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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 312x236, Methods-Zagorsky00-RelationshipbetweenIQandWealth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53272318 No.53272318 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53272333
File: 69 KB, 1200x630, aE2X6Rx_ogimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chart only shows net worth up to $200,000 so it doesn't show the whole picture

>> No.53272337

no but as you can clearly see, if you are dumb, your net worth will not steadily increase over your lifetime, so you likely won't break that $200k highwater mark.

>> No.53272349
File: 161 KB, 1080x1262, e32405e2659c6200da041fabaab00d59c3556e1d368af818da119931a8cc56a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53272351

To become rich, no. To stay rich, yes.

>> No.53272369

the paper is from 2007 and the dataset NLSY79 is from interviewing a specific set of boomers, who were age 14 to 22 in the year 1979. there are also racial caveats which we now know apply (minorities are dumber and poorer in general, nothing against 'em) which we did not fully understand then (people used to think it was just a stereotype).
so yeah actually it does show a pretty wholistic picture, for its time.

>> No.53272768

this is fucking stupid... rich people can pay for a good education, which makes them "smart". and even the dumbest son of rich parents will have more opportunities in education and professional settings than poor people, simply because of their access to knowledge, money and social networks.
so, what's first, being smart, or being rich?
correlation does not imply causation.

>> No.53273103

Idk but you have to be room temperature IQ to post a thumbnail on an image board that's for sure

>> No.53273256

Education has virtually no impact on IQ. There have never been ANY training methods that have demonstrated a statistically significant difference in IQ scores. The IQ of college freshman remains the same when they are tested again as seniors. IQ is not based on accumulated knowledge but on reasoning power, which seems to be inherent in the brain structure of a given individual and not trainable.
So, no, being rich does not increase your IQ.

>> No.53273266

no. most entrepreneurs are average. they have esoteric knowledge when it comes to dealing with people and products, call it good taste. some psychopathic drive to be better than other people

>> No.53273349

this retarded argument was refuted decades ago
why are you even posting here

>> No.53273367

it's not esoteric it's just something spergs prefer not to do. entrepreneurs network with people and learn things about prices, then establish supply lines.
there is nothing "psychopathic" about this process just because there are examples of sociopathic/psychopathic people who excel at it. that's a middle-school-tier logical fallacy.

>> No.53273370

What is inheritance

>> No.53273380

What a dumb ass pic
>the majority of people are poor
>the majority of people have average IQ
Let’s mix them up and see what happens!

>> No.53273398

You have it backwards. Staying rich is easy, getting there is hard.

>> No.53273414

IQ and motivation to work is not the same thing.
Slightly higher dopamine is superior to have motivation

>> No.53273437

Iq testing is age adjusted you absolute fucking retard

>> No.53273444
File: 56 KB, 314x236, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is in the bottom right?

>> No.53273464

Hedonist faggots and artists probably

>> No.53273468

my dad was a literal millionaire around year 2k and lost all his wealth to vultures, never bought a house or invested into anything, just kept lending 6 digit sums to his business partners who all eventually just disappeared

>> No.53273472

Not defending his argument, but you knowingly or unknowingly forgot to mention children, our statistical studies on increasing or decreasing the IQ of children has show it be completely possible, college level is too old, you need to look at people between the ages of 5-10 to see the full picture of if IQ is Birth or environment.

>> No.53273480

Me. I have autism.

>> No.53273532

people with poor communication, bad health or plain bad luck and no connections

also mental issues or neuro-development problems like ADHD, fun fact: high IQ doesn't make you immune to mental problems, you actually become more deluded, able to construct more and more convoluted explanations for why things are as they are

also people who stayed in academia or don't have competitive spirit

>> No.53273633

lazy people like me, though I am doing relatively well? I just earn the money I need, and then I am unable to earn more the moment I want to start working on some project I am unable to start, and I would rather beat my head into the desk than start working.

>> No.53273642
File: 96 KB, 347x149, 1563718191699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck this makes a lot of sense

>> No.53273668

Sounds like you're top left.

