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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53267824 No.53267824 [Reply] [Original]

My theory on this pump is that whales are frontrunning massive news.

BTC pumped before anyone knew Saylor or Elon bought, remember this.

>> No.53267841

>98% of /biz/ dream girlfriend

>> No.53267845

Nah. These pumps are nothing more than SBF or Gemini trying to save their asses

>> No.53267854

I hate my Asian gf but that pussy is so hard to give up

>> No.53267856
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>> No.53267862

She’s ugly for an Asian. Mid tier at best.

>> No.53267870

That makes 0 sense lil bro. Maybe if you said grayscale and dcg.

>> No.53267872

Nah too lanky and appears to be mixed with whiteoid genes
I'd coom in this one daily without prejudice

>> No.53267881


Leave me and my Asian wife alone

>> No.53267882

My theory is that I don't pay attention to news anymore and only do technical analysis. My PnL is much better than it was when I used to give a shit about fundamentals. Still do FA on shitcoins narratives though but for large caps news is retarded noise.

>> No.53267888

I'm an asian male. Why does this image make me rage?

>> No.53267892

It makes sense with any of the above. The exact entity isn't really important

>> No.53267898

Same. We both know we're too much of a fucking loser to find anyone else.

>> No.53267913

Hmm. Doesn’t Tesla release earnings next week or two that may reveal massive buys?

>> No.53267920

Why do asian men even care about losing their women.

>> No.53267998

Checked. Just find yourself a white weeb gf.

>> No.53268070

Asian male here too. The image makes me feel disappointed, knowing that he will never bring into this world more children that will inherit his blond hair / blue eyes.

>> No.53268120

fuck off disgusting race traitor, this pump is an exit pump for whatever is coming

>> No.53268125

It's possible. This could be Tesla buying. But at the same time "investing" in crypto just seems boring now. Like a fad. Not saying it's a fad, but that's the normie perception now. I don't think companies will invest in crypto as much as they did in 2021

>> No.53268149

White women are mostly spoiled by feminism and mass media brainwashing.

Meanwhile my Asian gf cooks me dinner and then bites and paws at me until I drag her to bed and put a load of cum in her.

>> No.53268160
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>> No.53268175

Have a hot jap wife and live in Tokyo ama

>> No.53268191

Weeb roasties try to emulate asian woman which means being addicted to white dick

>> No.53268212
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that thing on the left is fucking repulsive. doesn't even look human

>> No.53268213
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Azn girls are fun for 2 or 3 months then you want a real woman with tits (unless you're a pedo).

>> No.53268227

Me too friend. Are you an English teacher or a head hunter? Please say yes so I can laugh at you and display my superior gaijin status

>> No.53268237

No, I'm in IT. Im russian so cannot work as english teacher anyway

>> No.53268251

I grant you gaijin status higher than head hunter and English monkey but lower than me, Business-Chad gaijin.
Don’t worry though, we’re both under the diplomat gaijin.

>> No.53268285


She looks like an MtF and he looks like an FtM

>> No.53268298


>> No.53268377
File: 198 KB, 854x1280, crp301x095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so weird. I would literally rate this thing in OP that seems to be some of my fellow anons dream girl a literal 2/10. She is only a 2 and not a 1 because shes doesnt have a gut. Other than that there are literal trannys that would make my dick harder than this thing and yet some of ya'll would marry her huh?

Wow, shit really is subjective. picrel is my version of true love btw. I'm sure she disgusts some of you casper white skin colored stick figure asians like in OP.

Really makes ya think...

>> No.53268465

wtf is that

>> No.53268495

A 10/10 white girl in 2023. She’s addicted to add real, has hepatitis from all of the gross tattoos she got works at the minimart and had already fucked 300+ black men and despite being (undeservingly) confident they come to 4chan and seethe at you for dating East Asians for some reason.

>> No.53268521

What's good about her pussy. Is it how tight it is, or is it how she moans and rides

>> No.53268534

Whoa whoa stop right there bud. Most of what you wrote was right except I am nog who love trashy fat ass white/latin/redbone sluts. Pale skin, thin lipped, no hips, no ass asian "qts" are the polar opposites of what makes my dick ragin hard. No one is seething. Hope all my fellow anons get exactly who they dream of, bud!

>> No.53268572


>> No.53268670

Well, Elon did PayPal. And now has twitter too. Way back a larger said he would use doge and btc for twitter. Now what you said sounds true, but mostly American companies are the prudes. And bitcoin was created for just this type of time and has proven to hold value at 20k at the worst of times. Don’t be fooled. It’s bitcoin or nothing.

>> No.53269261 [DELETED] 
File: 519 KB, 666x785, 4ratregre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances Ledger gets bought by apple or someone? Kinda random thought but it would make some sense.

>> No.53269490

Have sex incel

>> No.53269554
File: 35 KB, 800x450, 5C80E307-E5FD-4BB5-992A-5CA1EBE3920E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife is asian

>> No.53269625

bad news is on the way and big money wants a pump they can bait retail into fomo with so that big money has exit liquidity they can sell into before the dump.

they stay rich and get richer by knowing about things before the rest of us so it makes sense.

if it really was pumping they would do something to convince us it was just a suckers rally so we miss out on gains and fomo in at a higher price later.

tell me, does this seem like a suckers rally? if so then maybe it isn't. what is msm saying? what are normie social media circles saying (they're filled with bots to drive sentiment and manipulate retail). are they saying this is a suckers rally or the new bull run or what? i havent been listening

>> No.53269749

Sick brain desu
But thing is he can always spread it around, the girl is more limited here

>> No.53269768

Not sure about that anon, Looks like this is the start of a recovery and I see assets that keep building in the bear market coming out stronger like Ride and Senate in the metaverse

>> No.53269866

Asian girls aren’t relatable. They love being submissive and cute, which is awesome, but my former gf didn’t even know who Mario was. Like wtf man how can you have a relationship with someone so unrelatable.

>> No.53270575

Konbanwa fellow Gaikokufaggots

>> No.53270612

>my former gf didn’t even know who Mario was
That's all women lmao. They might only know pikachu which is at least cute. I guarantee you the average woman, white or otherwise, doesn't know Yugioh, or Dragon Ball either.