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53163132 No.53163132 [Reply] [Original]

Is money all that matters or is there more to life than just being rich?

>> No.53163203

virgin kiddie diddler divorcee vs chad elite athlete harem master

>> No.53163202

What kind of retarded pic is this? Didn't Tate get his assets seized and thrown in jail? I would rather not be in that position and also be 100x richer.

>> No.53163237

idk i'm pretty autistic and the other day found out some psuedo celebrity browsing here. He was posting depressing stuff about never finding true love because of his wealth

>> No.53163285

I would rather be a hypothetical Bill Gates with a net worth of negative 1000 united states dollars than be Andrew Mystery Meat Tate. His ambiguous yet distinctly post-African phenotypical lineage is a level of existence that I couldn't tolerate.

Also being rich is shit compared to being:

1) musically talented
2) social
3) capable of organising people socially and hosting things
4) inventive, creative and industrious
5) skilled at making food
6) fun and spontaneous to be around
7) light hearted and witty
8) a master of one's own emotions

money is useful though and obtaining it is merely a catalyst for seeking further opportunities but doesn't achieve anything in itself

>> No.53163350

andrew 'mongoloid' tate is not worth 100m, he's not worth 100k and is presently in a romanian prison cell with his equally retarded brother, staring at each other thinking of some self help bullshit to say.

>> No.53163385

Only one asshole here donated to Hillary fucking Clinton

>> No.53163686

I'm 2, 3, 4, 5 (If you only count barbecue meats and sides, 6, 7

I still need money, with money I'd be 100% myself and pursue my artistic dreams and drug induced desires.... I'm loving and affectionate to excess.

>> No.53163709

Money is really tertiary, unless you're below say $20k in the bank.
Having a net worth of 50k and being Chad looking is better than having more than 500k while being a normie.

>> No.53163736


This. Getting to experience life being physically attractive is the biggest privilege on earth

>> No.53163739

>Pedophile responsible for windows
>Literally in jail with all his money seized
Can I just be dead instead?

>> No.53163772

tate is 31 years younger than gates

>> No.53163773

I wouldn't want to be that kalergi creatura for any amount of cash.

>> No.53164471

>One thinks he's top g
>The other could actually make the other disappear if he wanted and has top politicians in his back pocket.
Bill obviously.

>> No.53164536

I would rather be 100% white and have hair

>> No.53164563
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>rich chud

>> No.53164602

rather be an 80 year old white guy than a 30 year old nigger

>> No.53164726

Massive cope
I am no Tate fan, but like it or not, he is objectively attractive, desirably, and successful. He'd have more women at his door step wanting to please him than any of the youtubers or random reddit users going after him. Even after the possible sex trafficking accusations. Hell, he had 2 women HELP him with the sex trafficking who are also under investigation. Love him or hate him, he is, OBJECTIVELY, Chad.

>> No.53164815
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>ahtually gypsy Dan Bilzerian is le based, OBJECTIVELY
The implications of first world males having faggot dads and not getting pussy as teenagers has been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.53164853

>old and rich
>young and rich

>> No.53164885

>attractive, desirable
Stopped reading, you fell for the grift.
There's a reason he has to buy whores and lock them up.

>> No.53164891

I don't like Tate but also don't hate him. He's definitely no Dan nor SBF. He helped a lot of men get over their social anxiety and fear of women. He's one of the very few men who can go against the modern system, and at the same time, can say 'all women are whores.'

>implying you got pussy as a teenager

>> No.53164921

Pussy is all that matters
Money is just a means to get pussy

>> No.53164925

Gates daughter kissed a nigger, honestly murder suicide is the only option after something like that happens.
I'd rather be the other guy

>> No.53164950


>> No.53164974
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Bill went to Little Saint James Island multiple times. Tate whored out a few woman and got arrested. Bill has power, real objective power, world leader power. Tate also broke the number one rule of paying police and politicians off, you don't talk about it.

