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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 520x390, TexasMansion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53130908 No.53130908 [Reply] [Original]

My dream is to live in a mansion and drive a 7-series while smoking cigars and scotch. I'm going to achieve this through Real Estate.

>> No.53130913
File: 113 KB, 875x492, BMW_760i_xDrive_AventurinRed_005_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the BMW

>> No.53130928

all talk no action

>> No.53130942

Absolutely based and totally achievable fren.

Tell us more about your real estate plans?

>> No.53130949

probably indian too

>> No.53130964

Faggot, I just finished my studies. I'm applying to IT jobs now.

>> No.53130966

bro that looks terrible

>> No.53130981

No class, all talk/dreams of a robotic lifestyle
Likely 22 max and is a massive Tate following faggot chinlet manlet kissless virgin.

>> No.53130989

yeh, i agree sis.

>> No.53131001

>flip houses and rent them out near college campus
>index funds

>> No.53131002
File: 31 KB, 474x461, 19F180C8-E3C3-4065-A655-97F3EDDE2C16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have dogshit taste in homes and cars.

>> No.53131034

i like the home tbf.
what homes do you like anon?

>> No.53131054

>index funds
enjoy your -1% adjusted inflation yearly gains

>> No.53131056

You smoke scotch?

>> No.53131074

you had to choose the worst modern bmw? looks like an auntie car at best, shit taste.
100% brown indian hands.

>> No.53131272
File: 334 KB, 640x640, 1650368970008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will wagies never learn?

>> No.53131533


>> No.53131536
File: 82 KB, 1024x583, bmw-740iL-1996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the BMW
You really want the 1996 edition of that.
Way better style, outstanding performance and handling, and if money is no issue, you can afford it to be maintained in mint condition.

>> No.53131726

>sloped roof
>wood construction
>fake stone veneer
Kek, that's a mchouse. Might as well live in a giant pole barn.

>> No.53131823

Post a "real mansion".

>> No.53131903
File: 36 KB, 480x360, hqdefault~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53132229

I like to party

>> No.53132251

Lol you’re going to be broke forever, fucking poor.
All you dream of is splurging and expenditures, not hard work and success.


>> No.53132256

NGL these are both pretty disgusting.

>> No.53132271

Let me guess you're an impressionable fag who just saw that MDE Nick video about flipping houses.

>> No.53132272

>100% brown indian hands.
came here to say this. fucking pajeets lmao.

>> No.53132276

>achieve this through Real Estate.
You are late.
The housing boom is over.

>> No.53132277
File: 816 KB, 1850x1350, 1653923594495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With these real estate prices? I really hope you're stacking that matic anon or you're pretty much fucked.

>> No.53132340
File: 2.52 MB, 3840x2160, bmw_x5_xdrive30d_m_sport_2018_4k_jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the x5

Mine looks just like this. It has almost all the options too. How jelly are you all? If you're nice I might let you ride shotgun

>> No.53132356


Boomers will move heaven and earth with the help of the Government to keep prices high.

>> No.53132366

Woman detected.

>> No.53132400

These cars are nothing special anymore. You can lease them for 500€ a month in Germany, every shady low level arab drug dealer who lives on fake government disability money can afford them.

>> No.53132441

It's a man's car though. I'm 6'6 so I need the headroom. It also has the best interior of any car available, even better than Mercedes

>> No.53132463

You're not finding a good one for that price. If it doesn't have the premium seats and stereo then it's shite.

>> No.53132478

they're not like bmw's of old. feel cheap and poorly put together.

>> No.53132484

No straight man drives crossovers unless he's an Arab like >>53132400 says.

>> No.53132487

18 speaker system, 14 way adjustable seat, 4 way climate control, 9 gear transmission... Thank God they don't make em like they used to

>> No.53132511
File: 2.70 MB, 4429x2956, P90123451_highRes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me a single better interior in any vehicle. You can't

>> No.53132529
File: 507 KB, 3485x1850, 1b8e37f47879adf9e4ad47b7591db762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the ambient LEDs

>> No.53132530

You don't know dick about cars, that's fine but don't pretend that you do because you read the marketing brochure.

This car MOGS your crossover and OP's.

>> No.53132531

yeah sorry was thinking about the X3. X5 is more like 800€.

>> No.53132562

I know a lot about cars actually. If only you knew who you were talking to lmao

I'm still waiting for you to post a car. Let's see your exquisite tastes...

>> No.53132573
File: 53 KB, 960x953, 1544963182878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53132605

>muh manual
>muh clutch
>muh technical skill required just to drive a car
>muh bragging rights
Manual fags are more insufferable than people who brag about drinking black coffee

>> No.53132615

you manualfags have to face reality, no one's buying manual anymore, I'm a Europoor not even here. 10 years ago you got laughed at for driving an old people car now no one buys manual anymore except for used cars

>> No.53132702

your dream is to be some NEETs corny idea of what a "cool guy from the 50s" must be like? hmm, nice

>> No.53132790

This shit isn't any more luxurious than a high optioned Ford or Mopar. It just costs more for the same thing.

