time either
test wont make you focus more in my case. still need modafinil to get significant work done. only use it 3 days out of the week. back when i used to do everyday i started having weird heart issues. shit is too hardcore, maybe i wasnt drinking enough water dunno

>> No.53290178

my doctor wont prescribe me it and i wouldnt trust chinese bathtub test/want that shit shipped illegally to me. I guess the enxt step is to go to some expensive ass life lengthening clinic or whatever and pay them thoudands to put me on trt for the rest of my life?

>> No.53290215

Makes you a better person period. Have done a complete 360 since I started taking 40mg/day, best shape of my life too since I can workout harder and longer

>> No.53290253

working out on adderall is awful

your super dehydrated and need to drink water constantly

>> No.53290337

any drug like that you need to drink way more than you’re used to. it will fuck you up eventually if you don’t per above. my chest started to feel weak, can’t explain the feeling well. i’m 99% sure i was headed towards a mini heart attack. cut back to 3 days/wk and doubled water intake and i’ve never felt that again

>> No.53290350

The reason you feel so good about it is because it directly influences dopamine levels in your brain.
You're essentially taking meth pills.
At the very least, stick to Rx or other slow release formats so you're not just getting blasted on a daily basis and setting yourself up for a god awful withdrawal.

>> No.53290363

You're on a cocktail of prescriptions it's literally over.
Take it from me I used prescriptions like crazy in my 20's now I'm a burnout and near 40, dick doesn't work and body is failing like I'm in my 90s.

>> No.53290394

Adderall is shit
Get NMN if you want to stay up all night making money

>> No.53290395

Amphetamines is brain power on credit. Sure, your brain functions better today, next week and maybe next year. But the time for repayment will come and I promise you it will be a lot uglier than you think. For the heaviest users it turns into severe mental issues that follow them for the rest of their lives and requires a cocktail of psych meds to keep you from an heroing

>> No.53290412

show citation

>> No.53290520

What I achieved on adderall far outweighed any negatives retarded pussies in this thread go on about, if you don't benefit from adderall you're simply low IQ and no drug will help you or maybe your brain chemistry isn't completely fucked from constant undisciplined sensory overload starting from childhood like mine is.

If I didn't take adderall I'm sure I'd still be masturbating for hours daily, eating trash and playing video games for 10 hours a day. Just don't take more than you need (never seek a high), have week long rests and do not neglect your health (still exercise/diet well).

It was and still is near enough like the Limitless drug for me. By the way, for the braindead retards on this thread saying it's "basically meth" are wrong, meth is 100x times stronger than adderall and amphetamine salts in general, meth is not good for productivity, only for getting high, meth is in a completely different ballpark and just because your retarded brain sees "amphetamine" in "methamphetamine" and assume that it's basically the same thing doesn't mean it is. Never, ever seek to get high and happy, only take enough to the point where you feel productive.

>> No.53290535

I knew a guy like you. They found him dead in the bathroom at work when he took too long of a break during a meeting. Dude was 37. Too much meth and oxy. Have fun tho.

>> No.53290548

When you use a pill to boost your dopamine and serotonin levels every day, your brains natural ability to produce it is diminished. Over time, your brains ability to produce it can go away entirely. That means if you stop taking the pill, you will go into the worst depression known to man because your brain will be unable to produce dopamine and serotonin effectively. This is common sense. Ask your doctor

>> No.53290581

>afraid of dying

>> No.53290632

>can’t explain the feeling well. i’m 99% sure i was headed towards a mini heart attack.
It's anxiety. I would typically get this when I had a shit sleep, so now my rule is to never take meds if I have a bad night. It's kinda fucked, but there's studies that suggest low does amphs actually preserve cardiac tissue and can even cause neurogenesis

It's a weird drug. Low dose can cause magical physiological growth, and too high a dose is obviously neurotoxic. You also gotta take days off every week to preserve your dopamine sensitivity

>> No.53290645

No need to I'm living proof of it, adderall fucked my brain up so badly took getting completely sober off all medications for a decade to "normalize" and by the time I got normal my body has wrecked itself and it's organs and brain beyond fixing, doctors can't seem to figure it out so they try to get me xanax and benzos and other "anxiety" medication but I've already decided to kill myself just waiting for next check so I can get my gun out of pawn.
This has been an ongoing struggle to not kill myself for over four years, and that was after breaking a life long cycle of depression and suicidal ideations.

