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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53133349 No.53133349 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe I'll make your life better.
Give detail if it's a larp I'll ignore you ITT.
If I feel like you're phone posting or samefagging I'll know.

I have 15k I need to give away for tax reasons, give me a reason to make your life better.

>> No.53133431

im 26 and a broke ass nigga that likes crypto. i do alot of things though so i am cool

>> No.53133579

Nice story!
I'm 36 and about to kms from being so poor and my job keeps holding back hours or dumping 12 hour days on me to make me sick cause they know I'm on the verge of quitting from health reasons going in for ultrasounds tomorrow.
I could use a hand up

>> No.53133653

my ex wife divorced me in 2011 and chopped her tits off to became a man, only get to see daughter once a year since i had to move to other side of country just to find work, told my dad not to get clot shit, he got his third booster and died of heart attack, but not before selling off remaining family assets to buy his new wife a house in the city.
was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 27, had to change everything again so i could afford insulin.

>> No.53133688

the way i got diagnosed was after a bad infection from injuries after a car accident in which my grandpa died
forgot that trauma

>> No.53133754

i don't want your money, just for anons to understand, it could be worse
you could have already gotten fucked by divorce and disease. those of you who haven't, goodluck

>> No.53133819

it all started when i sold my former business under my name, chuck.
Well this guy bought it and named it after himself to keep the trend in hopes it catches the communities eye. and let me tell you, it sure did. Long story short the business, while having nothing to do with MY business (not even the same market), really took off and gained international notoriety. I'm feeling very upset about this and like I shouldn't have sold. But all in all im here to "buck" up and start again

>> No.53133932

I was diyagnosed with dyslexia this year and I have been desperately trying to stop my sister in law from stealing my gay half brother's inheritence. I live in my car.

>> No.53133966

>I live in my car
ya at least im not here

>> No.53133976
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Joined navy as navy nuke, got kicked out after the second phase of training for refusing the clotshot(all my friends were jelly because I didn't have to suffer through 16 hours of school anymore lel), but I had to wait 7 months in an asbestos filled, mold infested building. Im waiting to apply for the next school year to apply for college for bioengineering on uncle sam's dime. In the mean time im trying to get a job working from home living with my mom.

>> No.53134024

I've posted my story multiple times, tldr I'm dying
QRD nobody gives a shit, best that could happen to me is that I die faster.

>> No.53134109

Mother was an alcoholic and died when I was 16.
Dad is a piece of shit race mixer that abandoned us and started a new family on the other side of the globe.
I'm (likely) autistic and feel cursed for it.
I make music but nobody has ever cared about it.
I'm currently in the grips of a depression since Christmas.
Also niggers tongue my anus.

>> No.53134129


>> No.53134154

It's sort of cancer, cancer is a side effect of it so worse it's incurable.

>> No.53134196

Just wanted to share my story with you all. IF THERE'S A GOD THEN HE'S PUNISHING ME CONSTANTLY.

>> No.53134269


>> No.53134327

I'm a waifufag because I hate real women.
For 15k I could commission a real doll of her and make roasties mad.
Would be great for the waifushrine as well.

>> No.53134329

I study cs in a balkan shithole far from my home country and cant afford a computer. My make it goal is 10k

>> No.53134344

Anime fags get the rope

>> No.53134396

I'm in my early 20s and I own a small 7 figure crypto startup, i get pussy and have a lot of friends. i just can't seem to hit 1/2/3/4 at the gym though.

>> No.53134438
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I'm a social cripple who really hates his shitty WFH call center job that requires lots of human interaction. It's like shoving my brain into a blender most days. Unfortunately, I'm stuck in the rat race and trying to shift career paths is a bitch when you don't have a support network or downtime at work to develop more skills.

I had a little side business last year that I liked - general handyman shit.
Then the truck I used for that side business had a catastrophic engine failure. Replacing it isn't really cost-effective because it won't pass state inspections. (I moved for cheaper cost of living.)

5k would get me a decent 4x4 used truck that meets state standards and let me go back into business for myself.

I don't need the whole 15k and I'm sure that there are others who could use some extra cash.

BTC: 3F2jmgrjwLb5UjX1GYircNQCtDkjEKjUhd


Thanks in advance.

>> No.53134640 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 1034x1293, 1638106474284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 28 years old poor neet with severely recessed face , my whole life has been a hell , i have been stuttering since childhood that's why couldn't talk to anyone and think of killing myself everyday have no one left but my parents and no girl is willing to talk to me
eth: 0xFe61b3C1ad5D2753c446ff5898180BDE43E9056f
if real thank you

>> No.53134719

Had constant suicidal ideations from 12 to 20.
Single parent home, poverty in an EU country.
Now I'm a doctor at the top of my country.
I do cancer research.
I'm 6'2ft and can bench 90kg on a good day.
I don't own LINK.

>> No.53134722

ofc fucking nothing but beggars here balkin island beggars, explains a lot really thanks OP for pulling these idiots out of the woodwork.

>> No.53134820

Holy fuck you're pathetic. Why are you still alive?

>> No.53134849
File: 214 KB, 640x640, 1672080530131918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, what a convenient opportunity to vent my frustration. I just turned 25 and am feeling more and more like going to college fucked my life up. I got a BS in cyber security and was on track to graduate with honors and get an internship, but things went wrong. First it was covid, then it was my mother dying and having to travel to see her. Internships just never ended up happening and a few bad semesters around when my ma died tanked my gpa to a 3.05. Not bad really, probably around average, but without work experience I have been unable to land a job for over half a year now, and am running out of money. If I'm being honest, I know I probably could of tried harder and made things turn out better, but at the same time I don't blame myself. I had a part time temp gig at graduation, but since that ended I can only make money from slinging crypto. Now that I know more about the tech industry and the working world in general I wish I never went to college and just studied online for certifications and got an internship or entry level gig with that. Then I wouldn't have 30k of debt and wouldn't have wasted years of my life. Recently had another interview that seemed to go really well, but I just found out that they hired someone else with experience. Story of my fucking life. I just want to scream, or better yet go to my old college and start shooting the people who work there. I thought I was being smart, as in studying useful skills like networking and programming, but I still basically got scammed. Fuck college I want to fucking kill those stupid professors who would play youtube videos in lectures and not even hide the fact that you can learn what they teach on the internet for free. There's my vent, thanks for reading. I suspect you're just larping to data mine or amuse yourself, but if not please help me.

ETH: 0x04e198c7C83E3f9914926D5065F83b667779fE28