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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53115565 No.53115565 [Reply] [Original]

"Just wow, what a year! Having lived through the crypto winter of 2018, run the gauntlet of becoming a licensed custodian in a tier-one jurisdiction, stared down the likes of Libra, and just this year witnessed FTX and Terra perpetrate unprecedented levels of fraud and graft......almost nothing phases the Everest team at this point. If you can envision Band of Brothers after Battle of the Bulge, you'll get a sense of how the team at Everest feels about each other and the market. We're still standing, and continuing to grow. 2022 was a year of (a) positioning Everest as a leader in identity and compliance, and (b) establishing infrastructure and a platform to capitalize on flows from fiat to crypto & vice versa, cross border and other financial services - all compliantly.

>> No.53115569
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Everest's compliance and identity positioning cannot be overstated. To quote MLK, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice”. The market is bending towards compliance, and specifically towards regulation in tier-one jurisdictions, where consumers are protected, and audits prevent thefts. Beyond compliance, the thesis of Everest is being proven out......human and deduplicated identity is a requirement for any society or economy to thrive. Twitter, for example, is attempting to verify users are not bots (human), and ultimately determine how many actual users (deduplicated humans, not accounts) are on the platform. The same will play out for DAOs who want to conduct a vote. And again, Everest is the only solution that is able to solve these issues with a crypto wallet and at scale.

>> No.53115572
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Reviewing the past year, we delivered on a few things and are delayed on others. It always takes longer than you think. Some highlights from 2022:

- EverChain testnet released. I expect it will open more publicly later in 2023
- SEPA in/out integrated to facilitate EUR
- Global fiat-in/out via debit card opened
- Instant liquidity and international routes opened with our on-demand liquidity partner
- Buy, trade, sell crypto functionality turned on
- SDK with widget launched
- License addition for reception & transmission of orders
- Chainlink integration to verify human, deduplication and KYC status
- First in the world to do a zero-knowledge proof of KYC and deduplicated human via an interactive 721
- Ability to buy ID tokens directly

>> No.53115577

I recommend watching this to get a sense of the enormous scope of the Everest ecosystem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im8Yv9WnJO0

2023 will be a year of bringing on users and executing transactions. And I expect most of that will come via b2b2c integrations, others integrating our SDK. Additionally, given Malta's foresight on pan-European licensing, Everest is situated to become MiCA licensed as soon as the legislation is signed and matriculated through the national bureaucracy. Here's to a great 2023!"

>> No.53115584
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Ongoing Developments

>Adding "sell" to bank accounts and debit cards

>Turning on more international routes

>Empowering users to add social accounts to their identity and wallets

>Launching with Kina and Papua New Guinea

>> No.53115638
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EU are voting M|CA into law next month and Everest are the only compliant identity data provider on Chainlink. You do the maths.

>> No.53116036
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Based Bob

>> No.53116089

price prediction of this coin ?
those updates, are they bullish for the coin or just the everest company ?
aka is coin needed and will it go up

>> No.53116106
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>> No.53116246

>Adding sell

>> No.53116351
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Retarded fud

>> No.53118268
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Is it true that everest isn’t able to detect a user’s preferred gender?

>> No.53118443
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>> No.53118487

bullish for Everest, Chainlink, Papua New Guinea Central Bank, Polygon, XRP, Kina Bank Indonesia, Railsr, Rapyd, ID2020

>> No.53119066
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You forgot bitso dumb dumb

>> No.53119942
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Its true, even refuses to serve Africans. Dare I say it's 'Our coin'

>> No.53120205

and bitstamp

>> No.53120606

Oh shit the everest scam coin shillers are back.

>> No.53121168
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>16K daily trading volume

>> No.53122301
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The best are never appreciated before their time.

>> No.53123309

Ah yes buy once volume is in and the initial 10-50x is missed, the /biz/ way

>> No.53123630

you're a humongous retard.
yeah bro, it will stay at poorfag pocket change 10K daily trading volume (which is nearly all bots btw) and then suddenly one day there will be hundreds of millions of trading volume in an instant, that's exactly how accumulation goes am i rite XRP to the moon two more weeks bro

in reality there's barely a single actual real human being buying this low liquidity uniswap shitcoin

>> No.53123640

>the everest scam team just bumped this dead thread from page 8
yep, good job street shitter

>> No.53123884

Yes and people who accumulated will be in the same position that everyone who bought broken/dead shitcoins like HBAR/FTM in 2018 were during the bull run.