>> No.53290663

Working out on amphs is almost semi non-natty. Since your sympathetic nervous system is activated, you remove the muscle limiters we biologically have acticated when our parasympathetic nervous system is active. So you get that "mom lifting car off her child" effect

>> No.53290664

Completely unfounded and untrue, adderall or meth is a synthesized chemical which is not naturally occurring in any substance known to man, there's no such thing as a "low dose" of poison.

>> No.53290697

Fuck you. I actually have ADD and fags like you abusing it have created a shortage so bad I can never get my prescriptions refilled anymore

>> No.53290721


>> No.53290738

It's true.

Also comparing Adderall to meth is incredibly disingenuous, and the biochemical properties of adding a methyl molecule to amphetamine cannot be understated. Actually, even adderall itself is really shit, since it's 25% alevoamphetamine, which is the adrenergic isomer of amphetamine which doesn't help ADHD symptoms at all. Dextroamphetamine (vyvanse/dexedrine) are the dopaminergic compounds and nobody should take anything that isn't 100% dextro.

>> No.53290787

>Trust the science bro
Even doctor's I talked to nearly 16 years ago knew it was a poison and most of them completely stopped prescribing it to patients unless they absolutely begged them, my ex was a junkie like you and white knighted for meth for years.

Nobody stops with adderall bucko.
And again you're either dosing or overdosing there's no such thing as a low dose of manmade biochemicals.

>> No.53290947

I knew there was gonna be some whataboutism allusion to covid, because pharma pushed poison vaxx garbage, so we're not allowed to talk about anything scientific ever again apparently. Sounds like you're a typical case of your life experience being retarded parents diagnosing their children with stims, so therefore any variation or dosage of the drugs for fully developed adults are...... LE BAD! Don't really give a fuck what ad hominems people send my way, I know stims are overscripted and abused like >>53290697 said. Retards like you just lack nuance and think that because normie students crank themselves full of amphs to study, that there can be no true condition. I got diagnosed at 27 years old, and the changes (most of which are behavioral, and have nothing to do with meds) can be described as nothing short of life saving.
This will always make me laugh. I hate my medicated days. I associate the meds with being "game mode" and working hard. I prefer the off days off and just lounging around.

Keep on hating that which you don't understand bro. The true heart of ignorance.

>> No.53290995

That's a whole lotta words for
"I got aids and I rail meth with my gymbros"
Just fuck off already nobody here wants your kike poison.

>> No.53291035

your brain doesn't stop produciting dopamine and serotonin. there is not a single study to back this claim up. this is the same bullshit claim as your balls stop producing test. literally not real, not a single instance of it outside someone with a disease or hardcore comorbidity

>> No.53291073

i had nothing to be anxious about. that said i wasn't sleeping more than 5 hours a night due to it (which was fucking awesome), so yea maybe that was it more than anything. forgot about the sleeping part until you mentioned it

>> No.53291080

Knew you were a DYEL from the low test energy of your posts, kek.

>> No.53291106

I don't know what you're trying to say troon but nobody here's buying it clearly by the 50 plus responses telling you to fuck off, you've made this thread for well over two years.

I came to this board and the first thread I saw was this exact bullshit.

>> No.53291131

im sorry u got fucked up but i'm almost your age and my dick and everything else works great, and moda (although not the same as adderall) attributed to at least 50% of the reason i attained great wealth and have an awesome family. i was a worthless piece of shit like most here until i found that drug, and finally i could enjoyably work like i always wanted to
clearly it causes issues because i mentioned them myself. you have to be careful. but without it i'd of probably committed suicide by now. you're fucked either way we all die

>> No.53291188

You know how degrading that is, one it's not even the same substance at all like telling a heroin addict how terrible getting off coffee was.

Two the whole "Oh life sucks we all die, meanwhile I'm succesful and have a great life"
Are so easy to throw around when you're in a space of safety and space, you were never struggling from the first point otherwise you wouldn't have became successful, success comes first from a place of security which most people don't have especially when fighting off one of the most destructive and demonic drugs ever created by human hands.
No point in elaborating I've had this conversation so many fucking times in my life there's no point in continuing it because it's cyclical and this board offers no substance simply copypasta bullshit or literal NPC tier advice.

>> No.53291231

I'm not burning out my dopamine receptors and emotions for pieces of green good goy paper, health and bodily autonomy comes first.

