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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53149188 No.53149188 [Reply] [Original]

and make sales exempt from state tax.


>> No.53149268


recommend posting in /pol/ too

>> No.53149361

The Federal government will lay the smack down on that. This is a good video from a ching chong who explains why the US government is basically at war with Gold because it being deemed a currency would undermine the US dollar.

>> No.53149403

>implying it's not already over for the USD since the creation of BTC

>> No.53149423

>exempt from state tax

>> No.53149461

Utah passed a similar bill in 2011 without issue.

>> No.53149503

BTC was made by glowies and functions as an extension of the USD lmao what are you talking about homie

>> No.53149617

That's outside the US. They want the banks outside the US to stop de-dollarizing. Inside the US, the government loves the citizens to buy precious metals. PM's are considered "collectables" to the IRS. Any profit made buying and selling "collectables" is taxed at 28%. The US government has no need to wage war on gold inside of it's borders since it can control the supply, manipulate the price, and has the historical precedent to seize all of it from the citizens(including inside of safety deposit boxes at banks) if it wants to.

>> No.53150104

Kikes seething

>> No.53150124

Nothing personal kid.

>> No.53150161
File: 149 KB, 810x1080, 122322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few based states have already passed similar bills. You are wrong.
Fuck the Fed.

>> No.53150212
File: 218 KB, 474x484, zoomer blm pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News tomorrow: other republicans saying missouri ain't they nigga, president biden saying he is relocating 5 million shitskins from california to missouri for no reason, larry fink comes out with george soros to talk about 'smelly midwestern redneck scum'.

>> No.53150217

>dollar is fucking worthless
>government at war with anything that isn't worthless

>> No.53150262

Expect this thread to be filled with jews explaining how bad this is any second now.