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53217325 No.53217325 [Reply] [Original]

>wear cute outfit
>lazily hit golf ball into the water with 0 form
>make $86,000 in 13 seconds

Serious question, how have wagecucks not killed themselves yet?
How are there not a dozen mass shootings a day?

>> No.53217339

Because they are cucks anon...

>> No.53217340

>didn't even make it into the water
Woman moment

>> No.53217349

that's what the fluoride and toxic oils in food are for,
keep em calm

>> No.53217351

life as a woman isn't that easy
they hit the wall at like 27
they have to secure wealth/chad cock & sperm (commitment) before then
girls like in the OP have it pretty easy but for 95% of girls life is a race against the clock on the neverending quest for someone with incredible genetics to impregnate them

and even then 99% of women still have to wageslave now for 40 years IN ADDITION to raising kids and playing housewife

>> No.53217362

>How are there not a dozen mass shootings a day

The fact it's bit more common in a full blown dystopia like muttland with more guns than people is all the proof I need that the shootings that DO happen are 99.9% glownigger operations

>> No.53217374

According to polls, most women are femcels hitting the wall. Is it truly better to be a man? Are we being too negative? Ah ultra rich whores just extreme outliers?

>> No.53217390
File: 15 KB, 205x246, 1670613772741607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. US wants to take all the guns away really badly. Unfortunately, there aren't enough shootings happening to get the laws the Dems need passed. The solution is to just fake them. Stay tuned.

>> No.53217397

Yo, stop noticing shit, dog. We finna get our cover blown if you be talking like that.

>> No.53217414

every girl i know lived on cruise control between 18-25
then in their late 20s they settled down/married - and it was mostly to average looking/average wealth guys
now in their early 30s, those same girls live in the suburbs and have average lives

now don't get me wrong there is absolutely nothing wrong with having kids and living an average life but think about it, all the webms posted here are of attractive women in their early 20s
there are no women flaunting their lifestyles at 35 because there isn't really anything for 99.9% of them to flaunt about
at least as men we are blessed with having value for a long time, a woman's life is like a firework that burns out really really fast

both ways of life have pros and cons.

>> No.53217422

Why the fuck is she "golfing" in swimwear? Why would any course allow this?

>> No.53217427

the same systems which allow her to make $89k in a tiktok clip also allow you to turn $50 into $50k with some shit coin . i think degeneracy is fucking gross but why not look for the opportunities that fit ur profile. all you demoralizing niggers are so close minded

>> No.53217434

kill yourself you delusional faggot

>> No.53217471

Didn't even properly hit ball, would not fuck.

>> No.53217527

Who's this? Do you think she would marry me?

>> No.53217561

There are people who can only get a lot of money. Then there are people who can make, keep, AND increase a lot of money.
You clowns are idiots for seething and being jealous of people that fit the first category. Have you learned nothing from the countless stories of failed pro athletes, former celebs and dumb lottery winners?
Every fucking day there is a thread on here about thots making thousands/millions of dollars online from idiot simps, and you all act like all of those women are smart enough to take that money and use it to secure their future as well as the future of their kids and loved ones. Most of them aren't, most will spend all of it on dumb shit over several years, then suddenly realize they're too old and ugly to keep the money coming in the way it used to, then they'll either be broke bitter single women coping or at best they will lower themselves to tolerating a simp's direct presence and physical contact for the remainder of their lives just to get their bills paid
Stop focusing so much on other people who are getting easy/quick money and will most likely lose it in less than 10-20 years. Focus on not only making your own money, but also learning how to keep it and increase it through smart investments so that you're covered for life once you get the money. That alone will put you ahead of some chick that sells semi-nudes for millions of dollars then blows the money on Gucci bags and a mansion that she can't even properly maintain for more than a few years

>> No.53217582

Society as we know it will be flushed down the drain by 2030 you delusional fucking faggot.

there is no "20 years from now" stupid fucking nigger

>> No.53217611

>Serious question, how have wagecucks not killed themselves yet?
They drink and watch ads and voooote and all sorts of other nonsense that keeps them too busy to think rationally. They're NPCs. Do you think the guy who teaches you to catch pokemon all day is self-aware? Of course not.

>> No.53217676

The BLM riots were a showing of pent-up rage that had existed since before occupy concerning the '08 crash that got redirected to be about jewish loxist hatred of white people

>> No.53217692

Because they're the ones simping for her and in their demented minds they think maybe she'll fuck them.

A woman's life is really easy unless they fuck up the One Job they have which is securing a husband.

Because women actively discriminate against men nowadays you end up with men hating them and then women hit the wall and seethe even harder about techbros/passportbros/agegapbros. Fuck em.


>> No.53217698

They simply don’t understand. You can show them this and they’ll just laugh and move on. In their minds, they just can’t conceive what a clown economy looks and acts like.
This guy gets it

>> No.53217796

This is literally the most cope I’ve ever seen on 4chan

>> No.53217809
File: 36 KB, 287x290, pepe DR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot that you can hyper inflate fiat currencies and everything stays completely stable.

