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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53190410 No.53190410 [Reply] [Original]

Capitalism is not the most efficient economic system. The most importsnt thing to note with capitalism is that the driving force is profit. Whether you record yourself dancing like a slut on tiktok, or make retarded fidgit spinners, it does not always incentivize innovation or what is the best for people (although in a lot of cases it does exactly this.) Profit is the driving force. It degrades people and turns them into drones in Brave New World type of way. It would be best if people chose to work out, eat healthy, create beautiful art, music, work on good hobbies, act like decent citizens. You may notice that the majority of people do not act like this. They instead eat junk food, become obese, act like slobs, watch hours of tiktok content. Capitalism makes this all possible, since as long as people are on a sort of mental and physical "life support," then they can continue to exist like ameobas. And the people providing this have no soul either, as they will do whatever they can to make sure they can profit. It is an overall toxic system.

>> No.53190450

"capitalism" is just a lossy coat over what it means to be in the jungle
biggest giveaway to show you may be retarded is to believe that "politics" and "systems" are up for debate when they're continuously designed by the players for the players (and the played, such as you and I)


>> No.53190471

You're not smart

>> No.53191926

you have to be 18 to post on 4chan

>> No.53191951

It's true, hence why the most soulless bugmen (Chinese) do best in capitalism. It is the death of creativity. Everyone in this system has to choose either to have money or be an artist. It doesn't have to be this way but it is. I've chosen money but I wish it wasn't this way, so fucking sad

>> No.53193040

Like all critics of freedom, you imagine that your value structure has some objective reality and those who don't share it need to be persuaded (by force) to see things your way. Fuck off, Mao.

>> No.53193062

>It would be best if people chose to work out, eat healthy, create beautiful art, music, work on good hobbies, act like decent citizens.
What if part of that includes starting an OnlyFans and snorting coke? Who determines what's "decent" and what's "beautiful?" The fact is the market always decides with whatever currency we use, whether that currency is cash or votes or social credit.

>> No.53193107
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>Capitalism is not the most efficient economic system.
really makes you think when you see firms erect walled gardens and waste absurd amounts of human capital and natural resources to independently re-invent the wheel (often yielding an inferior product with jewscam planned obsolescence and "tiered" feature sets.)

>> No.53193120
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fidget spinners were a brief fad and TikTok is a Chinese Communist creation to subvert the West

but please go on about the entire capitalist system

>> No.53193132

>work on good hobbies


>> No.53193159
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Wow very deep understanding of economics, of course said individual would never take advantage of hos body to gain special priviliges in any non-capitalist society.

Seriously a board of pedantic faggots this board i becoming as much as marx himself.

>> No.53193166

*this board is becoming

>> No.53193178

Inflation is good
>GDP growth is the prime objective of a healthy government
War is good for the GDP
>Tax money should be spent on military contractors
Military contractors should be private companies so that they are included in the GDP
>The best form of government is one that taxes you at a rate of over 50% and gives it all to private military contractors who produce military supplies to fights wars that they started to further demand for their own product without care for the lives or wellbeing of their own, or other, peoples.
America is the best country in the world.

>> No.53193189

Fuck off commie

>> No.53193222

Go read the communist manifesto.

>> No.53193241

We live under a worldwide fascist order, not capitalist.

My case is as follows. In every single country today, the rights of the individual are trampled in favor of a strong centralized government. Atop that, every single relatively large business in the world is either heavily subsidized by its government or flat out controlled by it. The modern day 'government' is interested only in perpetuating itself. Certainly the end goal is profit, but this is not a fault of capitalism imo because profit, or wealth, is the driving force of all humanity. It always has been, even before money. The nomad with the most furs lives the best. The farmer with the largest acreage is best off. But the self-sustenance of big government however, is, in my eyes, a fascist tendency by its very definition. The more centralized an empire is, the worse off its people will be.

Certain other nuances such as importing migrant street shitters to civilized countries for cheap labor can definitely be attributed to 'capitalism', but this could all be prevented by widespread protests and riots of the native populace IF the government were not so strongly centralized, tied down with big business interests, and keen on trampling the rights of its citizens.

I guess I'll agree with you that capitalism is what led to this government monopolization, or what I named fascism, perhaps naively. Marx wrote about that, actually. One of his theories tl;dr was that eventually, under capitalism, the elites (government) will suck all of the wealth from the workers and create a dystopian feudal age. He was obviously correct, although obviously his solution didn't work out so great.

My guess is that the future will have a new form of socio economic system. Maybe we will go fulll one-world-govt or a bunch of tiny principalities like what emerged in the medieval ages after the Roman empire fell apart.

>> No.53193247


>> No.53193291

Belongs on /pol/ kys vatnik

>> No.53193502

Name a single successful non capatalist state