>Dual side vents
That's retarded

>> No.53132796
File: 72 KB, 1074x604, 87846546ec5899792a67753d1eaa8ad70a6fff57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90s were peak automobile design. Pic related or the BMW in >>53131536 are good luxury cars.

Yeah, I'm talking to some fag who doesn't wrench. Nobody who cares about design or works on cars drives a soccer mom BMW crossover.

>> No.53132994
File: 1.42 MB, 1072x649, 2022-Ford-Explorer-XLT-Interior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your ford bro! It's the same thing amirite?

>> No.53133038
File: 171 KB, 1146x797, Screen Shot 2014-04-06 at 11.16.09 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your interior bro.
For real though, this thing is a beater. And any 90s car is a ticking time bomb by now. You can't even drive to Vegas without something breaking on the way

>> No.53133143

Imbecile that drives a BMW talking about a Lexus of all cars breaking down.

That Lexus will have 300K miles on it. Your soccer mom BMW will constantly require repairs.

>> No.53133212
File: 98 KB, 1024x682, used-1996-bmw-7_series-tupacshakur-9707-16762570-48-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't have IPAD glued in middle of dash = BAD
>operating buttons and knobs with tactile feel instead of tapping screen = BAD

Japs aren't known for their interiors, they max reliability for luxury vehicles. Pic related from the BMW is better than any infotainment abortion interior.

90s/early 00s vehicles have less electronic components that go bad and require less time and expensive parts to fix. Any maintained vehicle from that era in a non-rust climate will run for more years than anything being built currently.

>> No.53133253

>Not wanting the giga Camry
Are you fucking gay or something?

>> No.53133335

He must like Ardbeg.

>> No.53133336

>Cherrypicking one of the bottom trim levels
You're a fucking lying disingenuous faggot with no real argument wasting our time.
BMW and other "luxury" brands have stopped providing luxury, they just vacuum money from rich idiots who think the brand is still worth something.

>> No.53133588

It's simple, post a goddamn interior then. You aren't because you can't find a good pic. Why? Because they don't exist.
I did a lot of research on fancy car interiors and you can't beat a 2015+ X5

I had a 94 benz and I'll tell you the circuitry does go bad. Shit doesn't last forever. One time my headlights randomly died on the highway at night. The stereo is scratchy and keeps cutting out, and even then it doesn't sound that good because auto manufacturers did a shit job on their audio setups back then.
PS: the 2014-2018 x5 doesn't even have a touchscreen so your point is moot.

>> No.53133664

No, I'm just not a poorfag that has deluded themselves into thinking old plastic dashboards are somehow good. Enjoy your basic 4 way adjustable seat with ripped leather

>> No.53133813
File: 236 KB, 1600x1200, Ford-Explorer_King_Ranch_Edition-2021-1600-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's ur high optioned Ford. It's the explorer king ranch. Costs as much as an x5 yet it's a downgrade in every aspect. Just look at that vertical video infotainment! The bezels on that thing are almost an inch wide

>> No.53133929

So andrew tate? Hustlers university will get you there ;)

>> No.53133999

Mazda 3

>> No.53134076

Does your height start with a 5?

>> No.53134111

I recommend the 9 series. Also, don’t smoke scotch, unless you mean burning drambui as incense.

>> No.53134285

9 out of 10 drivers of these cars in belgium are women lmao, men drive sedans and saloons

>> No.53134420

A manlet mobile is fitting for you. It's probably the perfect size for a 5'8 mutt such as yourself, but not for me. I drive a big vehicle with my wife riding shotgun

>> No.53134815
File: 479 KB, 2048x1536, b10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53134893

kek nice soccer mom car

>> No.53134953

Lmao all the haters in this thread are na tards , go back to ur shitty fords with year 2000 interiors

>> No.53135018

>I'm going to achieve this through Real Estate.
Possible but know what you are signing up for. The best real estate funds in the world make 20% leveraged returns and that was during a real estate bull market the likes we have never seen before.

A top performing real estate company can maybe expect 15% leveraged returns (you will flirt with bankruptcy a few times). You ability to succeed will entirely depend on ability to raise money from investors because you won't have enough capital to make it otherwise to fund lifestyle in pic related.

If you go it alone with only lenders on your side, you might achieve pic related by 50 years old if you are one of the best in your industry.

>> No.53135366

Still get more pussy than u

>> No.53135532

Cool cope and manliness insecurity
This car is the best, of course everyone buys it

Not likely, especially at that height. Step up, Pedro!

>> No.53135540

You're clearly a pajeet then, you will never succeed in real estate.

>> No.53135548

The only way to build wealth through real estate is to leverage the fuck out and find really good deals.

>> No.53135596
File: 267 KB, 2293x1290, 70F4F67D-184C-47BC-9FF5-90A816C51E7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK have fun paying monthly subscriptions to use the features already built-in to your vehicle. That piece of shit is fucking ugly too. Get out of my way, nigger.

>> No.53135714

i remember thinking my degree would get me a good job... now i make 6 figures with a job that requires a 9th grade education