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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53143419 No.53143419 [Reply] [Original]

then wake up to this, a 28 year ALL TIME LOW



>> No.53143441

GME next

>> No.53143608

Imagine getting emotionally invested in somebody else's investment

>> No.53143668

Why? it's fucking funny you dork

>> No.53143678

Imagine getting emotionally invested in somebody else's investment

>> No.53143699

Imagine getting emotionally invested in somebody else's investment

>> No.53143698

just bought some for the fun of it.

>> No.53143729

imagine not taking pleasure in retards failing

>> No.53143942

what about it? Stupidity is fun

>> No.53144137


that's why you're still here crypto baggies

>> No.53144299

This is a big fat discount

There's literally no better time to buy in. I believe in the company

If they drop the stock to $0 then I'm still going to buy more

>> No.53144476

Honestly this.

Imagine buying any brick and mortar retailer. They all bend the knee to Amazon, Wal-Mart.

>> No.53144511

GME can't go bankrupt they are debt free.

>> No.53144558

>bought at 5
>held through 25
>sold at 9
Don't regret selling, regret listening to you baggots. If I ever see one of you irl, I'm flagging up, in minecraft of course.

>> No.53144588

imagine being a ball-licker for globohomo companies

hope bezos sees this bro

>> No.53144771

And Bed Bath and Beyond isn't a globohomo company? Lmao at your bagholder cope.

I don't buy anything from Amazon/Walmart but it's the king in retail because mutts want cheap Chinese plastic bullshit deliveried to their house. Their shipping infrastructure runs at a loss to put competition out of business.

>> No.53145024

No it's not retard. The stores exist only in the West. Do you even know what globohomo means?

>> No.53145049

Itm should not be funny but imagine falling for some jew that told you to buy this not much better then depositing into ftx

>> No.53145060

Retard bros...
I'm not feeling so well

>> No.53145695

what does globohomo mean to you

>> No.53145874

globalization of the world, under select companies and organizations - driving out small-mid level businesses

no free markets. all controlled

>> No.53145887

So cheap! I just bought a millionth of the company foc pocket change.

>> No.53145918
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>> No.53145943

yes. So what we have now got it. We agree now that walmart and Amazon will crush bed bath and beyond?

>> No.53146064

if you think current market is globohomo, you'd be in for a treat in the future if they actually succeed. true globohomo will mean being paid in amazon credits for work, delayed/rejected shipping for you based on social credit, being charged for product returns deemed 'return fraud' once they are linked to blockchain (good luck getting free amazon gift cards as easy as it is now)

muh "customer obsession" from amazon is a front to entrap every customer to be obsessed with amazon

fortunately, some of us are against this. you will see in time

>> No.53146119

>this is what GME baggies unironically believe

>> No.53146323
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>> No.53146344

I take great pleasure in announcing that you're wasting your time

Not selling

>> No.53146360

I bought BBBY $20 and hold Lunac all I am beyond despair 22D0AY

>> No.53146456

That's fine baggie, probably not worth selling your pennies anyways. Take this lesson back to the rest of the fags at redit

>> No.53146480

I don't own or have ever owned or plan on ever owning any shares of BBBY

>> No.53146922


Very kind of you

>> No.53147159

My Puts are happy.

Thanks for the anon telling me about this historic failure last month

>> No.53149386

LOL you will find this bagholder also coping in the BBBY general I was just reading it to laugh at the delusion and he talks just like this.

>> No.53149445

I hope for your sake that this is a trollpost

>> No.53149524


You replied to wrong thread. It's just me and you pal

>> No.53149578

>crypto baggies
ethereum is 1200 usd burv

>> No.53149602

You're welcome

>> No.53149666

down 65% from a year ago. still more to go baggie

>> No.53149712

kek baggie

>> No.53149714
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here's a BBBY fren for you

>> No.53149786

kek 1PBTID

anotha one

>> No.53150661

kek dumb fuck baggie

>> No.53150686
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aye dios mio

>> No.53150716

he's seething in every single thread related to this dumpsterfire, today's price action must've buckbroken him

>> No.53150746

anotha one

>> No.53150781
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Bed bath and beyond imagine marrying your bags to a dying company for boomer housewives. Kek, buy more goy! They're on sale!!

>> No.53150805

talk to me in the other thread shillie, keep it trending on front page

>> No.53150829
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>front page

>> No.53150858

Go back redit nigger

>> No.53150886

no thanks, I'm enjoying my vacation here seeing how despicable you shillies are behind muh "anonymous" ID

no worries though, I'll be gone once I make my money. don't cry and miss me

>> No.53150900

>baggies believe this

>> No.53150914

The thing that bugs me the most about this is a bunch of R*ddit refugees are obsessed with short squeezes on “assets” they know are manipulated. Why volunteer to play a rigged game? Even more ironic, we know exchanges have been selling fake btc/eth/etc and they could be easily squeezed if people were to withdraw from exchanges en masse.

>> No.53150919

anotha one

>> No.53150928

Baggies love to play pretend and “fight” wallstreet when they are their biggest pay pigs. Quite entertaining desu.

>> No.53150939

In order to understand your enemy, you have to play their game :)

>> No.53150947

Another baggie getting eternally btfo

>> No.53150948

help i'm being ladder attacked by the hedgies

>> No.53150954

>GME can't go bankrupt they are debt free.
Wow millenials really are a special type of retard

>> No.53150955

>making money
oh is that what you've been doing? Lol.

