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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53226267 No.53226267 [Reply] [Original]

so now that they pulled their gay little mandatory KYC shit and have abandoned the token, will it still pump during scam season so i at least have a chance to get out? or is it just permanently dead now. cant believe these fucking cocksucking niggers fucked me so hard on this shitcoin. i should have listened to everyone else and never bought this fucking PIECE of SHIT.

>> No.53226329

Token is not, has not ever been, or ever will be, needed.

>> No.53226495
File: 120 KB, 828x526, 20E6DAE8-537F-42C9-BB5D-DFA3BED2891B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times do you have to be told it’s a scam? Even on the off chance it’s not a scam, they fucked it up so bad there’s no chance of it ever pumping

>> No.53226583

The browser is ok, at least. Imagine buying a shitcoin you can literally and unironically get for free, yet some retards went the extra mile in the retarded spectrum and actually bought a stash, holy kek
t. 50 BAT holder after a year of annoying ad-pop ups (which amount to barely 10 fucking dollars)

>> No.53228346

the owner of that spyware neocities page says its outdated and to stop referencing it on their other website.
guy's also a kook with a very unique-to-him take on what spyware is.
brave's just shittier ungoogled chromium for normies.

>> No.53228855

Hi Parker - long time no see.

>> No.53229842

Keep making these threads so I can at least vent out my frustration at this piece of shit token.

Brendan is a fucking faggot for not making BAT one of the top 10 projects.

>> No.53230028
File: 43 KB, 769x567, I HAVE ABANDONED MY COIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst coin ever. Remember 3 weeks ago when dozens of people on every social platform asked the bat team why they were destroying their own coin. and they never answered anything. Nothing.

A snarky 1 line reply here or there from Luke and one form eich.

These fucking retards are actually going to jail. When bat goes to zero the bagholders will throw them to the SEC wolves. Funnily.. if they would have done anything with BAT we would all have their back if the faggot SEC ever tried anything

>> No.53230110

Forget Brendan. He’s too far gone. This leaf nigger is your only hope left.

>> No.53230239

>KYC mandatory on bankrupt Genesis
What did they mean by this?