>2 women HELP him
Dose your mommy let you watch Tate? I'll let you in on a little secret kid. Using woman to help traffic other woman is 101 sex trafficking. Tate is nothing specialist. He thinks he's "top G" but he's nothing more than a pimp in a room full of snakes with the lights off.

>> No.53165000

>he is objectively attractive, desirably, and successful
lmao you are such a faggot, go gargle his cum faggot. go ask real women if they think he is attractive or desirable. is being in prison a success story? retard

>> No.53165022

Who's the fag on the right?

>> No.53165085

If we actually fucking had shit, if the fucking elites weren’t robbing us blind and destroying society then maybe the youth wouldn’t be clinging on to men who actually DO have something. Everyone always mentions how vapid and shallow these men are but nobody wants to admit nobody fucking cares. People want the things he has because again, they don’t have shit. The problem is most people are tricked into believing they’re doing something wrong specifically when in reality it’s because neoliberalism has destroyed any future they may have had.

>> No.53165289

>implying you got pussy as a teenager
The fact you find it hard to believe someone put penis in vagina during the horniest portion of their lives is revealing in and of itself. I'm 31, I was in high school during the before times. Having sex wasn't even considered that special, zoomers all have autism seem to think it's some momentous achievement to get laid.

>> No.53165472

I feel sad. You still got a lot of chance to remove your virginity around hookers, don't worry. Though it's not like being a virgin is bad anyway, being non-virgin isn't something special and to be proud of.

>> No.53165795

I would rather be 12 with zero dollars. Nothing makes the ultra rich seethe as much as their own mortality. I'm neither rich nor old and know this.

>> No.53166198

>being non-virgin isn't something special and to be proud of.
Yeah that's my whole point.
>Though it's not like being a virgin is bad anyway,
It is when the media is cramming sexual perversion down everyone's throats and warping the young guys' worldviews. How can you browse 4chan and not see how fucked up young men are? You have men in their 20's with stunted development idolizing a self help e-grifter/pimp/porn producer. Normal dudes with self confidence and social skills generally get laid and focus on things besides consooming motivational content and structuring their entire life around getting laid or trying to appear as if they are some pussy slayer. Ask any zoomer what they want to be when they grow up and 8/10 will say youtuber. They are chasing social/female validation above all else. It's beyond fucked.

I even saw a video of tate telling people not to read books at one point, literally wut... yeah bro lets just encourage kids to aspire to kikescam each other more so they can flex on each other and consoom without producing anything... what a great surrogate internet daddy right there.

>> No.53166221
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>he is objectively attractive
Nigga is a chudjak bruh

>> No.53166376

I know this is all a psy-op (a bad one), but why are you all talking about this Tate, or Sam Bankman, or Peterson.
Those personae do not deserve 10% of the attention you give them. Gates? sure, he deserve some attention, regarding how you will take care of him.

>> No.53166463

I see a rich pedophile with a well trained body who is going to get his ass raped to pieces in prison on the right
I see an even richer but older pedophile who has infinite get out of jail cards on the left
give them 3 years and they are both wearing diapers

>> No.53166511

Tates a faggot no cap, picrel, its legit impressive that he can look like a raging homosexual while spouting his absolute vomit cowshit while also being surrounded by the models he pays

Dudes toxic and not masculine, just a toddler throwing a fit. Honor nonexistant.
Not a success like the dicksuckers in this thread wanna cope with

>> No.53166526
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Picrel didnt attach

>> No.53166539

really shows how modern women's tastes have deviated from bronte when they so vituperatively reject our era's byronian hero

>> No.53166551

Top G of course.

>> No.53166571
File: 1.96 MB, 480x852, Bottom G.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53166587

>100 billion
>influence the course of human history
>100 million
>influence your decedents

Hmm tough choice

>> No.53166915
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is khan just another curry pajeet or is he out man?