>> No.53150961

I'm doing it for free too :D

>> No.53150970

Your enemy has won, twice now. I don’t think there’s anything to learn as far as understanding your enemy lol.

>> No.53150972

What game is that? Losing money forever? Go back faggot. We all know you’re a redditfag

>> No.53150976

this is a business and finance forum right? thought I was in the wrong place for a sec. taking me some to adjust, newfag here

>> No.53151000

my enemy has not won until all us 'redditors' are dead, good luck

Think Game anon, think

you are against people like this >>53150816

>> No.53151004
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GameStop is next

>> No.53151005
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>for free
>YDT -27%
>1Y -87%
>5Y -92%
>10Y -97%

>> No.53151018

That’s retarded. I can not loose money while watching kikes unwind trades every time shit doesn’t go their way and understand everything I need to know about the situation.

>> No.53151024

that money is already locked in cold storage via DRS, my lovely transfer agent ComputerShare

at least I'm not on a payroll like half of you. the ones that aren't, I feel sad for you

>> No.53151026
File: 91 KB, 720x1280, 479D9CEA-688D-40DA-811F-F8632B2D5F11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my enemy has not won until all us 'redditors' are dead, good luck
Well taking all your money was a good start.

>> No.53151034

they can't even unwind my dick up their ass. How does 200K redditor dicks sound, DRSing shares every day until we expose this sham market

>> No.53151037

I clicked that image and my synthesia made me smell wet crab

>> No.53151049

take? they can't take shit until I sell shillie :)

>> No.53151050

It can't immediately go bankrupt because accessible cash and inventory exceeds their liabilities. Debt is the lest friendly variety of liability.

>> No.53151062

>a year ago
is that supposed to be a long time?
>28 year all time low

>> No.53151070

Least, how does laest become lest?

>> No.53151083

>locked in cold storage

>> No.53151084

supposed to be for you low-attention spans crypto baggies

we long-term investors just buying and holding, but seems to trigger some nerves :)

>> No.53151101

thought I'd dumb it down for crypto baggies in this thread.

cold storage = shares held in your name via a transfer agent

CEX = Brokerages

does that help?

>> No.53151120

doesn't matter if you shove it up your prolapsed rectum, it's a mark to market asset. you are down whether you like it or not.

>> No.53151136

>a baggie not understanding how stocks work
How typical

>> No.53151137

> I don't know what to say, so let me make a bum joke

>> No.53151150

A stock, also known as equity, is a security that represents the ownership of a fraction of the issuing corporation. Units of stock are called "shares" which entitles the owner to a proportion of the corporation's assets and profits equal to how much stock they own.

Stocks are bought and sold predominantly on stock exchanges and are the foundation of many individual investors' portfolios. Stock trades have to conform to government regulations meant to protect investors from fraudulent practices.

> Stock trades have to conform to government regulations meant to protect investors from fraudulent practices.

The last line is why I am here :)

>> No.53151153

where's the joke? baggots have been getting railed for so long now it's simply a logical inference.

>> No.53151171

anon... you have no money until they sell
During bankruptcy bond holders are paid first, shareholders get nothing

>> No.53151173

You're existence is the joke. Every time you shills post, I know that I am right. The Streisand effect is real

You'd actually have been more successful being quiet and not shitting up threads, that would actually spook us

>> No.53151187

Good luck, because the company is not going bankrupt. I foresee M&A activity

>> No.53151192


>> No.53151194

>shill post
You're a schizo anon. People dunking on bad investors aren't shills

>> No.53151207

For the most part, yes. But on a daily basis, that is not casual my friend. We can see the patterns, maybe you can't

>> No.53151214

>daily basis
>thinking its the same person when its just a lot of people

>> No.53151236

It's different people you idiot. Why do you think I am calling out 1PBTIDs?

Go sit in /GME/ for a week, and you will have more FUD than /pmg/ /xrp/ xmr/ combined

>> No.53151238

You forgot the part where companies go out of of business whether you sell or not whether you have stock certificates or not. Enjoy baggie.

>> No.53151259

you forgot the part where M&A activity is hot during bad economic times. shareholders will win if they own a company with quality assets

especially people like me buying the absolute bottom right now

>> No.53151298

>losing half a billion a year
Not for long baggie

>> No.53151317

we'll see soon shillie

>> No.53151334

for any newfags >>53151240

this is why they're making shit threads, come lurk

>> No.53151352

>at least I'm not on a payroll like half of you
is being a schizo a requirement of being a baggie

>> No.53151364

no, but being obsessed with our price movement seems to be a requirement for shillies >>53151157

>> No.53151378

I haven't had this much fun in a while, thanks for the entertainment shillies

oh and.. BUY HOLD DRS

>> No.53151529

we're laughing at you because of how confident you remain despite the fact that you lost all your money on a trash meme stock, for a company that is billions in debt and hasn't made a quarterly profit in eons.
retards who can't even read a balance sheet or income statement are claiming the stock of a company with negative earnings per share and on the verge of bankruptcy (according to their own words too) is actually "undervalued" lmao

>> No.53151575

kek BBBaggYs