>> No.53123970

>people who accumulated
there is no accumulation going on, but literal distribution
>HBAR/FTM in 2018
go look at HBAR and FTM volume throughout 2018 and report back.

maybe you'll even learn what accumulation is today

>> No.53124028

Wallets have been accumulating because it’s very cheap to get a few hundred thousand tokens, you are just too busy jerking off over the volume to pay attention.

>> No.53124063

>it’s very cheap to get a few hundred thousand tokens
holy fucking shit lmao

ah yes it's being accumulated because it's so cheap that you can get a lot of shitcoins even for 1 dollar am i rite. all the smart money is pouring in their 2 thousand dollar pocket change buy ins because that's enough, they don't want to make billions and invest 200 thousand when a thousand bucks is enough am i rite. lmao

>> No.53124124

Investing small is generally how people do it when throwing cash at a micro cap with elevated risk, yes.

>> No.53124174

teach me to buy Rose oh wise holders

>> No.53124251

that's how poorfags do it. smart money isn't just poorfags

Chainlink had a marketcap of around 80 mil during 2018, but the volume was still in multiple millions throughout 2018 even though the price was like 20-30 cents. that's accumulation, it's not just a couple of NEETs throwing their mommy allowance at LINK but big players accumulating for a long period of time. and then both the mcap and volume slowly grew to billions. none of that is present with Everest, in fact it's literally the exact opposite, Everest being further distributed not accumulated

>> No.53124428

teach me your ways senpai I want to grow up to be like you

>> No.53124463

Chainlink got an unexpected Binance listing and benefitted from a “bear market” in the middle of continued QE. Crypto has never seen macro conditions like this, you’d be better off analyzing the dot com bubble.

>> No.53124548

>Crypto has never seen macro conditions like this
I'm sure that even you are aware that at this point it's absolute cope to think that there's 16K daily trading volume on Everest "because of macro conditions"

there are many micro caps with similar mcaps to Everest which have 10-100x the volume right this moment

>> No.53125811
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>> No.53125833

senpai why do you ignore me I want to learn

>> No.53126649

The missing piece of the God Protocol. Every Smart Contract has intended interactions 'per user' and there has been no way to verify this until now:



Novel Identity is just as needed as Decentralized Oracles for blockchain to function properly. No matter how decentralized your Oracles are Smart Contracts can still be exploited & gamed outside of intended design by the simple act of creating a second/third/thousandth wallet.
Chainlink hasnt been able to solve this either on it's own. Case and point:


With Everest's biometric key based wallet design a user can only make a single wallet, and then via the Identity Oracle can bridge the data proving their individuality + proof of human cross-chain & handshaking with a user's other wallets.

From this you could for example run an airdrop.
10,000 drops available: 1 airdrop claim per user.
>User claims Airdop with Metamask wallet #1
>User handshakes Metamask #1 with their Everwallet
>Smart Contract verifies they are an individual human
>User recieves their airdrop

>Same user tries to claim airdrop with Metamask Wallet #2
>User handshakes Metamask #2 with their Everwallet
>Smart Contract can tell they have already claimed the airdrop

>Airdrop is now secure from being extracted by a Sybil Exploit.
>With the exploit removed the drop holds its value

1 Link = 1 ID

>> No.53126730
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>> No.53126907
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The sheer tokenomics of Everest alone guarantees that one day 1 LINK = 1 ID. There are only 800,000,000 ID tokens which will be systematically burned by usage of features on the Everest platform, i.e. regulatory compliant KYCing. Not to mention every single institution in crypto and the legacy world wanting to onboard into DeFi will be forced to stake 250,000 tokens if they want full access to the features of Everest. It is not only well within the realms of possibility that 1 LINK = 1 ID given these tokenomics compared to Chainlink’s 1,000,000,000 model - it is an eventual guarantee. By the will of Kek and the All Father, this manifestation is destined to take place. Even if it takes Chainlink dumping further.

>> No.53127341
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Considering price is currently .03 I have strong resentment against this token due to going all in at 30 cents and staking for 40%apy .03 I mean come on , what the fuck. 03 cents? How can anything that will be worth anything be only .03 rn. Makes no sense. Stay away from this cult of lies scam that will be going to less than a penny on the next leg down. Learn from my mistakes and stay away. Far away.

>> No.53127366
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Lift some iron and calm down faggot

>> No.53127383

checked & based

>> No.53127999
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Everest enjoyers are going to make it

>> No.53128081
