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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 854 KB, 894x1402, Screenshot 2023-01-03 at 11.12.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53126473 No.53126473 [Reply] [Original]

"Looking forward to new versions of the data, automation and cross-chain portions of the protocol coming out this year.

Cryptographic Truth is how the world's value will be transacted and secured."

Sergey isn't fucking around. Chainlink is going to change the world. Buy LINK or stay poor.

>> No.53126492

“Cross chain portions” fat fuck is trying to do CCIP v0.00001 too. God I hate this man. Im not a shill anymore Ive turned to the dark side and am now a fudder

>> No.53126499

>Looking forward to new versions of the data, automation and cross-chain portions of the protocol coming out this year.

>Cryptographic Truth is how the world's value will be transacted and secured."

>Steve wei isn't fucking around. Top network is going to change the world. Buy TOP or stay poor.

>> No.53126501

I will be a trillionaire, nay I am ALREADY a trillionaire.

>> No.53126523


And yes fudders, it's real.

>> No.53126635

>CCIP v0.1 will allow you to send messages to other platforms
>in 12-24 months CCIP v1.0 will allow you to read the messages that were sent previously

1k EOY

>> No.53126748

He never fucking delivers. I have never met or come across someone I wanted to punch more than this man. He has given everyone blue balls for 60 months now, always kicking the can down the road. Even the furries at ETH weren't this bad

>> No.53126771

Good thing he learned his lesson from last year and posted a tweet with no promises instead of a video full of ones this time.

>> No.53126800

>Even the furries at ETH weren't this bad
>pos takes 7 years implement
>still can't withdraw after 3 years
>mucking around before finally landing on rollups that will then take years to decentralize fucks gas prices for years

>> No.53126925
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>cross chain portions
Jesus fucking christ
I am so retarded for ever believing in this shit.


>> No.53127003


>> No.53127016
File: 21 KB, 720x531, 1647549721891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to see these new versions on december 31 at 23:59:59!

>> No.53127388

is he saying steaking isn't automated? is someone at chainlink labs sending the 4.75% apy to the steak wallet everyday manually?
it took him 5 years to do it as well?

>> No.53127509

Yesterday's larp talked about an official CCIP announcement for today and that the actual switch would be turned on this weekend. Instead, as per usual, we have this vague gay ass tweet. You Chainlink Labs jannies have no shame whatsoever, don't be surprised when the amount of hate speech and nazi memes under your daddy's tweets grow exponentially. That will discredit the company image and ultimately be its downfall. You better get your shit together asap, screencap this

>> No.53127556


>> No.53127832

Same man. I have 7k LINK staked and 3k left over. I've been in the sunk cost fallacy for years now. I hate this coin and wish I swapped it for ETH years ago.

>> No.53127841

said it before we are going above $100 this year

>> No.53128062

>actually being new enough to believe that larp

>> No.53128336

My point still stands, /biz/ is a virus and will spread uncontrollably. The link hexagon will be marked as the new hate symbol next to pepe, wait and see

>> No.53128341

they does the same thing over and over. At least it isnt as bad as lpl where they hyped and rugged

>> No.53128380
File: 993 KB, 212x189, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2022 flashbacks

>> No.53128386
File: 3.88 MB, 4500x3000, 2b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a graph of rng function calls
>cumulative total slowing down
what the fuck
the only metrics that matter (real world use and enterprise adoption) aren't on this pic
because they fucking stay at zero

>> No.53128394

>>cumulative total slowing down
Were you in a coma for all of 2022?

>> No.53128419

It's another "/biz/ tries to read too much into something even though they can barely read at all" episode.

He's talking about the "data portion, automation portion, and cross-chain portion".

>> No.53128450

ok bro we get it you're delighted with the pace of developments
turns out a bunch of other people aren't
fuck off with your constant cheerleading for Sergey in every thread

>> No.53128466

nah he's talking about v0.1 ccip

>> No.53128529

So whine about the pace of developments.
Don't try to read into every single little thing, focus your efforts.

>> No.53128554

The cross chain portion of the protocol is CCIP. He's saying CCIP is definitely coming out this year. What is wrong with your reading comprehension?

>> No.53128559

>don't try to analyze what the CEO meant by posting this tweet publicly
fuck you apologist
that literally means it's coming out in portions then
great, another v.001

>> No.53128561

Im not sure these people fudding are genuine "honest actors" anon...

>> No.53128576

>muh honest actors and muh paid bulgarians
I'm never coming back to this shithole, I can't stand your constant schizophrenia and derailing of threads trying to actually discuss this fucking project
>inb4 noooooo you have to be positive, noooo
fuck you shills

>> No.53128597

No idiot. It means that CCIP is ONE PORTION of the Chainlink Protocol. Its not even complicated you fucking retard

>> No.53128611

exactly what he is saying, 1 portion of ccip is coming. So v0.001

>> No.53128612

great, so the entire protocol will still ship in multiple betas
even fucking better
fuck you fucking retard shill

>> No.53128668

>wah wah I'm a big gay crybaby bitch

>> No.53128685

>shill can't refute shit
>proceeds to avoid and derail
good job on proving him right anon

>> No.53128701

>WAAAAAAH I'm a big gay faggot with a chapped bumhole and crusty eyes from crying all night and I pooed my pants and I need mummy to clean it up waaaaah

>> No.53128707

There's nothing to analyze.
Sergey is looking forward to the "data portion, automation portion, and cross-chain portion" of the protocol.

