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53188191 No.53188191 [Reply] [Original]

Is Elden Ring a good game to play until this bear market is over

>> No.53188214

it's a good game to play but the way you phrased this question makes you sound like some retarded person who is looking to fill a void by either autistically staring at charts all day or autistically playing a video game all day

>> No.53188225


>> No.53188227

I called crypto a scam and sold everything on release. Been playing it since and that sell was the best choice u could have financially made.

I've been playing it since, best investment ever.

>> No.53188236

Use this time to improve your trading skill. Figure out where you screwed up and fix it so that 2022 does not happen again.

>> No.53188256

It's fucking boring unless you're a fantasy fag, or some retard who pretends they're having fun. Go play a real mans game like , rome total war.

>> No.53188263
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until mt gox unlock

>> No.53188277

Yes its pretty good, but a DLC will probably come out soon so you may as well wait for that

>> No.53188288

if you're a fantasy virgin faggot
also er/fs games still run on the same engine used in ps3 games, just in higher res

>> No.53188306

elden ring got me through 2022 and i only contemplated suicide like once

>> No.53188325

video games are fucking cringe shit for man children and ethots

>> No.53188335


>> No.53188387

Elden Ring may be the best game ever created, as of yet.

>> No.53188399

Found the person that had a shitty childhood.

>> No.53188409

Everyone I know that doesn't play games into adulthood was just fucking bad at them. Same shit when people say they hate sports lol, they just fucking sucked is all.

>> No.53188411

i wasted it playing vidya. don't make the same mistake I did anons

>> No.53188446

decent, put in about 80 hours
the other dark souls games are better though, but damn is elden ring beautiful
i thought about getting a gf this bear market to fill time but glad i avoided it ngl
i actually asked /biz/ if it was a good idea at the time as well, from memory there was no consensus but hindsight is 20/20

>> No.53188466

RDR2 is superior open-world ludokino to fill the void.

>> No.53188495


>> No.53188619

nah, just read the manga

>> No.53188708

I just bought it because it was on sale. I've sunk a lot of time into it over the past week and a half. I normally don't like single player games, I mainly play LoL and OW, but this one is great I definitely recommend it. I just beat the fire giant.

>> No.53188797

Play the new ff tactics on the switch or crisis core

>> No.53189385

i put 300 hours on it. Essentially did 99% of the game including every optional boss and dungeon (not just the very short list of steam achievements)

it's ok

>> No.53189444


>> No.53189470

Yeah? I played 2000 hours and beat the secret sea world bosses and rode on the rainbows of Xag'thrim and I think it fucking sucked.

>> No.53189483
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I have 120 hours played and 100% the game on release and felt kinda burnt out at 100 hours. What the fuck were you doing?

>> No.53189517

played a lot with my friends too, then did a new character keeping it at level 10 i think. Cheesed all the way to end game so i can invade and fuck with low levels. Also did you actually 100% or just get the achievements because my friend did the achievements but also missed half the game

>> No.53189572

I cleared every dungeon/all items/all bosses/etc. 100% not just achievements. I even did a bit of pvp ganks w/ my lads too but the pvp in souls is just terrible.

>> No.53189590

yeah the online was a huge letdown. They really could have not added so much filler and instead made multiplayer enjoyable this time around

>> No.53189850

posting twice in a row always makes it look like you are seething

>> No.53190339

osrs or gtfo

>> No.53190359

Not everyone has to be 'on' you know? Let the nihilists be nihilists. Unless you have a better idea to change the situation that actually has impact, then please quit offering your meaningless "advice", sir. It's a waste of data.

>> No.53190696
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Not really, you need something with at least 3000 hours worth.

>> No.53191319
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This game fucking sucks. Just deleted it after an hour. Dynasty Warriors had a better fighting system

>> No.53191351

I made 5 characters at levels 1+0, 24+1, 51+3, 84+6 and 125+10 so I can coop with people.

I just spend time cooping with the new coop summoning pool system where you can summoned anywhere. Because I have already 100% the game and there's nothing else to do

>> No.53191366
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The first time I played Elden Ring I had a couple tabs of LSD, fucking shit was crazy as fuck, I got sucked to Caelid and was tripping balls without my horse just running around in a red hellscape with giant scrappy-doos.

Was a hell of a experience. I cried tears of bliss when I looked at the Erdtree

>> No.53191416

No. Spend time acquiring a maiden instead. Maidenless as you are!

>> No.53192514

People saying Elden Ring is not a good game are just trying to be edgy, or want to profile themselves as profound.

Of course, it might not be for you, but saying it is 'meh' or that it's a bad game immediately invalidates their opinion.

>> No.53194188

I bought it last week too as it was in my bucket list and the sale was a nice opportunity, I'm at fire giant right now, how did you beat him? kek

>> No.53194966

They still haven't fixed the stuttering.

>> No.53195044

Just buy mount & blade bannerlord