The only one coping here is you. Coincidence theorists are the biggest joke of the modern era.

>> No.53217816

you're right, but think about all the kike 'strong empowered woman' propaganda almost every mid-20s woman has been subjected to.

of all the 30-32 year old women i know, 80% don't have kids. a few of them will have kids at like 35 but i'd say around half will end up childless.
statistics back that up, i hear they are projecting about 50% of women over 18 to remain childless after 2030.

and yes in the end it's their fault but women are very gullible and fall for memes and jews know this, so they trick them into working for globohomo corporations and making the executives money

>> No.53217834

remember when every single government in the world fucked over their citizens for 2 years during covid and there were ZERO political assassinations? yet some australian guy felt the need to go to new zealand in 2019 and shoot 50 muslims

>> No.53217875
File: 169 KB, 888x1332, Trump1.6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. We need to support asshole candidates because fuck the government and taxes and troon libs

>> No.53217880

>have average lives
What does that entail these days? Having two dogs/cats instead of a kid?

>> No.53217915

t. Male versions of feminists

>> No.53217981

>Every fucking day there is a thread on here about thots making thousands/millions of dollars online from idiot simps, and you all act like all of those women are smart enough to take that money and use it to secure their future as well as the future of their kids and loved ones.
This is actually a negative and not natural to a functional economy. The reason they fail is because they attempt all the "smart investing" techniques you're promoting, when all they need to do is convert their earnings to bitcoin. It shouldn't require high intelligence to simply maintain the value you already earned. That's a fiat sickness.

>> No.53217996

In addition at the bottom tiers being an ugly man is miles better than being an ugly woman, you can still build your body/finances/status up as an ugly man and attract an average woman but an ugly woman is just born to suffer.

>> No.53218006

I agree desu, i voted for trump in 2016
and 2020 mainly because it was so blatantly obvious that the jewish globohomo propoganda machine was absolutely fucking panicked in 2016 when they realized trump had a fighting chance to win. Then in 2020 they were seething so fucking hard that they propped up an old dementia retard when (((kamala))) was laughed out of the primaries and literally stole the election

>> No.53218152

there's a lot of +30 girls flaunting their lifestyles on social meida but their market target is other women instead of men like in their 20's

>> No.53218209

>there's a lot of +30 girls flaunting their lifestyles on social meida

Thats a lot of words to say "coping"

>> No.53218236

Dude have you ever seen a fairly attractive woman in real life? They don't even need to be that attractive to make your dick wiggle. Unless your blood is just full of micro plastics and Moderna juice

>> No.53218249

what was the point of this peak NPC post?

>> No.53218358

Well put anon

>> No.53218678

They wouldnt, she takes her clothes off

>> No.53218718

a woman can sell her literal feces, used underwear, pussy cream, piss, footskin shavings, toenails, used socks / shoes, spit, etc. online and make tens of thousands of dollars doing it on the side each year.

Don't even need to show their face or anything, they can just either take photos that cover their face or edit it out.

>> No.53218762

Lets not be completely delusional incels.

A TINY handful of women can do this like Belle Delphine. 99% cannot.

>> No.53218791

>wear cute outfit
there's nothing cute about that outfit or her for that matter

>> No.53218828

Idk I know fat women that got with relatively attractive (although autistic) men.

>> No.53218838

A woman's life is hard simply for the fact that they are too retarded to make it easy.

>> No.53218934

wtf, we didn't even see it go into the water and it's only 12 seconds! I feel betrayed, literally shaking right now.

>> No.53219014

>Serious question, how have wagecucks not killed themselves yet?
Because unlike you I'm not a pussy and stacking money regardless of how little/much someone else makes.
You can really read the trust fund suburbanite in this post.
Truly angry and upset someone is making easily money and what does he do with this anger? Ask why people aren't killing themselves or shooting innocent people.
You have a sick mind, freak.

>> No.53219020

>neverending quest for someone with incredible genetics
Protip faggot, genetics goes back to every previous generation so if your hubby has a historical family line for say, schizophrenia, you would never know about it.

>> No.53219022

You seem to be seething much harder than anyone else ITT

>> No.53219031

>there were ZERO political assassinations?
Yes, in Japan with a homemade gun.

>> No.53219037
File: 47 KB, 600x717, 1565190239539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some australian guy felt the need to go to new zealand in 2019 and shoot 50 muslims
That retaliation for the Paris shooting and the truck attacks in London.

>> No.53219236

There's another gap of difference between fat with an ok face and fat with a hideous mug. It's like you thought BTC at $6k was the absolute bottom but then it soft-rugged again to $3k.

>> No.53219890

>Just x1,000 your money on some shit coin bro
>Show your tits on a TikTok

Yeah, completely the same bro.