>> No.53291245
File: 76 KB, 188x312, Bi&#039;s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, my T is higher than yours, ripping through my final year of my program with peak grades, and my life has completely made a 180 since treating this shit. I take these meds in low dose and very responsibly, unfortunately for you, there will be no LE DOOMSDAY DOWNSPIRAL moment. Those are all behind me, well before starting this shit, kek. Consider that you might be the one with fucked up mental health, since you're wishing medical calamities to befall random anons online to confirm your bias faggottry.

Post arm.
Unfathomably based. Keep living the life of excellence, king.

>> No.53291276

adderall and modafinil have significant overlap in certain areas. adderall works the same for me in practice, but it doesn't last long enough and i can't get xr as easily
> Are so easy to throw around when you're in a space of safety and space, you were never struggling from the first point otherwise you wouldn't have became successful, success comes first from a place of security which most people don't have especially when fighting off one of the most destructive and demonic drugs ever created by human hands.
im a highschool dropout that grew up in a fucking trailer park and was kicked out at 17 to move into my friend's house's basement. i had less given to me than you and 99% of this board since per the homeless part, and not once but twice.
people who get rich aren't whiny faggots like you. they make a decision that they'd rather spend their entire life working towards getting rich with nothing else and then die alone and poor, then not try. and we come to grips with that and that the opportunity to at least try to get rich, even if you fail, is reasonable, and almost lucky to be in good health to try it. and that's the decision i made, and drugs helped me achieve it
you have the same cyclical discussions and life results because you're a whiny faggot

>> No.53291309

I can't decipher your psychobabble clearly meds did a number to your brain, "I was in a trailer park"
Boo fucking woo I sure you learned how to roll a tinfoil pipe there as well, now when you say successful I guess that means you got into the fancy doublewide and are using crystal dicks instead now.

>> No.53291322

I haven't lifted a weight in probably 13 years due to a degenerated back and my arms are still naturally bigger than than bullshit, and you're under 5'5 I can tell by the length of your pathetic manlet arms.

>> No.53291331

a single car in my garage is worth more than your house, stay poor fatty

>> No.53291335

>forgot about the sleeping part until you mentioned it
Yeah, a good night's sleep is everything, and stims lose most of their benefits when you're running on shit sleep. The best is when you get a good rythm of smashing your daily tasks in the morning, then getting a nice crash in the evening by avoiding blue light and any electronics.
> but it doesn't last long enough and i can't get xr as easily
Huh, crazy how we have the opposite dilemma. I would have preferred dexedrine Ir so I could better control the dopamine spikes around particular study times during the day, but I'm just rolling with vyvanse for now which gets the job done

>> No.53291338

Riding mowers for your 10x10 patch don't count as cars slick.

>> No.53291347

actually maybe your house is worth more. show us the address of a house down the road from yours with similar square footage. let's compare that to a 2018 hurracan performante or 2021 911 turbo s, your choice faggot
my actual house is worth more than 5 generations of both your faggot father and the whore he fucked, combined

>> No.53291367

So much rage for a junkie manlet, absolutely pathetic this is what money does to you people, gets you addicted to prescription drugs raging about your manlet mobile home is worth more than your blah blah blah.
It's playground shit for adults who think there lives are oh so terrible.

You won't last a day in the real world once you step off of your drugged out fantasy tweeker.

>> No.53291383


>> No.53291410

>I haven't lifted a weight in probably 13 years
I could tell from your whiney attitude.
>my arms are still naturally bigger than than bullshit
Talk is cheap. Post them.
>and you're under 5'5
6'3, kek.
>I can tell by the length of your pathetic manlet arms
Those are 17", which not to sound braggadocios, would look absolutely monstrous on a 5'5 frame. Kek, stay mad

>> No.53291432

No way in hell you're above 5'5 and that's being kind those arms are of a man barely above 5'3 on a good day in shoes faggot, post your face and I'll post mine.

>> No.53291447
File: 87 KB, 1643x1232, pf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being poor sucks man, hope u stop being a whiny faggot one day

>> No.53291456

17 inch arms hahaha, I have a 6 foot reach you dumb nigger manlet, you don't even know proportions to try to larp as someone even above average height.

>> No.53291460

Don't do it anon!
Read the gospel.
We love you and support you.

>> No.53291465

Oh you're that faggot with the lambo in a literally 40k house I remember you, nice investment hope you got insurance and can never leave your ghetto ass trailer park.
Probably bought a fiero with a lambo kit anyway, 11k and I can get you the same thing.

>> No.53291485
File: 480 KB, 1920x1080, 2008-155676-zorba-g40-murcielago-kit-car1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You likely got duped moron kek, that car right there?