>> No.53166949


>> No.53166952

>tranny architect?
>or cypher from the matrix?
uh, neither

>> No.53166966

you already made it and dont realize bcuz brainwashed by society.

you don't take your money with you when you leave this world, but the quality of your being endures

>> No.53166995

>be nigger or be billionaire
Yea real fucking hard decision. Fucking nerd.

>> No.53166998

The bottom g

>> No.53167005


>> No.53167020

id rather be myself than either of these faggots to be completely honest.

>> No.53167037

If Tate still had 100 mil I'd be him obviously because you can't buy time gates is 60 plus. Time is the greatest asset, 100 mil with time and a healthy body is top tier.

>> No.53167140

Nice snipe of tate in the wild anon

>> No.53167153

What an absolute faggot

>> No.53167167

I'm in this picture and I don't like it.

>> No.53167179

Yep. Tate is a talented marketer. You have to respect it.

>> No.53167211

I didn’t think women posted here but here’s one

>> No.53167213

Anyone on here saying they would rather be gates than tate in Pic above…just lol. You are a lying Faggot. Everyone here would trade their left nut to experience what tate does on a daily basis.

>> No.53167261

not saying that you are wrong
but wagecucking can be soul draining, the freedom of having money is not a small feat

>> No.53167324

This. Porn is the problem in every sense. Ruins literally everything else. Go lift and stop masturbating. In your horny fever dreams you will think aboit your shortcomings and rise. Or you will masturbate and go to sleep.

>> No.53167471


>> No.53167497

I lift, go to my 9-5, make good money, generally follow all the rules, but all I can think about is how ashamed I am of being a 25 yo virgin. It consumes me at this point.

It really feels like the majority of men base their worth and lives on sex. Even the boomers/gen x/millenials at my job just talk about getting laid, and various sexual encounters "back in the day maaaaaan". I think that no matter how much you guys deny it, sex is everything and how much of it you have defines your value as a man.

Not entirely sure what my point is but please prove me wrong.

>> No.53167582

Wise Anon, you are correct. The beta has been trained to put pussy on stool. Here is the sequence. 1. Acquire education, skills, talent. 2. Acqurire security and wealth from your skills. 3. Keep working on 1 and have fun. 4. Women will come to you as a provider, don't waste time chose wisely and not with penis, but with brain. They will raise your children and pass on your hard work and fortune. Chasing pussy is a massive drain of time and resources, which is why porn is free and sex is everywhere. But 25 virgin... go to church or something and find a girl to marry. Good luck dude, I hope you find someone.

>> No.53167861
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>all I can think about is how ashamed I am of being a 25 yo virgin. It consumes me at this point.
>I think that no matter how much you guys deny it, sex is everything and how much of it you have defines your value as a man.

No, you've just ruminated and obsessed over being an incel so much that it's skewed YOUR perception into believing this. Like I said above, your development is stunted somewhere in your pubescent years. If you were getting laid for the past few years you wouldn't have this worldview.

Go fuck some girl and find out what pussy feels like for yourself. After being woefully underwhelmed by the entire experience and wondering why you built it up so much in your head your whole life you have to make a choice, admit your retardation and move on with life accepting the reality of sex, or keep coping and become an obsessive fuckboy pua type guy chasing sex constantly and get cringed at by regular non mentally ill people and wife tier women.

>> No.53167883

how to admit ur an incel without admitting ur an incrl
Imagine glamorizing e list eboys
Why not just be tyler1

>> No.53167930

1) musically talented
>tate has it, made a bunch of music videos
2) social
>tate has it, networks specifically with high-networth individuals but helps lowbies too
>organizes people to do stuff together
3) capable of organising people socially and hosting things
>same as above
4) inventive, creative and industrious
>covered via multiple financial enterprises
5) skilled at making food
>fitness cooking already covered
6) fun and spontaneous to be around
>covered, maintains huge social networks due to it
7) light hearted and witty
>covered, balances his social groups and gets his rough boys out of trouble with it
8) a master of one's own emotions
>covered, has maintained harems of over 30 girls, which takes fuckhuge selfcontrol

You just listed things Tate has, that divorced old Billy will never have.

