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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 16 KB, 640x640, Polygon MATIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53232130 No.53232130 [Reply] [Original]

but why? whats so attractive about Polygon?

>> No.53232147

because devs find it very easy to build there
im a dev myself and can confirm
its the same reason why no devs want to build on cardano

>> No.53232160 [DELETED] 

And it actually has a snowball effect
Because no developer wants to work on Cardano, this means there's less money to be made there and more money to be made on other chains

>> No.53232175

And it actually has a snowball effect
Because no developer wants to work on Cardano, this means there's less money to be made there and more money to be made on other chains

>> No.53232187

he's talking about companies, not devs

>> No.53232210

more defi activity = more companies
companies care about one numbers only and currently only Polygon and Ethereum are putting out good numbers

>> No.53232222 [DELETED] 

Solana?? they churn out very good numbers even after they dumped

>> No.53232239 [DELETED] 

Solana?? they churn out very good numbers even after they dumped

>> No.53232314

Solana?? they churn out very good numbers even after they dumped

>> No.53232347

maybe in NFTs yes, but DeFi? not a chance
even before they dumped, their DeFi space was non existent
their entire DeFi market was being moved by a single person with a billion dollars (this was actually proven factual)

Polygon is currently the only chain aside from Ethereum that actually has good dApps and an active DeFi community

>> No.53232357

most of the TVL is from the founders themselves

>> No.53232399

you have no real way of actually proving that
regardless, im not talking about TVL on its own. im talking about DeFo activity overall
a lot of the Polygon dApps see a shit ton of volume on a daily basis

Gains Network for example sees over $83 million in daily trading volume and over $23 BILLION in total trading volume so far
SynthFutures also has TTV in the billions

its just a really active chain. you cant take that away from it anon

>> No.53232460
File: 61 KB, 867x838, i buy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TLDR; gud chain

>> No.53232476
File: 64 KB, 1440x1440, 34976b59-9778-496a-abcb-99381fe89f82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it werent for that kike SBF, Solana would have been at the forefront of big brand partnerships right now. im talking full monopoly

>> No.53232496

what you should have said instead was “if it werent for the downtime” because no god damn company will ever want to build its Web3 business on a chain with constant down time every other week

>> No.53232516

also, its not SBF’s fault. it was Solana’s fault initially
thats like saying putting the blame on a robber when you intentionally left your door wide open in the middle of the night
why was Solana so involved in VCs to begin with?

>> No.53232524

i how much i love the over exaggeration
polygon also experienced downtime
solana is just extremely overfudded. downtime wasnt as bad as advertised

>> No.53232526

one of the most pathetic shillthreads I have ever seen

>> No.53232531
File: 197 KB, 1124x887, SEVEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>downtime wasnt as bad as advertised
seven fucking times anon
what the fuck are you smoking

>> No.53232553

Avax currently trying to imitate kek
they seriously dont know how much of a sell signal this looks for non AVAX holders

>> No.53232560

Cheap, fast, scalable and reliable. What more is needed? Polygon is an obvious choice

>> No.53232566

arent you the samefag in that other threa >>53231897?

>> No.53232570
File: 75 KB, 1024x768, 1673459948955624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poo nepotism.
>Jeet in group preference

>> No.53232941

Every time you see a Poolygon thread, is just paid pajeet shills.
Remember, no self respected White man holds this curry scam.
Just move along

>> No.53233189

>but why? whats so attractive about Polygon?

it's a jeetchain, and globohomo's love their brownies

>> No.53233928
File: 7 KB, 179x282, 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top 100 addresses own 90% of the supply
>top 10 addresses own 75% of the supply
>top 3 entities control over half of the supply staked, so only 3 entities needed to do a 51% attack
>only 6 admin keys required to change the entire network at any time, 5 of which are owned by the polyjeet team
>only 100 total validators
>blockchain was already halted and shutdown
>only 33tps for a highly centralized pajeet shitcoin
>$14 fees
>constant block reorgs

Polyjeet is going to 0

>> No.53235651

You're so wrong about Polygon! Sure, the top 100 addresses own 90% of the supply, but that's because they're the ones who've been supporting and building the network from the beginning. They believe in the potential of Polygon and want to see it succeed. Plus, having a concentrated supply means that it's more secure against 51% attacks. And just because the top 3 entities control over half of the supply staked doesn't mean they're going to launch an attack, they're just invested in the network. And yes, only 6 admin keys are required to change the entire network at any time, but those keys are distributed among multiple members of the Polygon team, not just one person. And who cares about the number of validators, as long as they're all working together to secure the network. And the blockchain has never been halted or shut down, that's just a rumor. And 33 TPS is more than enough for a growing network like Polygon. And sure, the fees may be high, but that's because the network is still in its early stages and needs to support its development. Don't be fooled by the FUD, Polygon is going to the moon!

>> No.53235664

Thank you! I'm. Buying the matic dip. Will add some ore alongside.

>> No.53235702


It's utter dogshit. BSC-tier.

>> No.53235732

polyjeet seething at the fundamental superiority of avax.

>> No.53235742
File: 216 KB, 914x1549, matic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53235808

Listen up, fucks. Avax is not superior to Polygon for one simple reason: scalability. Polygon has built-in scaling solutions, like its layer 2 scaling network, that allow for faster and cheaper transactions. Avax? It's just a shitcoin that can't handle the same volume of transactions. Plus, Polygon has a strong community and team behind it, while Avax is just a bunch of retards trying to pump and dump. Don't even waste your time with Avax, it's just a scam. Polygon is the real deal, and if you don't believe me, do your own fucking research.

>> No.53235812

It's probably worse desu