>> No.53291499

Infact seeing the aftermarket underplating on the bumper is proof that isn't even a real lambo just a shitty kit, pathetic you even larp like a faggot.

>> No.53291503

burns doesn't it? we're not all meant to make it anon

>> No.53291520

Nope you just proved to us you're larping or even worse you got duped on a fake lambo, that's not even close to real show the vin and a full shot I grew up restoring cars so I got an eye for this bullshit.

>> No.53291530

there is no easy way down from a drug you tell your body is going to be coming to it forever. when you turn off that tap, and you will have to at some point, there are always consequences.

there is a difference in not being tired and being well rested.

also, once you eliminate the caffeine goblin, you can be pure energy.

but yeah, like, anything you ingest is OK, just make sure moderation in all things even moderation and there is no mountain then there is.

also this is a pharm shill.

actual genXer who watched a crop of girlfriends and their girl friends cycle through many phases in my own direct life experience, as well as basically lived dopesick poor roxycodone never got the starring role like those pale green 80 OCs did- also that is the lame ass speed, the hexagons were high doage made my piss orange on one of them & the delightful 10mg dexedrines were smooth without sweats

>> No.53291531
File: 66 KB, 712x486, 3191244260bc61d7b18ae6bee609eaf2--drug-cartel-post-mortem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews and Mexicans

>> No.53291573
File: 210 KB, 934x1245, kuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be safe anon. one day u might not be a faggot too

>> No.53291597

God damn you guys are just such fucking retards.
This poorfaggot just got this idiot to dox himself willingly thanks for the vin faggot I can track literally who you are now.

>> No.53291615

Delete this shit you fucking moron and realize you shouldn't engage with people online, I'm bored and on the verge of suicide so I am purposefully trying to piss people off, I'm very effective at this, now if I was a bad actor I could really ratchet this up.
Take this as a cheap lesson in not being a fucking moron on a board full of psyoping kikes.

>> No.53291616

They don't know how to cope with death.

>> No.53291637

oh know some whiny faggot on 4chan can literally track where i am! holy smokes!
feel that burn pooro

>> No.53291646

Leave it up then, enjoy the 80 scamming faggots here from mexico who will come with their cartels to rape your bussy into a million pieces.
Seriously delete it you fucking idiot you weren't suppose to actually post your face or vin I only do that shit to test people's intelligence holy fuck.

>> No.53291674

>purposefully engages in ego striking conversation because I can immediately tell people's weaknessess, yellow anon realizes he's being lead into a trap and doesn't reply, brown anon literally doxes himself.

Yeah drugs will definitely help with your trading folks take it from them!

>> No.53291693
File: 780 KB, 1536x2048, KUKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek stop projecting beta boy

>> No.53291709

It worked miracles for me when I was young, it just leaves me dehydrated and absolutely drained and sick these days though. If you’re under 18 I would really recommend loading up on 80mg vyvanse capsules because d-amphet is better than fucking titties. I’ve also tried meth, it made playing 72 hours of video games straight one of the most fun things I’ve ever done, but I couldn’t recommend it, you’re going too fast to focus on anything important.

>> No.53291724

Fucking kek. Now where can we find his employer since we know who he is now

>> No.53291725

>Oh wow the 95 lbs pencil neck tweeker has a gun twice his size versus cartels with literal army surplus weaponry from fast and furious.
You must be young.

>> No.53291734

You're clearly very emotional and upset, kinda ironic despite your insults. You're surrounded by people who are living the good life ITT and you're extremely butthurt about it. You need ADHD patients to be neurotic psych patients, and we're just here laughing and having a good time. This must really suck, getting your worldview crumbled
At least I had the balls to post mine. Post an image that
A)Proves you're not a manlet
B)Proves you're not a DYEL or a fat fuck

>> No.53291735

Also forgot to mention don’t listen to op, drugs are fun but you don’t need drugs to trade more, you can hire people to do that or train a computer to do it, money already scales because you can just do larger trades. Focus on making better trades not more trades

>> No.53291746

unironically live in a 95% mexican city and am friends with every alpha here. mexicans are awesome people. you're just a whiny faggot

>> No.53291757

Everyone on drugs "Feels good"
That's what drugs do, you can be a billionaire with a crippling drug addiction and I wouldn't trade places with you in an instant.
There's a massive difference between making it sober versus selling your soul to get maybe a decade of artificial happiness.
Also you have no idea who I am or who you're engaging with, a quick glance shows I'm running circles around you two idiots.

And I'm sober as a bird.