>> No.53167936

Dude I banged this girl 2 weeks ago and I regret it because it was in public and just awkward and uncomfortable. You’re just chasing after an illusion. Casual sex is nothing special. You just feel that way because that’s how biology programs you to feel via your genetics. There’s a Pavlov’s hierarchy of needs and you are stuck on the sex level. You need to become more enlightened so you can realize that these dreams you chase aren’t real and don’t transform or satisfy you once you attain them.

>> No.53167938

financial freedom is what matters most.

>> No.53167967


>> No.53168024
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>Pavlov’s hierarchy of needs
Is this why I get a boner every time someone dings that little bell on the receptionists desk at work?

>> No.53168025

Bill Gates wants to be young and in shape. he'd trade it all to be young again. Imagine trading 999,900,000,000 just to end up bald with a shit tier tattoo though

>> No.53168048

Bill gates never got arrested despite probably fucking minors and gets to play God by injecting normies with his vaccines he funds. It's not even close. Bill is untouchable, tate is in cuffs

>> No.53168058

>Pavlov’s hierarchy of needs
That is Maslow, you twat.

>> No.53168128

Tate is based simply by how hard he makes Incels, /Pol/cels, roasties, redditors and simps SEETHE.

>> No.53168171

it's absolutely irrelevant. i know it's hard never getting that validation. but i assure you your life would be absolutely the same the right now even if you had a wonderful relationship for a short while in your teens and were thus now "not a virgin"

the only difference is you would be able to tell people how ultimately trivial the whole thing was, and how self approval and validation is all that matters. what everyone else thinks of you on this planet means nothing. do not envy the chads that girls fawn over, or socially suave guys who can pull with no issue. it's meaningless, and the reason anyone would even discuss it as if its something important is because they have ego issues, and likely insecure.

blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth

>> No.53168182

if I'm stuck on the sex part, wouldn't the correct way to fix that be to have sex? Wouldn't ignoring it and skipping over it to the next level just cause more issues?

>> No.53168197

my man he is IN JAIL. I think at that point being attractive is a downside lmao

>> No.53168240

I wonder how much longer gates will live

>> No.53168274

>140 IQ billionaire or bald chinlet mutt
Gee idk

>> No.53168283

I stopped reading when you described gates rap music video as talented.

>> No.53168301

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more to life than money. If you offered me $1 million networth and being actually happy in life and not hating myself, unlike Tate, I'd take that over either of these two turbochuds.

>> No.53168362

the vast majority of musicians are not talented

>> No.53168481

Retarded comparison, left is twice the age of right.

>> No.53168509

>and being actually happy in life and not hating myself

it's all about mentality fren. your true self is eternal and infinite. people identify with these temporary expressions because it's beneficial for our survival instinct to continue this game/learning experience.

a wave shouldnt fear the shore "oh my god im about to die". nor should it be overly critical of itself and think it's unimportant "im just a tiny wave, look at giant tsunami over there, gee i wish i was him"

>> No.53168645
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The Craft.

>> No.53168801

This, he makes literally every group of retards seethe.
Incel weirdos
>NOOOOO HE HAS A BAD JAWLINE (literally irrelevant to women they only care about money and status)

I've barely paid attention to this guy but the fact that literally every group of undesirable subhumans hates him makes me think he must be based.

>> No.53168807

fucking neither you sick fuck, both men could die the most terrible deaths and i would applaud.

>> No.53168848


But right's about to spend the rest of his life in jail

>> No.53168872

Based and true. The fact this posts make retards seethe is further evidence.

>> No.53168888

too naive to know they're cut from the same cloth

>> No.53168896

Women are fucking retarded so yeah I'm sure some of them would be all over him.
Otherwise he's just trying to be edgy for clicks. Nothing new or interesting.

>> No.53168902


>> No.53168976

>implying gates didnt enjoy harems of cheese pizza without need to ego post with a photo op team for tumblr