You're trying too hard to read into something like a woman.

>> No.53128726
File: 436 KB, 1536x2048, EE412E24-D864-4080-BCFA-8583BC1AE9CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just women here now, fudding Link?

>> No.53128733

look at that seething third world monkey screeching over me lol
>There's nothing to analyze.
>offers his own biased analysis
bro, unironically fuck off
I get it, you are completely satisfied
why the fuck do you seem hellbent on preventing others from analyzing a public tweet in any way they desire?
what kind of gaslighting kikery is this?
fuck you

>> No.53128739

looks like the discord trannies came up with a new meme
>whoever criticizes link is a woman
so transparent ffs

>> No.53128740

>his own biased analysis
That's how the phrasing breaks down purely grammatically you complete sperg.

>> No.53128743

>Waaaah mummy mummy please wipe my bum bum i pooed and i need it wiping mummy waaah please

>> No.53128747

that's how YOU interpret it you fucking mongoloid
keep screeching over anons being critical about Sergey

>> No.53128749

>7 WAAAAAHS by this ID.

>> No.53128760

>4 screeching incoherent ramblings by this jeet shill

>> No.53128761

The sentence makes no sense otherwise, you esl shithanded Mohinder.

He's not "looking forward to the data of the protocol coming out this year", he's looking forward to the data PORTION of the protocol coming out this year.

>> No.53128764

I too am looking forward to the cross-chain portion of the chainlink protocol, otherwise known as CCIP or the Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol launching this year.

>> No.53128771

OMG this community is filled with gross incels yuck!

>> No.53128772

>b-buh buh you're a j-jeet stop insulting my friend! you're not allowed to insinuate he's a baby! how dare you!?

>> No.53128773

>to the data PORTION
the absolute state of shills mental gymnastics
>automation and cross-chain portions of the protocol coming out this year.
>portions of the protocol coming out this year.
>portions of the protocol
unironically go die in a fire

>> No.53128783


>> No.53128791

kek the irony is that the obly people arguing like women are shills having mental breakdowns and autistic insulting rants while le "fudders" offer actual arguments which get completely ignored

>> No.53128792

a portion of ccip of chainlink protocol coming 2 third this year

>> No.53128797

Its a step up from when they said I won’t ever be a woman at least! Right?

>> No.53128802


>> No.53128808

>>portions of the protocol

>> No.53128811
File: 59 KB, 680x907, wojakfedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am le supreme gentleman fudder! My name is Ser Fudham Tophatt! Nice to meet you!

>> No.53128836

>i’m never coming back
>posts 6 more times
Leave you whiny little pansy

>> No.53128837

No. CCIP is coming this year. It forms portion of the protocol.

>> No.53128844

How would “the new version of the data of the protocol” even make sense?

>> No.53128872

This reads to me like CCIP is a way away.

I had been hoping the 2022 target would mean we'd still see a jan release.

>> No.53128880

CCIP is going to move tokenized assets between bank chains. Maybe even CBDC's. And it's not gonna take so long anymore.

>> No.53128912
File: 53 KB, 298x415, 1660905570979777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CCIP is going to move tokenized assets between bank chains. Maybe even CBDC's. And it's not gonna take so long anymore.

>> No.53128921

>that makes sense
t. Sergey

>> No.53128929

That's the only way it does make sense.

See >>53128844

>> No.53128953

I am hoping we at least get the C portion of CCIP this year. Im not sure what we can do with just Cross but we will figure out a way to shill it.

>> No.53128970

>he didn't get the Sergey Schmidt reference
>"yes that makes sense look at this random shillpost from anonymoose"
cringed and kekked at the same time

>> No.53128996

Explain how “the new version of the data of the protocol” makes sense.

>> No.53129010

sounds like a new beta announced with a bunch of techno babble thrown in the middle
you seem to be reading in this way too much, are you a woman?

>> No.53129016

A new beta version of "the data"?