>> No.53273688

>become more deluded
T...that's not me, right bros?
9/11 was a conspiracy, there for sure was no plane at the Pentagon, there's weather control happening almost all the time in the modern world, and the judeomasons have been controlling world events for many many years.
Surely I am not deluded

>> No.53273718

If more than 50% of humans are stupid, then that means 50% of you in this thread are stupid and retarded and will stay poor! If you haven't made money in crytpo yet and only lost you might be part of this 50%!

>> No.53273731

until adult age. his college freshman vs senior argument holds

>> No.53273732
File: 16 KB, 290x313, prof poss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are deluded, but about other things.

>> No.53273757

i'm unironically further on the bottom right (both bottom and right) than the pic goes. 153iq, 0 income for most of my life
would suspect many anons are in the same boat
roughly a third of "genius" level iq people drop out of society. it's about the same as with retards

>> No.53273791
File: 30 KB, 500x276, you dont even know bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me sir but how do you get by?

>> No.53273920
File: 60 KB, 1200x900, Theodore Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53274107

I worked with people who were way smarter than me in CS and math. We had a slack channel for investing. Last year when interest rates were going up I understood that the discounted cashflows Wall Street institutions use would send stock prices down so I went cash and waited for a correction. Meanwhile my coworkers were balls deep in PayPal, square, and Facebook because they’re tech bros.

I don’t think you have to be high IQ, but a lot of people who are investing (including this board) don’t understand the basics like central banking or watching supply and demand for commodities like oil

>> No.53274124

>one annual salary of a doctor or engineering salary is “top doctor”

>> No.53274132

top right people who discovered crypto

>> No.53275423

I would be interested to see a study. Not sure how you would even do it ethically? Who is the control group? You would need a very large, but very homogeneous group of same-age subjects to average out individual differences. Then one group would get the training and the other not. The trained group would need to show a significant increase in IQ scores over the untrained group. If such a study has been done, I would like to see it. If not, upon what are you basing your statement that training can increase IQ scores in children above and beyond their natural increases with age?

>> No.53275438

Except high IQ correlates strongly with greater happiness long-term. Increased wealth, on the other hand, does not correlate with happiness at all - except at the very lowest bare subsistence level.

>> No.53275453

>inheritance makes you get 180k per year

>> No.53275479 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 1080x864, photo_2023-01-14_13-45-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on if you are old money or not, but, it's mostly true. Also, look into this project. It's where smart money is going. Ai.
The world's first AI community moderator bot. Defeating jeets and spammers with the power of OpenAI.

t me / AntiRAIDAI
WEB: antiraid.ai

>> No.53275545

It’s not one or the other. Both are independent things and need to be handled differently.
I’d guess that people who get rich quick have a hard time keeping it and people who grinder for decades have a much easier time.
The reason being that most people who got rich quick aren’t going to have the experience of money management and when money comes gradually you’re kind of already used to it.
But honestly idk man. I know some people who just suck at money and they constantly work against themselves by spending money on useless shit all the time or just make other dumb choices.
Meanwhile I’m more calculated in my financial decisions and over the long run that’s worked out really well for me

>> No.53275660


>> No.53275680

Nice LARP faggot

>> No.53275951


>> No.53276500

both of these have been deboonked, retard

>> No.53276792

Who do you think is happier, Lil Wayne or Ted Kacsznsky?

>> No.53276859

There are as many people making 130k+ at 80 IQ as there are at 120 IQ.

>> No.53276940

Point me to a study so I can become less retarded.

>> No.53277216

These graphs prove the retardation of our system. Bottom right are people who went to college but got crappy degrees. They were the 130+ IQ people who majored in political science or "international studies" because they thought their higher IQ and other skills, like learning foreign languages easily, would help them deal with political situations and solve problems between countries and polities.

They are the people who decided to become archaeologists or anthropologists, who thought they might make a discovery or do enough research and find out something truly groundbreaking about the human condition that would benefit humanity.

Basically bottom right is high IQ college grads and people who went to graduate school or got a PhD but failed to find a good job. \

Intelligence has pretty much no bearing on income as can be seen from this graph. If you're an absolute retard, yeah you'll probably be poor. But being smart doesn't really help you be rich, it just helps you avoid abject poverty.

>> No.53277232

The variation is so huge it doesn't matter much

>> No.53278542

>oh fuck this makes a lot of sense
cuz he is describing himself