>> No.53291769

americans are a low quality people by default. their use of stimulants is what allows them to compete (and eventually outcompete, even)

>> No.53291770

>Niggers are safe too!
Yeah till one tries to murder you, again you're just a youngin who just doxxed himself on a hornet's nest of scammers and vipers.

Real wise.

>> No.53291775

>addy head goes balistic and full retard mode
sad. many such cases. wouldn't have happened with dexamin or vyvanse

>> No.53291801

you're getting soul crushed because you're a scared little godless beta. i'll out my cars and my businesses and everything i am because i love God and if He decides it's my time, then it's my time. no regrets
stop being a fat seething fuck and start living a life

>> No.53291823
File: 71 KB, 1438x810, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> basketweaving.com is a hornet's nest of scammers and vipers
> mexicans are niggers

>> No.53291831

Nice thread, least you admit you're underweight.

>> No.53291854

You sure it was stimulants you took and not fentanyl? You don't "feel good" on ADHD meds. Now you're just melting down as a LARP, or you were mega dosing on some shit

>> No.53291890

If adderall is so good why did SBF lose

>> No.53291899

he's a 40 year old with a dick that doesn't work he probably thinks caffeine is deadly
on the other hand even sex sucks compared to heroine. shit's relative

>> No.53291940

kek ive never had an anon steal my pics before, i'm honored
its like everytime someone stops to take selfies with my cars and i remember how fucking amazing making it is

>> No.53292021

been using moda maybe since 2014-15 or something, on and off daily (like for use for months daily then not. 100-600mg/day).

it's great for general motivation, however you need to have actual shit to be done (and plan it) otherwise you spend time "researching" or whatever

its great for sports, especially on a competition level when you need to keep focus for prolonged periods of time.

in terms of sports, it feels as if you actually have more stamina on moda while it really doesn't affect muscle performance. but it becomes effortless to just keep going waay past the regular "comfort zone".

>> No.53292128

He definitely reeks of pearl clutching boomer.

>> No.53292226

They all eat khat and dried albino flesh so they are high as fuck anyway.

>> No.53292307

Trading may hand is no good anyway. Far too taxing emotionally and mentally. Use computers to do it for you.

Whats that? Too ADHDoomer to program? Get chatGPT and Github Copilot to do it for you.

>> No.53293785
File: 476 KB, 931x523, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meth makes you a better trader
imagine believing this shit

>> No.53293941
File: 68 KB, 850x635, DvHaPcg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes you a better coomer is about it. Man, i'm glad i hung my hat on stims. Nothing worse than feeling burnt out like a necklaced african coming down from that shit every time

>> No.53294070
File: 304 KB, 1000x1000, admit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I'll take it during the week because it helps me get through my day at work. I'll occasionally use it on the weekends sometimes if I really want to get something done and have the time to focus on something.

However, you are definitely 100% an NPC when you take adderall. It's unavoidable and I can't really describe it any other way. When anybody is on adderall they may as well be one of those civilians in GTA. You essentially lose the ability to make critical unique thoughts. The drug puts you in non-playable-character mode. Auto-pilot. Zombie mode. You're no longer a human, just a bot.

>> No.53294134

>It makes you a better coomer is about it
The only word that fits sex on speed is "animalistic". One of the reasons I had to quit actually. I was wearing my -never done a drug a day in her life- girlfriend out. Nothing brings the freakiness like that shit

>> No.53294344
File: 385 KB, 1440x2736, Screenshot_20230115-205744~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the charts chuds.

>> No.53294856

Those Jane street kikes blew up the 2nd biggest exchange in crypto due to zero risk management, incredibly poor decision making and losing billions and billions of user funds, all fueled by abuse of this demonic drug that causes delusions of grandeur.

And I should take it why? I make good decisions when I'm sober, why the fuck would I risk turning into an egomaniac who levers up and loses everything?

>> No.53294937

I hate how good pussy feels attached to a woman that likes or loves you

>> No.53295495

thanks for posting this got on 20mg of vyvanse sounds like ill have to cut it back

>> No.53295605

i find cocaine makes me get a lot done, if it didn't last only 20 min it would be a way better Adderall

>> No.53295660

i tried adderall but it just made me feel calm, maybe grounded me a little. it was harder for me to wonder off and daydream. didn't really feel like doing anything though, i think unless you have something you need to be doing it probably won't help much.

>> No.53295735

>fall for the good goy trap
>you can be a good goy cattle too if you take this pill!
nah, i pass