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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53256118 No.53256118 [Reply] [Original]

when does the pump fucking stop? my shorts need to print money ! not give me a heart attack

>> No.53256150

when does the pump fu-GHUH

>> No.53256160
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20K nextoooo

>> No.53256192

Buy now or get left behind.

>> No.53256207
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bearniggers have LITERALLY been winning for a year straight with practically no breathing room
give it a break

>> No.53256283

Man, if I told you, I'd probably be wrong.
NONE of us know, we THINK we know, but we're all guessing at this point.
It is all speculation.
No one knows where the hell this market's going, we just know it's GOING somewhere.

>> No.53256499

its printing. finally. was so close to getting liquiated at the top..