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53167588 No.53167588 [Reply] [Original]

Where did my link go after staking it?

>> No.53167596


>> No.53167614

they are safe and sound in an unverified contract on the Ethereum network

>> No.53167621

to be more specific, most likely a mapping variable that tracks your address with your deposited LINK balance, which itself is a mapping variable on the LINK contract

>> No.53167638
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Stop spreading fud

>> No.53167652

What does this mean?

>> No.53167917

i dont even have link to stake
i lost it using a dodgy lending platform just like everyone else who will come here to fud

>> No.53167939

Into Sergey's bigmac wallet.

>> No.53167944

Hey anons. I recently staked 7K LINK. Feel a little weird about. I want to unstake. How do I do it?

>> No.53167952

Into his belly.

>> No.53167983

why would you want to?
you're literally the envy of every fudder out there
we all lost our stacks on celsius and bancor while you're just farming free rewards
its enough to make me seethe and post on biz 24/7 honestly

>> No.53168141

The LINK token contract writes some numbers into the storage of Ethereum.
>anon : 17 LINK
>Sergey : 500,000,000 LINK
You don't actually 'hold' any tokens in general. Your account is simply mapped to a number by the token contract.
It's possible the way staking works here is you deposit your LINK which just makes the LINK contract point to the staking contract as the holder of your LINK when you stake. And then in turn the staking contract puts in to storage how much you staked to keep track of that.
LINK token contract:
> staking contract : 17 LINK + (every other LINK staked)
Staking contract:
> anon : 17 LINK

>> No.53168271

How to start your own LINK hedge fund 101:
>be me
>proud owner of 7k LINK
>want to stake, but also realize there is some chance the price dumps after, although nothing is certain
>stake 7k LINK anyway because I've waited too long and I can't predict the future 100% even though I strongly suspect a sell off post-staking
>find perp futures contracts with positive funding and short the exact dollar amount of 7k LINK
>by default funding is positive and pays 0.01% of your position every 8 hours
>this means you earn around 12% APR in USD while also earning 4.75% APR in LINK
>have a plan about what to do if the predicted funding rate turns negative
>either take a few hits if it does and earn a bit less than 12% APR, or move to another contract that has positive funding still
>if you felt for example that this is going to be the low, can always close the position and lock in a large return and keep earning your LINK while knowing you covered your self for the inevitable bullshit dumps that always happen
>if not and you fear Sergey will get his dumping bib on for 2023 hold the position and earn free LINK
>if LINK moons then you win also since of course you have 7k LINK and are earning 4.75% in LINK which are now much more than 4.75% dollar wise
>also if LINK moons funding will likely often be very positive making earning much more than 12% APR in USD quite possible as well from high positive funding rates
Thank you for coming to my Smartcon presentation. I accept 10% commission paid in LINK tokens and/or Adelyn feet pics.

>> No.53168472

this is how addled link holders brains are after 5 years

>> No.53168942

Basic hedging and delta neutral yield is now indicative of an addled brain?

>> No.53169127

Funding fee on binance is almost always 0.01% so shorters always get free money every 8 hours

>> No.53169668

imagine someone hacking the contract, withdrawing everything. the same month, sergey buys another lambo

>> No.53169874
File: 1.12 MB, 2048x1536, NewWhip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hear that linkies? King gorilla daddy dick Nazarov has grown bored of his Italian whip and is now radioing demands to your stymaster for a brand new toy.

>> No.53169933

It's not the type of potential bug you want to see warned about here.
But honestly, if anything happened I honestly think it would be a complete nothingburger. Stakers would be compensated. One of the advantages of it all revolving a central organization is that they're going to have the power and flexibility to make things right.
Also unironically if the staking contract broke and the tokens were stuck, link might dump for about five minutes before people figure out it's bullish and shorts get blown out and we see a huge pump.

Yeah, seems to be the case at many places too so even if i goes negative for a bit you can carefully move a position over to another place with positive funding.
The default being shorts get 12% APR is honestly a bit mind blowing when you think about it. No need to use leverage at all either.

>> No.53169951

It all went here, anon
You can inspect the wallet here

>> No.53169960

They were stored directly into Sergay's fat

>> No.53170263

Interestingly, if you divide the number of tokens in the wallet by the number of wallets it works out at an average of 2775 per wallet

>> No.53170293

>It's not the type of potential bug you want to see warned about here.
they took 5 years, carefully planned this out and there is still a bug. Top kek

>> No.53170873

There's not a bug. It's just a warning about that version of the Solidity compiler.
And if there was a bug then it would be an issue with Solidity rather than their mistake unless it was something explicitly warned about or something.
Pretty unlikely there's an issue. But for such a simple contract it's kind of hilarious that a warning specifically about a storage write would just happen to be a potential issue with this version of Solidity. Like literally just that one warning.

>> No.53171065

>actual answer
>0 replies
>thread keeps going
Why do I even come here

>> No.53171865


>> No.53171959

What's wrong with my answer >>53169951 ?
I can see the tokens transferring to the staking wallet in my transaction history and see where they went. Isn't that a bit simpler than that stuff you said? We all know it's just code and there's no little plastic tokens floating about in a vault somewhere, but it's useful to think of them as such to some degree when keeping tabs on them, is it not?