>> No.53129023
File: 249 KB, 1200x600, 4AAC5784-702D-41E3-AEF6-9395F98D49FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of the Link fud comes around this time of the day. This tells me that it’s unemployed brits/ euros doing it.
Get a job you lazy bums

>> No.53129032

>Yes, that makes sense
like I said, meaningless word salad

>> No.53129056

To those who aren't aware how Chainlink / Chainlinkfag.eth marketing/shilling works: they post something which makes you too nervous to sell in case of a pump (see staking release announcement = just in time to lock up your tokens before the biggest crypto dump in history kek) then once they see incel faggots like you buying up 'cheapies' they dump on your ass.
So screenshot this: sell all your link now and buy back double the stack in a month's time (or don't buy back in because this bullshit is literally heading back to $1)

>> No.53129072
File: 21 KB, 200x200, 3655-soypoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like I said, meaningless word salad

>> No.53129169
File: 33 KB, 619x618, 1672552048834434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chainlink shills are wagies who are so poor they still need to wage to accumulate

>> No.53129188

It makes perfect sense as "the data portion of the protocol".

>> No.53129218

This only makes sense if you realise what he means by the Chainlink protocol is split into different parts, each of which is a "portion" which comprises part of the overall protocol.

Data is one of these portions. CCIP (or cross chain portion) is another.

>> No.53129248

It’s going to be this year. I was just watching some Tik Tok video where the guy is has a prompt in front of his black face saying the pentagon is unable to trace 2.1 trillion and just approved another 800 billion… and there’s like 3,000 comments of people saying they want to burn the shit down. It’s happening. They are going to nosedive everything, and chainlink is going to blossom like a flower and make us all rich.

>> No.53129251

What's the Schmidt bit? I don't see it?

>> No.53129299

Why do people who don’t own Link and think it’s a scam spend lots of time here arguing about it?
It’s probably time to reconsider how you spend your time given that it’s limited.
It reminds me of people on Twitter who spend all day looking for arguments and fights. They usually have pronouns in their bios and rainbow flags and talk about their imaginary ailments and disabilities.(You)

>> No.53129314

board is filled with newfags apparently

>> No.53129376

I know all about Eric Schmidt. I just didn't see the 'Sergey Schmidt reference' you spoke of

>> No.53129406

>yeah, this makes perfect sense

>> No.53129428

During the talk Schmidt shat on sergey for babbling and not making sense. Sergey just went quiet and looked down, it was brutal. Thats when i decided I cannot invest my money with a weedy loser. Schmidt just started talking about his upcoming biography and didn't give a fuck.

>> No.53129443

>Thats when i decided I cannot invest my money with a weedy loser
yet here you are

>> No.53129445

Link is one of the best web3 project just like ORE, with the massive increase in web3 development and adoption, I'm certain that 2023 will be a make it year for all web3 projects.

>> No.53129448

Hope. Is. Lost.

>> No.53129486

Dumbass ccip wasn’t part of the original white paper. Why cant they just finish staking

>> No.53129603

I’ll never grow tired of the “Schmidt shat on Sergey at smartcon” headcanon.
It’s even more fanciful than the Jason Parser and murder contract storylines ever were.

>> No.53129985

Schmidt is the adult in the room, and there is a "master/student" dynamic going on between Sergey and him. How that is "fud" I dont know. Schmidt is right - Sergey has never killed anyone before. Schmidt has. He dominates competition, with a smile, and with a softly spoken billion dollar glint coming off his nicely polished tie pin.

>> No.53130031

he also farts in his toilet just like everyone else

>> No.53130107

why the hell do you think there is no withdraw function ? the guy studied philosophy. he has no practical skills at all. the only thing he's good at is talking and making empty promises (hence philosophy).

>> No.53130129

What role is ore playing in the web3 space?
I have been hearing it over different platforms

>> No.53130132

"Automation" is the new name for keepers, dumbasses.

>> No.53130148

he didn't announce CCIP coming out. he announced a portion of the protocol (can mean ANYTHING) coming out. judging by past actions we can deduce that (full)CCIP is NOT coming out this year.
all the sergey asslickers can fuck off.

>> No.53130181

The portion of the chainlink protocol is the CCIP part.

>> No.53130238

that's what you assume. might be the case. i highly doubt it though since he could have named CCIP but didn't. so far they've always overpromised which to me mean that it really means CCIP 0.00000000000000001. I could be wrong but past actions indicate otherwise.

>> No.53130276

This project helps to bring web2 technologies into the web3 ecosystem and ensure a smooth integration with decentralized blockchain systems.

>> No.53130809

You're a fucking newfag if you don't understand Eric Schmidt in the context of his relationship to Sergey you dipshit.

>> No.53130992

You're not even following this conversation, are you? Try a little harder, Mr Fuddy

>> No.53131149

The fudders in this thread cant comprehend english. Their whole argument is over the syntax in which the word portions was used.

>> No.53131365

lol youve been saying that for 6 years now

>> No.53132779

See you tomorrow, most likely this afternoon

>> No.53133111

Basically the only projects working on mass adoption for web3 via seamless authorization and verification process, secured identities and Crosschain interoperability.

>> No.53133311

Its all about seamless adoption of web3 and lowering the barrier to entry into blockchain tech. Easy.

>> No.53133341

Anyone else remember when ccip was imminent in mid-2021?

>> No.53133370

If they can get the CCIP running it will also be a big win for projects in that niche. I got a few in bag and willing to see ow far they can go.