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53150458 No.53150458 [Reply] [Original]

Im approaching 24 yo and never kissed a girl
Is my life sad?
I’m currently trying to escape the social media and doom scrolling Jew, and felt temporary joy not touching my phone all day, just talking with people at the park, cashier etc
Anons tell you girls are overrated and you don’t miss much

Having self worth from within

>> No.53150466

I'm 32 and I've never even had a conversation with a girl

>> No.53150503

I’m a 40 year old virgin and I have no intention of ever losing it. I hate people too much

>> No.53150509
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Do you kids unironically not have sex anymore?

>> No.53150585

Why would I?
It’s almost a decade I want female companionship
The years go by and nothing happend
Nowadays I hate fapping and I also hate porn. It’s just I’m Horny and i always feel bad afterwards
I wish I wouldn’t, always having wet dreams and messing up my sheets
Masturbation eventually is like sex anyways
I overheard coworkers and they said it’s nothing special eventually when you had it for some time

>> No.53150678

>wet dreams
Never had one of those, but I always had to pretend I did so I could fit in

>> No.53150682

>Masturbation eventually is like sex anyways
>I overheard coworkers and they said it’s nothing special eventually when you had it for some time
Your coworkers are probably boring retards.

>> No.53151031

Idk Im 26 and never kissed a girl and Im hitting a breaking point here. People I know are getting married and Im very unhappy working my 9-5 with nothing really to show but numbers in an account.

I had really bad cystic acne as a teen into my early 20s which killed my self confidence plus Im probably mildly autistic.

But now I look ok, have a good job, dress well enough and Im not obese, a weeb or anything like that.

But I have no experience, I don't find myself meeting too many new people, and yeah Im self conscious about dating some girl and having a first kiss when she will probably have fucked multiple guys already.

Idk my life kinda slid into this place, nobody ever took me under their wing or gave me advice on this IRL really, I don't love socializing so I just kinda ended up at this odd point despite the fact that Im not all that fucked up or hideously ugly.

Actually being in a relationship with a somewhat attractive girl, kissing and fucking seems to me like an alternate reality that I don't have access to.

>> No.53151056

Bruh just get a hooker, prostitution is legal in many countries and legal in Nevada in US. Go take a trip and get out of your system

>> No.53151100

most girls have herpes (but they call them cold sores to not look like sluts)
kissing them is too risky unless she's a trad kissless virgin

>> No.53151110

>>53150458i kissed the first time when I was 13 and I put my finger in a girl pussy when I was 14.

I had quite some gfs. >>53150585
>overheard coworkers and they said it’s nothing special eventually when you had it for some time
True in my experience.

The past 5 years things changed hard in the dating market. And 10 years ago it was 10x easier to get a gf. When I was a teenager I went to the local park and hang out there and then a few weeks later I had a gf. These times are over now :(

>> No.53151127
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>32 years old
>only $7,000 in savings
>had sex with 14 women
>11 of them 9-12 month relationships
>3 of them 1 night stands
>let 5 twinks blow me for free

>> No.53151142

I believe love exists and normalfags don’t.

>> No.53151155
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Well I got my first gf at 24 so maybe your time has come soon too bro.
That said, she ruined 3 years of my life.

>> No.53151195
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manlet or no? (under 5'11")

>> No.53151211
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>> No.53151241

I cannot marry a 10 year old so yes

>> No.53151366

/adv/ is that way ---->

>> No.53151392

6 feet 0 inches
Ok I'll put it in an unreadable block of text next time

>> No.53151403

Having sex isn't going to make you feel better if you're not getting it consistently. Didn't get a gf till 27 and finally did all the shit I wanted to but now that she's gone I feel like same. Actually probably worse because now I know how good it feels to have a gf and I don't feel myself getting another. I could take or leave the sex but being around someone who you could have another level of intimacy with is what I miss

>> No.53151408

How is that even remotely possible?

>> No.53151496

Male in 30s here. Do I tell girls on a date that I've never had sex or kissed another girl?

>> No.53151583
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Never EVER tell a girl that you are an adult kissless virgin, there is no bigger red flag than that to women especially if you're in your 30s.
And it's not so much about have you inserted your penis into a vagina, but more about have you ever been in any kind of relationship with a girl or not. Never intimate in any shape or form, that creeps women out like nothing else.

Not having sex is one thing, but entering your late 20s or God forbid 30s as someone who never even kissed or had a relationship of any kind is glaring gigantic red flag even for the rare most religious women out there. That doesn't mean you have to larp as a Chad pussy slayer, but even if you just say you had a fling or two a while back is already a 1000 times better than admitting that you're a kissless virgin in your damn 30s. Nothing good will come from that trust me.

>> No.53151702

No. If you're over 18, don't say you've never kissed a girl. You can get away with saying you're a virgin until your early 20s. Later than that, tell the girl after you had sex, maybe.

>> No.53151885

>all this copium
you guys just get more pathetic each year and worse at justifying it
Your problems are your constant avoidance of facing fear and running to comforts

>> No.53151923

What's the point of lying when people won't believe you unless they've seen pictures or social media proof.
Lying about it seems even more weird

>> No.53152009

Look anon yes they will know you're an awkward mess who wasn't intimate with a girl in a good while regardless, but NONE of them will have the preconceived notion that you never even kissed while being 30+ year old. You don't understand how impossible of a thought that is to a standard normal person, they can't imagine even the ugliest fattest person on the planet not even getting a single kiss when he's in his 30s.

And that's exactly why it's such a red flag, you'd literally have it easier if you admitted to being a serial killer who got out of jail than a damn kissless virgin in your 30s. Say it has been a while, had some short relationships back in the day nothing too serious etc, that alone is 500000% better for a girl to hear than that you never even kissed. And no one will ask for pictures of your middle school kiss or whatever larp story you come up with

>> No.53152020

Never say that Jesus Christ. Maybe after being with a girl for a significant amount of time and you're sure she's head over heels for you but almost always NO. Even kids/teens lie about their past experience because they instinctively know how much it matters.