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53207167 No.53207167 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53207180

I hope you mean continue

>> No.53207184

Anyone who doesn't have at least a week's worth of food and watered stashed is cattle

>> No.53207199

>He's gonna survive a week
Who cares if you can only afford a weeks worth of stuff you might as well not bother.
Also you shouldn't be hording you should be making your home self reliant if you got money.
Generators/solar/water etc etc.

>> No.53207256

I mean start.
I live alone in a shitty apartment but
I have lots of space.
Looking at the stores locally I can buy lots of canned meat that doesn't appear to be goyslop.
What's the best way to store water? Glass? People have fish tanks for years that never leak.

>> No.53207322

Anyone any prepping tips?
Rice and beans are just a meme aren't they

>> No.53207459

You're late but still have time.
Protein powder
Canned fatty items
Look up calorie/$cent items and start stacking the cheapest shit like rice and pasta. you will die without fat. Buy 2L waters every time you go out, as these items clear within literally 1hr of mass panic. Get hiking filters as you'll need to collect rain when the plumbing stops.

Ignore 99% of jewtube shilled items. Prepping has tons of scumbag grifters online trying to get you to buy le ebin bugout kits. You need a bag, food, water, medical supplies, and preferably a gun and a knife. Cleaning supplies like soap and shampoo are gold in SHTF.

Electronics come last. If you have disposable income, collect a nice 26000+mw power bank and a solar panel to keep your phone alive. Download a radio app which will always work even in the apocalypse.

You'll want stuff to trade. By airplane liquor bottles and instant coffee which other people can barter their shit you need with.

>> No.53207522

Some things you'll want to splurge out on like a good flashlight. A cheap light can get you in a pickle, so get a sofirn or O-light.

The biggest question is - are you bugging out or digging in? You said you're in an app, which is not the place to be in SHTF unless you have 3+ months of supplies

Calculate your caloric TDEE and buy enough food to last yourself a while. If you're a fat fuck, then congrats, 1lb of fat is roughly 3500 calories and mother nature has you covered for a while. You'll still need protein and fat to prevent muscle catabolism however.

>> No.53207558

>lives in an apartment
if you want to become a piñata for looters sure store whatever
i mean if you consider storing food and water then you anticipate a shortage in both, right? But for some reason you aren't considering that you will also may be left without electricity as well, which would leave you without heating, not to mention that you'll be at the mercy of local packs of niggers if you don't have any guns. I think shortage of food and water totally means societal collapse so if you aren't prepping with self-sufficiency in mind you aren't prepping at all. Societal collapse also means that all debts would disappear so you probably can max out your credit card and go for total prepmaxxing learning survival skills and whatever? Not a financial advice, just a food for thought. I mean if you really worried that shit will hit the fan, might as well take the risk and actually do something?

>> No.53207571

shitloads of high quality whole multivitamins and buckets of pork fat.

>> No.53207639

>literally a zomboid speedrun
lol yeah sure get a solar panel for your phone you fucking zoomer
and yes sure buy grains and absolutely NOTHING to start a fire with because ???
prep threads are always such a meme

>> No.53208647

OP here
From what I was reading earlier, these items (like all dried goods) need a lot of water and given I dont have a water source in my place I want to steer clear of them.
Pre canned goods look perfect for food, I can store them somewhere dry and out of sunlight forver, plus its just me I'm now prepping for. Jewtube tells me not to buy any canned food with tomatoes or citrus in them as the acid can react with the metal in the can after a long time stored, so I didnt even look at those.
and when I say look at those, it was because I was out at the store earlier seeing whats around and to me the food prices already seemed higher than I remember, though Ive never really bought this stuff before so could only go on the couple of reference points I did know (used to eat lots of canned chicken soup, the price is double now).
Anyway when I was out I bought a set of 3 big plastic storage boxes and bought my first ever food prep items, they had an offer on cans of pork in gravy, the ingredients seemed ok, the cans were 82% pork and the rest vegetables (salt was the main preservative, no shitty corn starch, rapeseed oils, basedslop etc), so I now own 40 cans of pork.
Also bought 4 big jars of coffee that were on offer but I drink coffee all the time anyway.

The rest of your post I'm going to look into now, I'm not preparing for the end of days (it would be futile living in this apartment, even though the town I live in is tiny and semi rural).

>> No.53208661

>i mean if you consider storing food and water then you anticipate a shortage in both, right?
>But for some reason you aren't considering that you will also may be left without electricity as well
where did you gleem that from what i posted?

>> No.53208728

>What's the best way to store water? Glass? People have fish tanks for years that never leak.
Whats your thoughts on this?
The reason I want to stay away from plastic for storing water is my experience already with using plastic to store water, which is keeping it in a car.
Even if you leave the bottle down the side of your seat or under it, drinking that water after just a couple of days tastes like shit but thats using the same bottle thats already been opened and only being sealed with the cap that comes with it.
I'm looking online for glass containers and they arent expensive at all, theres even a guy on craigslist giving away glass storage containers for free I've messaged.
If I spraypaint them black and no light can get in, theyll be good for years.

>> No.53208761
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you should start shorting food and water

>> No.53208977

Going long basedbeans and wheat more like.

>> No.53209257

lol wordfilters are still up kek? onions basedbeans basedboy

>> No.53209270

Food and water out now is corona posioned

>> No.53209327

do these work?

>> No.53209340


>> No.53209366

shit advice for a shit hypothetical. hoarding will not save you if there is mass panic in a city. you will be robbed by starving people

>> No.53209668

Stack beans, deenz, and bullets.
It’s still relatively cheap to get preps (though bullets are a lot worse than a few years ago) and prices on gear and consumables and etc will not go down anytime soon.

>> No.53209703

Also be sure to stack physical books that will be helpful. A lot of guides out there, and there are some that are small enough to fit in a side pocket of a bag. Consider an ebook reader with a solar charger/battery pack filled with gigs of useful pdfs.

>> No.53209792

>Whats your thoughts on this?
You get large water cooler jugs from the store and keep blankets over them to keep light away. Also BPA free plastic =/= those goy bottles you probably brought into your car. You may have also just been tasting bacterial water which tastes awful as well.
That's why it's all a matter of cost. Sure, if you have the funds, then canned goods are the way to go. Those have just absolutely mooned in the past 2 years and are still up 2x. Still, not a terrible investment if you pick 1-2 up a week every time you go out. I'm pointing out rice/oats as starter items just because you can grab 100k+ calories of the stuff easily in one grocery visit and subsist on that for long (if you have the water). But yeah, water filtration and collection remains the largest challenge always
Which is why I said he preferably should get a firearm, and pointed out how shit the cities are, moron

>> No.53209800

Unless you can unironically bunker into a self-sustaining unit all you're doing is collecting resources for dumbfucks mobbing around the area. I'd argue networking is way more important. Establishing relationships with local farms/homesteads after securing enough supply to survive the initial plunge is time well spent.
>airplane liquor bottles and instant coffee which other people can barter their shit you need with.
This is a pretty good idea though.
Also, I'd consider detoxing myself from any coffee/soda/smokes/drugs as well.