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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53186103 No.53186103 [Reply] [Original]

why is congress trying to end credit card rewards?

>> No.53186116

what is the point of credit cards if they go through with this?

>> No.53186119

It sounds like they're just ending a subsidy for finance companies.

>> No.53186131

Build up good guy points aka credit score

>> No.53186146

how so? It's nice for smart people that pay their cards off every month

>> No.53186159

Read the snippet of the article in the image. Congress is talking about ending their current funding for credit cards rewards programs. Not regulating them out of existence.

>> No.53186174

there will be little to 0 incentive to even pay anything anymore. debtmaxxers will truly have the last laugh

>> No.53186203

interest should be outlawed at a constitutional level in all countries, all people that charge interest should be hanged in minecraft

>> No.53186206

yeah I just read the article. The government doesnt' directly fund credit card rewards at all.

>> No.53186219

whoa whoa let's not get all anti-semitic here

>> No.53186233

The whole purpose of Democrats is to destroy the middle class. I feel no sympathy for all the retards that keep voting against their own best interests because of their feelings and the make the rich pay propaganda that never comes true

>> No.53186256
File: 42 KB, 515x326, 1382413569966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Americans are too retarded to properly manage personal finances and are incentivized into using credit cards that ultimately take advantage of their moronic nature and unending appetite for consumption.
I would ban credit cards in their current state from the majority of the populace.
Why congress wants to do anything with such a lucrative market is beyond me, they know where their bread is buttered and shouldn't be angering their masters.

>> No.53186348

Congress is doing no such thing. What congress is doing is working to lower fees for retailers that take credit cards by opening up options for them to force credit card companies to be more competitive. These credit card compainies are threatening to take away rewards programs if the law passes.

>> No.53187613

no. let's!

>> No.53187622

Hanged by gas chamber?

>> No.53187658

They have to get rid of the transaction fees if we're to go to a fully digital economy. Pretty simple

>> No.53187684

>These credit card compainies are threatening to take away rewards programs if the law passes.
Well why would I use it if it wasn't for the rewards?

>> No.53187693

>ending a subsidy for finance companies.
its a subsidy?
ok. i never knew that.
guess they're tightening and choking off everything to death now except their wokism programs

>> No.53187875

>muh creditcard
Fucking Americucks with their life on credit. Pathetic.

>> No.53187890
File: 927 KB, 1080x1665, average yuropoors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rent free yuropoor

A line of credit is useful and I shouldn't have to explain why

>> No.53188035

Rewards are non taxable.

>> No.53188055

Niggers were starting to take advantage of reward points, so they had to put the kibosh on it.

>> No.53188063

Credit cards won't be needed when CBDCs go live

>> No.53188066


Credit card points and rewards won't work for their new model called the "block chain"

>> No.53188074

Its part of boomer programming to ruin life in every possible way before they die

>> No.53188080

Because people are stupid.
America's personal debt is absolutely out of control. Part of this is the easy credit, but since FEDs don't want to halt the country, they will cut it by the sides.

If you don't understand, remember that there are people who buy shit they don't need because they believe they are making money with cashback. And those people are incredibly fucked, like one sick day from needing to visit a foodbank.

>> No.53188118

You can have a line of credit by owning liquid assets you debtmaxxed turboyid

>> No.53188179

I got $500 back for purchasing a bunch of PC components over the past few months. It feels like they're rewarding smart responsible people by taking advantage of dumb impulsive people. This is rare and I fully support it.

>> No.53188235
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Does it benefit someone outside the parasite class? BAN IT

Does it benefit someone who is responsible and pays their bills at the end of each month?

fuck these assholes. I use my credit card because of the benefits. I pay off my bill at the end of each month. I enjoy having a huge chunk of change at the end of the year to buy Christmas Presents that don't cost me anything. They are taking that away from me.

>> No.53188291

Oh well I've already abused most of the available credit card bonuses. I've made $10k off almost 40 cards and that's not including the regular use rewards. It's a bummer I'll probably never get Chase's travel card though.

>> No.53188353

They arent.
But, once a study comes out and awareness is raised about the fact that niggers don't benifit from credit card rewards as much as whites, they will.

>> No.53188404

As a refugee from r/CoonTown, I don't even recognize that place any more.

>> No.53188416

>good guy
*good goy